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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I witnessed Pete Way trying to keep Phil Mogg and Michael Schenker apart during a UFO gig in Manchester a couple of years back. Schenker was totally pissed as usual, and Mogg took exception to his lousy playing, and so tried to hit him with the mic stand. Only Pete Way and his Thunderbird could keep them apart. Very funny.
  2. [quote name='TheButler' post='617599' date='Oct 5 2009, 04:11 PM']I like to do a lot of laptop rooted experimenting and i couldn't make sounds half as weird as his. He has a creative mind many would envy, but the product - that is his music - is what many would call.. well, rubbish.[/quote] Yep, each to his own, that's for sure. I'm definitely a fan though, I love it. After years of the live band treadmill, My brother and myself are about to start some home demo stuff, hopefully in a similar style to Squarepusher, but of course nowhere near as good!! I'm not up to that kind of standard, not by a country mile and then some, but certainly for our own fun, and it beats band politics any day, I mean, drum machines don't answer back . I think it's a shame that some bassists won't give Squarepusher a go, I think there's room for everything from James Jamerson to Squarepusher and everything inbetween.
  3. It is a bit mad, and certainly not for the traditionalists, but if you like to explore new areas of music, and where you could take a bass onto different levels, Squarepusher is a real inspiration.
  4. [quote name='Mecklenburg' post='617541' date='Oct 5 2009, 03:28 PM']I'm thinking its not worth £400...[/quote] Unless I'm missing something.....me neither.
  5. Yeah awesome. Enjoyed the interview with him in BGM too Mike. Russ.
  6. Radio 1, Friday Rock Show session for Tommy Vance in 1986, in the days when I was a lead singer. When I was a kid, I used to listen to the show religiously, and dreamed of being on it one day. When I was actually in Maida Vale recording the session, I could hardly believe it. Standing next to the radio when it was broadcast, with my mum and dad listening, was a very proud moment.
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='614979' date='Oct 2 2009, 05:04 PM']Was it you that pulled? [/quote] It was definately me that hurled.
  8. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='614848' date='Oct 2 2009, 02:41 PM']Cocaine? or failing that some whizz?[/quote] Works every time. I did a wedding gig last year with Gastric Flu. Any other gig I would've pulled out, but with a wedding you're screwed. I was shaking on the stage, sweating, and trying not to think about throwing up where I stood. Full 2 x 45 min sets with buffet and DJ sets too, I got through it, but it wasn't nice, and I don't remember much about it. Apparently I was slumped on the floor behind the stage for most of the night. I'm told there was a bevy of beauties there for that one, and one of the band pulled too, but I remember nowt about the whole thing, other than wishing I was dead. Does that help at all??
  9. West Cumbria, have you been to Promenade in Morcambe? There's a shop in Kendal too, can't remember the name.
  10. Will do mate, I'll give it some thought.
  11. Yep, got to be careful these days, I'd be asking lots of quetions first.
  12. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-GSR-180-Sunburst-Electic-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ370250222897QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Consumer_Professional_RL?hash=item5634a20d31&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-GSR-180-Sunbu...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] Peavey because they're generally well made basses, even at the lower end of the range. I nearly bought a Peavey Millenium once, I was very impressed. The Ibanez would be a good buy too though, again a reliable maker. Ibanez and Yamaha make good stuff, you're pretty safe with a bass with either name on the headstock.
  13. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BASS-Guitar-Yamaha-RBX374-RBX-374-Silver-Barely-used_W0QQitemZ330364363905QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item4ceb402481&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BASS-Guitar-Yamaha-R...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url]
  14. I'd be looking seriously at the Peavey from that list by the way.
  15. Sorry, should have read your last post. Well, if you're going to buy from a store, it's simply a case of trying as much as you can, and pick the one you like best. Simple as that really. To warn you, I bought my young daughter her first bass from ebay, it's a Swift, and is in a simillar price range...and it's really bad to be honest, so be careful, and take your time looking.
  16. Have a look for something used on here, and take your time, you money will go further.
  17. That's just amazing, what a great finish.
  18. Go and try a pile of basses, as many as you can, and take your time, because if you spend 500 quid and end up with a bass you're not happy with, you're goosed. Second hand, £500 will buy you an excellent bass, starter or not. A nice Precision or Jazz would be top of [i]my[/i] list, and used you could find a nice MIA model. No one could ask for anything better.
  19. Plenty of gigs done under the influence of far too much beer, and I play like a drain when I'm like that, I just can't concentrate, so the line is drawn under a couple of pints at the most before playing these days. Years ago when I was the singer in a metal band, we had a gig @ the Iron Master club in Telford. We had a lady from Roadrunner records coming to see us so we were nervous. Long story short, I got hammered, truly hammerd before we went on. Unfortunately she turned up. I got halfway through the set, stood on a table and waved my 3 piece suite in her face, and disappeared into the bogs, with the microphone, while the audience listened to me groaning through the PA before falling asleep on the piss soaked floor of the toilets. It was a joke, I'm certainly not proud of it at all, and the big shame was the A&R woman thought we were good until the 'table incident', after which she got up and left.
  20. I have to say I like the white pearl on there. It might look a bit [i]too[/i] black with a black guard. [i]Cream[/i] Pearl would look fab.
  21. I'd be looking out for a MIM Precision Deluxe and doing some upgrading on that perhaps?
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