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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Possible new band, possible new direction, so I'd like a different bass. Bought from Eubassix only a handful of weeks ago, I fell in love with it. It's easliy the best quality bass I've ever owned, and here's what David had to say about it in his blurb: "Kinal MK-5: Mike Kinal (Canada) five string with a beautiful quilt maple top in an amber stain. Matching head stock (quilt/amber) with a very nice birds-eye maple cap to the rear. Alder body core. Ebony fingerboard on maple + five-piece neck with graphite reinforcement. 2 Aero jazz pickups with Bartolini preamp, 3EQ and 3-way midrange selector switch. Scale length is 35", 1&11/16" nut. String spacing is 9mm at the nut and 17mm at the bridge. Weight is 8 & 3/4 lbs. Great condition - the only significant 'ding' (no effect on playing) is a small (.5cm) to the side (only) of the ebony board, between frets 1 and 2 (below the G-string). This is one of the best constructed, 'all-purpose' basses I've ever played. Slaps well, is punchy for rock and can also produce more mellow tones" The Aeros are mounted in Ebony, and even the jack cover is wooden, it looks like rosewood to me. Super stunning, super high quality from an outstanding Canadian Luthier who is gaining a big reputation. I'm looking for around £1000 or tradewise a Stingray or a Modulus Flea? Link to Mike's site: [url=""][/url]
  2. Second bottle, merlot, cheaper than the first one, but I'm past caring. Oldest daughter still up so I'm trying to behave (she's only 8 and trying to watch the X Factor in peace), however, the Kinal might come out later for a groovy funkadelic session, I'll try not to prang it on the dining table.
  3. Wooaahh only just spotted this, that looks bloody fab Al, didn't know you were in the market for one.
  4. I really hope this works out for you mate, but....it doesn't look good from those quotes from past customers. It sounds like he's in over his head.
  5. Very nice....always wanted one....maybe one day.
  6. OLP Tony Levin (centre): Pimped: Nordstrand 5.2 pickup, John East EQ + 3 way switch, Brass nut, MM battery box:
  7. [quote name='steve-soar' post='577711' date='Aug 22 2009, 06:02 PM']Lighted dimmed, check, nice glass of something, check, Wojteck CD, check, now press play. Clock on CD player now reads 0:0:30 seconds, CD is ejected and smashed. Just kidding.[/quote] Tonight though (in my case), wife away, bottle of cheap Rioja, Ramones anthology goes in, big smile on my face. I never did see Dee Dee slap that Precision bless him.
  8. Saw him at Bass Day 1 in Manchester. He came on towards the end of a looooong day of bass, when most of us, to be honest, had heard enough, and blew us all away, he was brilliant. I have to add though, that by the end of his set, 20/30 mins or so, I really had heard enough slap to last me a lifetime.
  9. Wow.....that's beautiful....... !!
  10. Spector's a good choice actually, BIG tone, very punchy.
  11. I'd just repeat what I've said before, you can play [i]any[/i] kind of music on [i]any[/i] model of bass. I've played slap funk on a Thunderbird, and heavy metal on a Marcus Miller jazz, it's all gravy. It's all a state of mind, if you need the bass to [i]look[/i] right for your band, which is a fair point, then playing a Hofner Beatle Bass might not be right for example. So a BC Rich or an excellent Ibanez 505 or similar would be great, just don't expect the new bass to transform your playing instantly. The funk's in the fingers, not the lump of wood they're holding.
  12. A Precision Deluxe I had might be the type of sound you're after. Precision pickup, and a Humbucker at the bridge. Lots of stingray style zing, but with the low end thud from the P pickup. Alternatively a P/J configuration might be right for you. Trouble is, sound is so personal, only [i]you[/i] can decide the sound you want.
  13. I love Tommy, and his old boss SRV too. Your HW1 jazz does a great Shannonesque style tone, cause I've played along to some SRV with it!
  14. Rayman


    Ditto, what I can hear sounds wicked, but the bass is very low in the mix.
  15. I had Warwick Black Labels on mine, great strings, and lasted very well too.
  16. Best bass I've ever had, my old BB3000S, identical to yours, . That's a stunning collection you have there you lucky sod.
  17. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='563796' date='Aug 8 2009, 09:15 PM']I'm in a similar predicament as you as I've owned a lot of basses in the last few years all which I've loved and were adequate but have fallen short in what I'd like in terms of playability and sound. Also, the more basses I've owned and more my playing has developed in a certain direction, it has become much clearer as to what I want in an instrument.[/quote] Ditto. I've been through dozens of basses over the last couple of years, two of which were second hand custom builds. The first one, an Overwater was truly beautiful, not built for me, but it felt like it when I owned it. Letting it go was a mistake. The second custom bass I've owned is the Kinal I now have. Again, second hand, but again it feels like it was made for me, and it maybe suits me even more than the Overwater did. There's something special about a custom made bass, something I've never quite felt from a mass produced brand, and having one built to your own spec by someone like Alan must be even more so I'd say, but as pointed out above, you need to have a pretty certain idea of what you want, that's why I've found buying second hand easier than having to choose woods and hardware etc.
  18. Sure does, and that P bass suits you Peter, Wish I could've come.
  19. Yeah very nice indeed, I like the last group shot. The Sei looks fab, as does the 'ray.
  20. Cracking set up, love the Wal, I'll bet that lot sounds magnificent. What kind of stuff do you play?
  21. I'm just fed up with being in bands full stop. I started back on bass after many years away from it about 10 years ago. The reason I started again was for my own enjoyment, playing along to CDs through headphones at home. I love to do that, and hadn't had a good couple of hours on my own at home for ages as band commitments had taken up most of my time. A few nights ago, I got the Tascam out again and spent a great hour or two grooving along to myself to some Cds, I loved every minute of it, and remembered why I'd picked the bass up in the first place, just for my [i]OWN[/i] pleasure. So, I'm thinking of jacking the band in and just going back to playing with myself again, so to speak . I fancy getting into writing and recording some stuff at home. It's less hassle, less stressful and more enjoyable to me, so why be in a band at all??
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