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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Just had a thought, am I going to get stung on import duty for a Sadowsky Vintage Tone Control unit I just bought directly from them? It's only tiny yes, but cost over $100.
  2. TUESDAY?? I hope not, otherwise I'm in big trouble. I love these basses, I'd be tempted myself if I had the money, good luck with it.
  3. Rayman


    Yes of course, but then I've had basses worth a grand plus that I've modded too, in fact my Sadowsky is about to have a Vintage Tone Control fitted which is not standard either. I think it would be a shame to write these Fleabasses off, when the addition of a decent pickup would improve them immensely. Maybe it'll all be a waste of time [i]and[/i] money, we'll see.
  4. Rayman


    A rehearsal with the Fleabass (before the upgrades) was enough to convince me not to use it for last nights gig. It was very middy and lacking any serious punch. The tone control did very little to make things any better. Playability is really good with this bass, it's really only a tone issue now for me. It's now with my tech having the upgrades done, I'll post again when it's finished.
  5. Yeah I understand JV's had 5 figure numbers, never heard of a 3.
  6. [i]For me[/i], and I like weird basses, that's hideous, sorry.
  7. If you have nothing good to say on a for sale thread PM it.
  8. It's a stunning bass Clarky, definately worth hanging on to.
  9. Oh bugger, that's bad news Paul. Man, I wish I had the money, I know what a fabulous bass this is.
  10. Underrated: Captain Birdseye, his crumb coated haddock fillets really are amazing. Overrated: The Wombles. They're useless, I've been to Wimbledon, and it's covered in empty beer cans and crisp packets.
  11. Bet you're made up you started this thread Pete?
  12. I'll be round tomorrow Tony to record my new album.
  13. [size=1]breaks down and cries[/size]............. Mummy I want it.
  14. I'd give [i]both[/i] my balls for a Brian Setzer 6120.
  15. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='702513' date='Jan 6 2010, 10:04 AM']Its actually Kool & The Gang[/quote] NOW you're talking....git [i]DOWWWWN[/i] baby.
  16. [i]Yowzer!![/i] That's the sexiest Lakland ever, and I've played/owned a few, awesome.
  17. I need a dictionary to even keep up with this thread.
  18. I had a Thunderjet identical to the one at the top, it was a work of art, just beautiful, even the Mrs liked it, BUT, as pretty as it was, I couldn't get on with it at all, neither could the chap that bought it from me. I used it live once, but couldn't get any kind of sound I was happy with, it was very middy sounding, no top end at all, no punch, and the rest of the band were grimacing at me mid set wanting me to put the Jazz back on, which I did, and hey presto, the bass could be heard again. Stunning looking bass, I was so happy the day I bought it, but I only kept it a month and away it went, shame.
  19. I'm in a similar boat having just sold a bass with one of my Ritter bags, so I need a replacement too. These are pricey aren't they? My top of the range Ritter was only £90, and that's really as much as I want to pay.
  20. I agree with everyone. I think to have a good grounding in theory is a big advantage to any musician, and any younger players on here reading this should do their best to do that in my opinion. For the rest of us clowns who can't be arsed, we'll carry on down our chosen paths, and have great fun playing and enjoying music the way we always have.
  21. Why on earth hasn't this sold? Bump.
  22. [quote name='Doddy' post='701173' date='Jan 5 2010, 12:02 AM']A mate of mine has got a great knowledge of theory,and regularly tours the world with some of the biggest names in Jazz,has done some major 'Pop' tours, is an in demand clinician,and is also a busy producer and MD. [/quote] A mate of mine is a professional guitarist who can read anything you put in front of him instantly. Try and get him to write a great song though..........he's clueless, no creative tendancies whatsoever.
  23. Beautiful. Were you ever tempted by the hollowbody ACG Alan brought to the Moffat bash? It seemed to have found a home in your arms.
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