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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I'll miss this thread when it finally ends...... or should I say if........
  2. They were absolutely fantastic last night in Manchester, great night, and with a rather fetching white MM SR5 and an Ashdown rig holding up the low end, brilliant.
  3. Yeah you can't beat a good portrait of yourself with the bass, maybe black and white, maybe head and shoulders, and most importantly with a smile on your face. I don't care if it's for a death metal band or a jazz band, the other guys in the band will need to like the look of you first and foremost, so a smile will do it every time for me, I can't stand the mean and moody look.
  4. Yes, unfortunately the buyer pulls all the strings now on ebay, so being a seller can be a nightmare for the reasons you point out. Difficult situation for you to retrieve I fear, you may be better trying to save the bass if possible and moving on as pointed out above. Ragging up the tension on a bass (or lowering it) needs to be done carefully (if at all IMO) and it sounds like your buyer has been very clumsy in trying it. What a pisser.
  5. Never tried a CV Jazz, I really should, they look great.
  6. Rayman


    Beautiful bass, wish I could afford it. Bump.
  7. [quote name='ahpook' post='685000' date='Dec 15 2009, 11:47 AM']i've got one. what would you like to know ?[/quote] I'd like to know if you'll give it to me???
  8. Here's the Steve Bailey bass.... Looks fantastic, never seen one in the flesh though.
  9. Isn't the Fender Steve Bailey sig bass a 6er? I think it's fretless too.
  10. They look nice, but the thing I've always likes about Stingrays is that they're a workhorse bass that can pick up a few dings at gigs and it doesn't matter, but I'd be afraid of taking one of those puppies down to the Millstone pub on Saturday night, for fear of scratching it.
  11. Music Dojo looks great to me, I've also been thinking about it for a while. Adam Nitti is a top bloke and a great teacher, I'm sure Music Dojo would be a more value for money option, and worth a punt, because you won't loose a fortune if it doesn't float your boat.
  12. Get on Talkbass and put a thread up airing your issue. That'd be my next move. Why can't people just hold their hands up and be straight? If there's a problem, just a quick message to fill you in is all it takes.
  13. Mine was Japanese, but was from the late 70s. Great bass, heavy, but very nice tone.
  14. The Smashing Pumpkins were the worst. I've seen hundreds of bands over the 30 or so years I've been going to gigs, but I was really looking forward to seeing them @ the Manc Apollo, and they were dreadful. A mate of mine had warned me that they would be terrible after he'd seen them before, and he was right.
  15. You can keep yer blinkin 1x8 super lightweight whatever mini cabs.......... nowt moves air better than a couple of ruddy great back breaking wardrobes the size of a small car with 1x15s in 'em.
  16. Actually, I take it back, it [i]is[/i] quite a good magazine, for lining the hamsters cage with.
  17. Bass player has always been rubbish in my opinion. Once you've got all the adverts out of the way, there's very little content of any interest. BGM is head and shoulders above BP in every respect.
  18. [quote name='spacebeer' post='678232' date='Dec 8 2009, 05:52 PM']There is a huge difference between the Epi and the real deal[/quote] Not sure I agree... I've had both and to be honest the Gibson wasn't worth the extra money. The White Epi I had was a far nicer bass to play, better looking bass than the Gibson was, and in terms of tone, I preferred the Epiphone too. I used it for a year or so in a UFO tribute band and had nothing but praise heaped on it during that time, and in fact when I saw Pete Way with UFO using an Epiphone too, it just confirmed to me how good they are (or how skint he is ). I've said it in the past, if I was in the market for a Thunderbird, I'd be looking for a nice Epiphone and saving the extra £800 I'd need for the Gibson and buying a nice used Stingray with it instead. Nothing wrong with a nice Gibson of course, I just believe a good Epi is a great bass regardless of price, and certainly shouldn't need any upgrades at all, not in my experience anyway.
  19. [quote name='budget bassist' post='675120' date='Dec 5 2009, 05:44 PM']your missus looks a lot like janet jackson...[/quote] She get's that a lot.
  20. Rayman

    The Fantastics!

    Good man, we'll look out for that.
  21. Me and the Mrs just had a couple of shots taken for a christmas card, what do you think?
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