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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Don't think the signature will add much the value mate, but good luck with it anyway, it's a nice bass.
  2. There seems to be a few Sadowskys around at the moment, and they're all fabulous, I certainly love mine, but this one really does look sharp, wish I could oblige.
  3. [quote name='The Funk' post='745912' date='Feb 15 2010, 02:45 PM']The general consensus seems to be that Clapton is god and that Beck is in the way. That was not my reaction at all![/quote] Seen them both a numberof times over the years, and Beck is a much more enoyable gig IMO. Clapton was great the first time I saw him, then subsequent gigs have been dull, although he was great again during an open air gig in Yorkshire a couple of years back, although I was a bit pissed. Jeff has been fabulous every time I've seen him, a true guitar god. How anyone could claim they prefered Clapton over Beck is a mystery to me.
  4. My dream bass.....but way out of my price range, good luck with it.
  5. Beautiful...........beautiful............beautiful...............
  6. [i]Yeah[/i]....quality clip, he's just brilliant.
  7. Rayman


    Rehearsed with the bass within a band setting a couple of nights ago. Very pleased with it. The sound of the EMG punches through nicely, not the same kind of cut you can get from an active bass of course, but there's a nice click and plenty of bottom end. The band liked it, and in fact the drummer prefered it to the tone of the Sadowsky, so I guess that's a good thing in this basses favour, although I wouldn't agree with him on that particular point, it does sound great though. I like the way it looks, and I like the way it plays, now I like the way it sounds. Yes, I've thrown money at it, but I think it was worth it for the end result. Will I make it active at some point? Nah, it's fine now as it is. It has it's own voice, it sounds different to my other two basses, and I'll be including it in the live set up from now on. Maybe at some point I'll track down a Modulus Flea to sit next to it on the stand, they'd make a great pair.
  8. The EMG is bigger sounding, but still quite middy, it's not exactly bristling with clean top end, but I get a nice clicky, punchy tone similar to a precision with all pots up to full. I have to add that I've replaced [i]all[/i] the electrics, pots, jack and all, just because....well.....just because. I was changing the pup so I thought I might as well do the lot at once. I know what you mean about the young lad and the vid on You Tube, the bass actually sounds better on a couple of his recordings as stock. I'm rehearsing with my Fleabass for the first time within the band on Weds, so I'll update [i]my[/i] thread about the bass after that. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71695&hl=fleabass"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=fleabass[/url]
  9. I've modded mine with an EMG-35HZ pup, and I love it, great little bass.
  10. BAAHHH.....Just bought one of these new, I'd have had it from you. Great bags, highly recommended.
  11. Sex on a stick Clarky, the perfect pair. Hang on to 'em both for dear life, and don't let 'em go. You'll never need anything else again.
  12. The new MIAs are a return to form in my opinion, especially the P5s, they're great basses. I think though that the Japanese models are outstanding, and as you say, is an American model worth the extra cash? For what it's worth, I've owned/played loads of Precisions down the years, and my favourite one of all is the 200 quid early 90s Squier I now use. It's perfect ([i]for me[/i]).
  13. Yeah, a nice old Fender, they really do have a soul other basses don't seem to have. I miss having a '78 Precision I foolishly moved on last year, but strangely an old Jap Squier Precision has filled it's boots admirably, I think I might prefer the Squier, it's fab, and in fact the Sado hasn't been out for a while because of it. If I was in the market for something special, I'd be looking for a [i]nice[/i] vintage Jazz or Precision. I'll be 50 in 5 years time, maybe then.
  14. [i]For me personally[/i] I think the tone is vital. Everything else has to come second. I've had dozens of basses I loved in terms of how they look and play, but they didn't [i]sound[/i] right to me. I mean I won't buy a bass if I don't like how it plays, looks etc, that's paramount too, after all, the look of the thing is what attracts you to it in the first place, but if the [i]tone[/i] is right, if it sounds great to you with eyes shut, then that to me is the most important thing with any musical instrument, how it sounds, I mean we are talking about music after all.
  15. I'd still say that the Ibanez K5 I had a year or two back was maybe one of the comfiest basses I've ever owned, it was a dream to play. My only issue was the tone. I struggled to get a clean punch in a live situation with it. Massive bottom end and a nice click to it too, but as per Fieldy's chosen sound, the mids always seemed very scooped no matter what I did. However, I certainly echo the fact that the SR design is a future classic, great basses.
  16. I've been lucky enough to have a quick go on that Precison at the Colne Blues festival a few years back, it was pure magic. Classic photo Dave, but I can beat that on the embarrassment stakes. I've recently come across some 20 year old pictures of myself in my days as the lead singer with an 80's metal band. Scary stuff I can tell you.
  17. Gah....I've been chasing after a Marcus 5 for ages, but when one appears I'm skint.
  18. I can confirm, this bass is the Rolls Royce of OLP's. No expense spared during upgrades.
  19. Nice. That really does look and sound perfect.
  20. Just got this a couple of weeks ago for my Precision, but the arrival of a Ritter double Superpak means I don't need it. The exact same bag, details etc; [url="http://www.fusion-bags.com/products-in-guitar-ukulele-gig-bags/f4-bass-guitar-blue-21359"]http://www.fusion-bags.com/products-in-gui...itar-blue-21359[/url] SOLD
  21. I was gutted Rhonda wasn't with Prince's band at the O2 last year, I'll definitely be checking her out with Jeff, I haven't seen Jeff Beck live for years. By the way, I bought Tal Wilkenfield's album on iTunes, and I'm a bit underwhelmed by yet another Jazz orientated "bass" album, nothing new there at all.
  22. Here's mine: I've had a few Precisions, including a '78, a new P5, a MIJ Fender, a MIM Fender, and now this early 90s MIJ Squier, and I have to say, apart from maybe the P5, this one is the best of the lot. It's brilliant.
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