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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Never tried a Dingwall, but aesthetically they aint my bag. Having owned a Sado and played a few, I have to say I've been underwhelmed by them. I find them a bit sterile. Me? I'd buy an Overwater. [i]Just my opinion[/i].
  2. That's gorgeous, not your usual fayre though mate? I had you down for a slightly more traditional style bass?
  3. I was 13, and [i]just[/i] starting to show an interest in music. I would have had a copy of ELO's Out Of The Blue around then which started me off, but it was my older brother playing Be Bop Deluxe and Yes records that really grabbed my attention. I got my first bass from Rhythm House in Stockport, a Columbus Jazz, maybe a year or so later.
  4. Yum, black/maple Precison, doesn't get much better than that.
  5. I, like Pete, have to pipe up for Marcus, one of my favourite playes. I too have grown tired of some of his slappy poppy solo stuff like some other people, but as part of a band, the man is a groove god for me, and no-one could ever convince me that he doesn't put his heart into every note he plays. That said, Steve Harris, Robbie Shakespeare and Jah Wobble are groove gods to me too. Horses for courses. We'll none of us ever agree who's great and who isn't, we all like different stuff and different styles don't we?
  6. Looking forward to seeing the bass, and I'm very interested in what you think of it, they look fantastic. Paradoxically, is there any chance it could've been imported in one of the containers on your ship at any point?
  7. I'm no expert but it looks OK to me. Any BC bass I've ever tried has been great.
  8. If someone blows you away live with various tricks and stuff, but doesn't do it for you on the car stereo in the cold light of day then maybe the tricks and chops don't amount to much. It's [i]all[/i] about how it [i]sounds[/i] to me.
  9. [quote name='Rich' post='886223' date='Jul 5 2010, 12:41 PM']the last thing we need is [i]yet another[/i] "it's just fretw*nking / no it's not / yes it is" thread[/quote] Ditto. Just take the music for what it is, and as a jazz fan (and rock, and dub and...whatever) I really like that kind of stuff. Some of it I don't get of course, but that's the same with any genre I guess. I went through a big time solo bass type thing about 12 months ago, Marcus, Janek, Victor etc etc, and while I still like that stuff, I find I much prefer now to hear the bass as part of a band groove rather than what I'd call showing off widdley diddley stuff, but there's a place for us all, whatever we're into. For me [i]personally[/i] Adam Nitti is still the man.
  10. Best looking SC I've ever seen, beautiful. Nice playing in the clips too sir.
  11. 3 or 4 times a year per bass for me normally. Although I do sweat like a glass blowers arse during gigs, so if I have a lot of gigs it might be more often. I normally use EB Slinkys, and they'll last 3 or 4 months before they're too dead for me. I do like some zing in my string.
  12. Final hike to the top, and I'll just hang on to it. I guess my back will have to hold out a bit longer.
  13. Rayman

    Bass Porn

    Anndra, I wonder if you know of a photographer sadly no longer with us called Bob Carlos Clarke? His style was quite similar to yours, and I'm a big fan. I did a masterclass with him some years ago before he decided to jump under a train, it was a fantastic day, and I still have the signed print he gave me. I for one would love to see more of your stuff.
  14. He does yeah, give him a call and tell him what you're after, he'll wind a pickup accordingly. Have you thought about Villex? Passive, but massive range of tones and big output.
  15. I've been on here a long time, and done many [i]many[/i] sales and trades with all sorts of people on basschat (and bassworld as was) and never once had an issue. You'll find the vast majority of people on here are the salt of the earth, although there's always a few characters to avoid, I hasten to add I don't know any on here. Follow the advice above, try and do some research into the person you're trading with and if they have good feedback etc, then you shouldn't have a problem. There's always an element of trust when posting stuff, but it's a lot safer on here than on somewhere like ebay because most of us on here know who most of the users are. Just be a little wary of new members who haven't posted very much. You do get the odd member who only comes here to sell stuff, and people like that we don't know much about.
  16. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='885604' date='Jul 4 2010, 05:43 PM']Janek can groove like buggery when he neeeds to, as in when he does a pop gig. A great all-rounder IMO.[/quote] Yep, saw him with JEM a couple of years ago, and although I was slightly distracted by the lady herself, Janek was holding it all together in the band, nice and simple, just the way I like the bass to be.
  17. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='885773' date='Jul 4 2010, 08:25 PM']The shop I teach at's main competitor is crap, their priority is to sell a guitar rather than help people. Not long ago we had a 9 year old child that wanted to start learning, he didn't know what kind of guitar he wanted to learn, their advice was to buy a full sized spanish. So he did, then took it upstairs for the free lesson with them and straight away the guitar teacher told them that they'd made a bad choice (when they just followed the advice of the shop)[/quote] That makes me mad, so many young people must get put off in a similar way.
  18. I've often wondered about trying DB, but have been put off by the price of a decent one. Do you mind me asking Chris, was it a decent one or a cheaper model. I've always wondered if the cheaper ones are worth a punt.
  19. It's scary that people like that are some young people's first contact with working musicians. I've recently taken a young lad under my wing, searched hard on here to find him a great first instrument, a nice Yamaha, so nice I nearly kept it for myself I hasten to add, and he's loving it. Hopefully a new young bass player has been started off on his way, and I'll be just as careful when finding him a decent teacher. The last thing a new young player wants is some pillock telling him his gear is no good and giving him duff info. What a turd.
  20. I've just flogged the best Precision I've played in years for £125 quid, and all because it said Squier on the headstock. Superb old bass, playability and tone in spades, I'll really miss it a lot, and it's way better than many of the Fenders I've tried in recent years. Says it all really.
  21. Awesome, looks like a good do, and better than some of the holes I've played recently. Nice rig by the way.
  22. I like my strings loose and flappy like my women. DR Highbeams or TI flats as pointed out before fit the bill perfectly. Although I still have a soft spot of Super Slinkys.
  23. I understand Matt Garrison is doing Bassday in Manchester in November, so I'll look forward to checking him out.
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