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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I love the new bass feeling, I'm addicted to it, which is why I change my gear about so often. I agree 100% with Delberthot, I've had some top end gear that really bored me to death, and some cheaper basses that have blown me away. It certainly doesn't have to cost the earth to be a great instrument. To illustrate the point, I used the Fleabass on a couple of songs at last nights gig, and everyone commented on how great it sounded.
  2. Why can't I embed the bloody thing.........
  3. I'm baffled why professional companies can't get this right. I've ofter wondered about setting up a parcel delivery company myself, specializing in musical equipment maybe. As an ex removal man, I'm very aware of how to handle and pack stuff correctly. FWIW I've used Parcelfarce MANY times, never used anyone else, and I mean dozens of basses and guitars over the years, and they've always got them there in perfect nick. I don't doubt that many other people have had bad experiences though. Worst couriers for me are TNT. With my previous company they mangaged to destroy and lose more material than they actually delivered.
  4. John had a prototype on his Precision at Bassday in Manchester last November. I thought it was cool then, I definately want one for my Squier now.
  5. Stunning bass, and as a L42 fan I'd love to own one, but you'd have to have some bottle to pull that out at a gig.
  6. That's awesome, best of luck with it mate, enjoy every second.
  7. Beautiful, it doesn't get much better than that.
  8. I'd love this. I tried an Urge 1 many years back and promised myself one, but have never gotten around to finding one. Of course when one comes up I haven't got a penny to my name. Typical.
  9. Oh man, that's the exact bass I was after. Why am I always broke??
  10. Yeah top quality mate. That Sandberg sounds fantastic, I love a bit of slap me, especially when it's done well and with some feeling. You can tell you're enjoying playing, it comes across in the music, and that makes it fun to listen too.
  11. OK, bad timing on my part, but Sounds Great were in the midst of a delivery from Ashdown, so I couldn't try the Tribute JB2 out, but it seemed well put together, nice finish on the frets, although I wish this trend for anemic looking maple necks would end, they would look so much nicer with an aged lacquer instead, just like the Jap Jaguar parked next to the JB2 on the wall. Same layout as a Jazz, I guess it would sound similar, and it seemed to be quite light in weight too, but then I'm used to my P bass being a bit of a clonker. I'll try and bob back in the next couple of days to try it out.
  12. You could have a poke around on here for some input: [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com"]http://www.bassesbyleo.com[/url] I'm off to Sounds Great.
  13. [quote name='redstriper' post='860414' date='Jun 7 2010, 09:54 PM']Good work Rayman! If they've got a JB-2 tribute, do me a favour and check it out for me with special attention to the solo neck pup sound with the tone rolled off and all the mids and top cut on the amp (markbass LM2 if pos). Nowt like cheek eh![/quote] Consider it my quest
  14. Who [i]is[/i] this Flea bloke anyway? Herbie Flowers.......now [i]he[/i] can play the bass.
  15. I'm off to Sounds Great tomorrow then.
  16. [quote name='redstriper' post='860363' date='Jun 7 2010, 09:17 PM']I don't know what's in me tea, but I'm seeing triple.......... I've never found a precision with as much low end as my old jazz - they do thump though. BTW - are you getting the L2000 from purpleturtle or sounds great?[/quote] True, Robbie and his Jazz do it for me every time. The P can be a bit middy, but if you pluck it near the end of the neck it does the trick. No, I'm in the process of doing a deal with another BC member. It's never done till it's done, but it's still on the cards. Never actually played one, but the reviews are good I hear. I have however tried a Tribute version that Greeneking had a while back and loved it to bits.
  17. Such a good post, I had to say it three times .
  18. [quote name='yourchoiceguitar' post='859695' date='Jun 7 2010, 11:44 AM']Basically I have a small site and want to have USA company based items on the site, such as Bartolini etc - stuff that isnt easily available in the UK.[/quote] You could always try Villex. Extraordinary pickups, and the european arm of the company seems to have dissapeared at the moment. I assume they're still available, and they were the best Jazz pups I've ever used.
  19. I'm on the verge of picking up a G&L USA L2000, so all that info's been very useful. I understand there are issues with a bit of buzz from the pups on some early models, don't if that's true? Either way, I'm looking forward to trying one out in the next couple of days. In my case the low thump I need for dub stuff is covered with my Precision fitted with flats, so I'm hoping for some bright honk from the L2000.
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