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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Just bought from Homer a few weeks back, but just not for me. Excellent condition Korg Pandora PX4-B (the red one), plus the manual and a power supply, but no box I'm afraid. £40 delivered.
  2. I said I'd never sell it for sentimental reasons, and for the fact that with all the upgrades I'd never get my money back, but because I'm keeping the Kinal, I still need some cash. Close up of the upgrades and the brass nut. You know what the rest looks like. Standard OLP Tony Levin in the more desirable quilt top. Upgrades; Nordstrand 5.2 pickup, John East 3 band EQ, beautiful brass nut (handmade), and a musicman battery box on the back. Mint condition except for two tiny holes on the back where the new battery box was fitted. This bass is now a truly amazing bass. I've spent over £400 on upgrades, the East EQ was £175 and the pup was £120, no expense spared. So the electrics are now the best of the best IMO, the bass plays and sounds stunning. What can I ask for it?? I'll never get the cash back on it, but it has to be worth £300 of anyone's money for the parts alone. Comes in a Ritter bag. If someone has a Japanese Fender Precision or Jazz to offer in a trade I'm interested. NOW SOLD.
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='609831' date='Sep 27 2009, 09:24 AM']That is so cool Russ![/quote] Just a shame that with the exception of Ritchie, they're all gone. I've also found a signed christmas card from The Stranglers. I was a member of the SIS (Stranglers Info Service) many years ago when Sarah Perrin ran it. I was in a band back then called SideFX, and sent her a poster and a demo. They had the poster on the wall in the office apparently. I recieved a card from them that christmas. Never did get our support slot with them though.
  4. Loads of you must have acquired some nice objects over the years, autographed Cd's, drum sticks thrown from the stage etc, I just wondered what your favourite items are? Like most people, I've met plenty of celebs over the years, usually outside a venue, Jeff Beck, David Byrne, Mick Jones etc etc, but by far my most treasured item is a denim jacket signed by The Ramones in 1986. I met them at a record store signing in Nottingham prior to the gig at Rock City that night. I'd seen them at the Manchester Apollo the night before, and I'd been right at the front, in front of Johnny. I waited in the queue to get an autograph, but when I got there I realized I'd got nothing for them to sign. So off came my Denim Jacket, and they happily signed it for me. The best bit, was when Johnny looked at me and said he'd seen me the night before in Manchester down at the front, I had a grin on my face for days. That night at the Rock City they were just awesome. Johnny played Warthog and chucked his plectrum into the audience, I flattened anyone else trying to get it and managed to find it in the dark. It's stuck to the bottom of the signed photo below. Johnny, Dee Dee, Ritchie Joey Signed (and battered) pic with Johnny's plectrum stuck to the bottom.
  5. Thanks again for that. I'll have a look around and see who's available around here.
  6. Thanks very much for that folks, I'll have a look into it. If it's important, I'm 6'3" and 17 stone, don't know if that has any influence on the size of bass I'd need.
  7. I've been umming and ahhing about trying double bass for ages. I guess my questions is, how does one get to [i]try[/i] upright for a while before making any decisions? I've been a jazz fan for many years, but I've only ever played rock electric bass, so I know that a transition would be difficult. Trouble is, I don't know [i]anyone[/i] who's an upright player in the South Manchester area where I live. Does anyone know of any teachers around here? Another point is of course money. I have very little so buying an instument will be difficult, and even if I could raise some money, it would be for a budget bass I suppose. What sort of instrument is worth buying for under a grand?
  8. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='608223' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:14 PM']Hadrien Feraud is i twat, lets face it. I know I didn't stop around to watch him after he cruised around bass day uk 2007 w***ing gleefully into the punters faces. What a dick.[/quote] ...and we're off...... Another thread is cut off at the knees by pointless aggression towards an artist, just like the aforementioned Janek gets when his name is brought up. I'm fed up with it. I'm not a massive Hadrien fan either, I [i]am[/i] a Janek fan, but it's not important. To just start slagging someone you know very little about is outrageous. This forum used to involve very open minded musicians, who had constructive discussions about gear, music and equipment, in a friendly way. That seems to be changing, or I'm getting old and bitter. Hadrien is a very talented young man, whether you like his music or not shouldn't matter, just respect him for the artist he is and let other people who do like his music discuss it without antagonism from those who don't.
  9. Jamiroquai. I wouldn't be up to the job of course, so I'd give Huey from Fun Lovin' Criminals a call instead.
  10. A VERY defining moment for me many years ago now was one night in our first flat. Back before we had CDs, I had a collection of LPs, and one night I put 'Kind Of Blue' on the deck, and cranked it up nice and loud, turned the lights down, sat back and just shut my eyes. I ended up in a kind of trance, it kind of felt like the band were in the room with me, and that's how I imagined it. I could hear every click of the drum sticks, every breath into the horns, it was pure magic. I could feel the bass in my chest, every note. I've NEVER heard that kind of sound from a CD. The LP seemed to have some kind of soul that CDs don't. I was into jazz from that point onwards.
  11. 103mm x 43mm on the cover, tab tip to tip it's about 115mm. I think the dimensions are on the website.
  12. Villex Musicman Stingray 5 style pickup for sale. details in link below from the Villex website. Not sure what to ask, it was over a ton when I bought it, £50 quid delivered? [url="http://www.villex.com/pickups.html"]http://www.villex.com/pickups.html[/url] Plenty of wire to work with, high quality pickup, but it's designed to be used along side the Villex mid control pot, and I really don't know if it will drop straight into a Stingray and operate in its own right. I had it in an OLP Tony Levin. SOLD
  13. Rayman


    [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='595512' date='Sep 11 2009, 11:21 AM']You keep finding these basses Dave It looks a cracker [/quote] Certainly does. I'm afraid fretless [i]has[/i] to be unlined for me, it looks so much nicer.
  14. , yes, I have to say, I love Chet Baker's trumpet playing, but his crooning with strings stuff does leave me a bit cold.
  15. Yeah, some of his stuff does seem to be a release just for the sake of it, as though he had rolls of outakes recorded that he wanted to air, but, when he's on form, wow. I guess the same can be said of many other musicians too.
  16. "Twice as good" no. The Euro's I've tried, and even Matt (Machine's) old holo flash have been superb basses, and Alan's (Homer) original Euro 5, aired at one of the very early Bassworld bashes was utterly jaw droppingly beautiful. However, a few days ago I tried Peter's new NS as mentioned above. Lordy, that thing is a piece of art, absolutely unreal. Just holding it you can feel the quality oozing from it's pores. Plug in, and you're in for a truly magic bass experience. Worth every penny of it's expensive price tag, and hopefully, Peter will cherrish it for the rest of his life. That thing is something else. I've never played a bad Spector, what ever the price.
  17. I, like many people here, have been to hundreds of gigs over the years, everyone from NIN to Harry Connick Jr, but by far the best of them all was Wynton Marsalis @ The Ritz. It has to be the only time I've ever had tears in my eyes during a gig. Listening to him solo that trumpet is the closest thing to heaven I can think of. I'm a big time jazz fan, but I'm basically a big time [i]music[/i] fan first and foremost, and whatever the song is, and whoever recorded it, if I like it, to me, it's good, regardless of any ridiculous genres or labels. Citi Movement by Wynton Marsalis, Kind of Blue (of course) by Miles Davis, Full House by Wes Montgomery, anything with Chet Baker on it, and more latterly Live @ 55 bar by Janek Gwizdala are must have albums IMO.
  18. I had the Marcus on loan for a short time, it's fabulous, and the Sadowsky pre takes a great bass to another level, it's superb. Why has the Maruszczyk not tempted anyone?? It's just fantastic, can't believe it's still here.
  19. I met Mick Jones (Clash), Paul Cook (Sex Pistols) and Don Letts outside a Big Audio Dynamite gig @ the Hacienda in Manchester many years ago. Mick Jones asked me if fancied meeting them later for a party they were going to......and my response......was, "I can't, my mum will go mad". Mick just stared at me and said, "right, ok" and wandered away. A few weeks later I saw Husker Du at the International. Bob Mould and Grant Hart were stood near the bar having a drink before the set, and I wandered up to Bob, and asked him.........the time.....yep.....I asked bob Mould what time it was. "Er, ten O'clock" he said, "Cheers" I said before wandering away into a black hole and disappearing up my own rear end.
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='600821' date='Sep 16 2009, 10:23 PM']I'd love a bass made in the year I was born but..... 54 Precisions are a tad pricey [/quote] Yeah, I had my hands on a '65 Jazz briefly once, and I dream of having one eventually, but I fear it is but a distant dream.
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