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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-SRX-500-Active-4-string-Bass_W0QQitemZ290363522855QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item439b03bf27"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-SRX-500-Activ...=item439b03bf27[/url]
  2. Rayman


    I have an APB-5 as my backup, and honestly, I've been using it more than the Kinal of late. Absolutely stonking basses these.
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='648591' date='Nov 8 2009, 10:22 AM']He's the drummer ;-)[/quote] Ha ha....OK.....I'm not a fan obviously.
  4. Ooohh that's a beautiful bass, sorry to hear about your problems, but surely someone will snap this up, it's absolutely stunning. If only I had the dosh.
  5. Wasn't Tico Torres the bass player originally? Or have I got that wrong?
  6. Stunning Shuker Bob, wish I had the cash for that. Villex are superb pickups.
  7. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='645880' date='Nov 5 2009, 12:04 AM']Doh, if I hadn't just bought another bass from this site, I'd be all over this like a cheap suit.[/quote] Ditto, wonderful bass at a great price.
  8. [quote][/quote] That sir, is possibly the best looking bass I've ever seen.....[i]wow[/i]!
  9. I have heard of a couple of instances where the headstock had either cracked or broken off while in transit due to string tension. Whether or not that would happen with no tension on the neck is debateable, but it was a well known luthier who advised me to slacken the strings while posting it.
  10. Yes, always. It takes the strain off the neck while being thrown from pillar to post by the couriers.
  11. Thee was a lot of, [i]what I'd call[/i], top end stuff there. A few Fenders at the back of the stage, some nice ones too, including Paul's '73 and Alan's P5, but the ACGs, Seis, Sadowskys etc were stealing the show.
  12. Brilliant day all round. Great people and some great gear too, by a mile the best bash I've been to in the years I've been on here (and Bassworld). Highlights for me....Eude on the ACG fretless, Dave Perry's monster tones, Toasted's Sadowsky, Greeneking's wonderful Spectors, the cheesburger in the caff, Homer's rig, and all rounded off with a set from Peter's (greeneking) band in a pub near Penrith, with Peter leading from the front on his lovely sounding Status. Thouroughly fantastic weekend, in a great town, with some great people, can't wait for the next one.
  13. Ha ha....she was out Steve, no wife, no kids just peace and quiet. Cheers for that Al, it was great to see you mate, pity we were crap in the first set, second set as usual was [i]much[/i] better. I kept standing on the lead into my floor tuner and pulling it out. I just couldn't work out why my sound kept going off , ah well, sussed it out in the end. Yeah the Fernandes didn't get a fair go last night, when the sound went off I quickly took it off and put the Kinal on before realizing it wasn't a bass problem, but a lead problem instead. Totally threw me, and it took a handful of songs for the panic to wear off and for me to settle down again. I played the Fernandes with the EQ flat, so it was a little uninspiring tone wise at first. but as soon as I played with the EQ at half time it sounded mega second half. Superb basses both of 'em, and I'd be a numpty to sell either. Luckily no-one wanted the Kinal when it was up for sale, as you say Peter, I really should hang on to it, it's beyond compare to anything else I've owned.
  14. Gig's @ The Lowes Arms in Stockport tonight mate. Yes Ped, Robert Trujillo uses a Fernandes, different model to mine though and probably a custon job. Fernandes are best know for the budget stuff they make, but these APB-5s (APB-100 not sure which) are at the higher end of the scale I believe.
  15. I've got the hots for that sunburst '51 RI on the wall.....stunning.
  16. Nice set up sir, an extensive collection there, and a bit of a rocker I presume? I loved my White Epi TB, cracking basses, and I was fond of my 78 P bass too, should've kept that one. How do the Dirnt and Hoppus compare? I've had my eye on both in the past.
  17. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='640046' date='Oct 29 2009, 01:55 PM']Will the Fernandes make its debut tonight then?[/quote] Sure will mate. Yes, I knew you'd like it Dave, MIJ, perfect condition, an absolute steal IMO, so I'll bring it on Saturday along with the Kinal. Yes Pete, it's narrower than the Kinal, 16mm I think although I've not had the ruler out yet.
  18. I've just taken delivery of a rather brilliant little bass in the form of a Fernandes APB-5. So while lemon oiling the fretboard and re-stringing it ready for tonights gig, I took a picture: The Fernandes is on the left, and is is remarkably similar to my wonderful Kinal MK-5 on the right. The Fernandes has a superb range of tones, bright and punchy and is a dream to play. The string spacing is a bit tight but that doesn't bother me, it's just brilliant, a real find. I knew nothing about the Fernandes, but did some research before buying it. Turns out they're very highly regarded by those in the know, and certainly aren't available any more, it's probably a late 90's bass. Nice build quality, Gotoh tuners, and the pickups are very Jazz like, but as I say, very punchy with the help of the EQ. It was bought purely as a backup to the Kinal, but to be honest, I'm planning to open the set with it, and maybe I'll leave the Kinal on the stand tonight. Bring on tonights gig.
  19. You'll have to change your username mate ....said the man with no Stingrays anymore.
  20. I already own mine too........
  21. That's absolutely fab, love it. I used to love A1 music, it was like the catacombs down there, a proper music shop, and I loved Rhythm House in Stockport too, bought my first bass from there around '79, a Columbus Jazz, which was crap, but I were only a lad.
  22. I must buy Gracelands, I really must.......the album that is......not the house.
  23. Best looking Bongo I ever saw...... I love the shape, I'm just not into the mad colours, so natural like the one above would be awesome. Surely a Bongo 5HH is the only bass anyone could ever really need? (edit; yes I know this one is an HS)
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