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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Super [i]super[/i] stunning bass this, seriously. Me and Al have been through some tackle over the last few years, but I picked this bass up recently and after half a dozen notes I fell in love with it. I reckon this is one of the best basses Alan's had, by far. Jump on it.
  2. Very very nice mate, I'm looking forward to having a try on that. My search goes on...... ........the 78 P and the Villex jazz are now both sold. I'm missing the low B of the Overwater, should [i]never have sold that bass[/i].
  3. I loved my white Epi TB. Apart from the neck dive, which I soon got used to, there were no issues at all. I expected to have to pimp the guts, but out of the box it sounded massive, and the neck was a really lovely too. Great bass indeed. A mate of mine has a Tokai version, and yes, it's very nice indeed. Does the glues neck make a difference? I guess some would argue that the sustain is better, but other than that I don't believe there's a big difference between the two in terms of build. My Epi was genuinely as nice to play as a couple of Gibsons I tried, and I would strongly argue that the tone was right up there too. Value for money of course goes without saying.
  4. [quote name='DrVet' post='536997' date='Jul 10 2009, 07:55 AM']Will U ship international if someone would send U a flightcase to use it for the shipping? [/quote] Possible, however I have a few possible sales over here, which I'd prefer, but only time will tell.
  5. [quote name='bigthumb' post='536718' date='Jul 9 2009, 07:24 PM']Blimey Russ, [/quote] I know mate, it's all gone a bit mad today. I should add, the original strap buttons will be put back on in place of the Dunlops currently on there. PMs replied to thanks.
  6. Something has cropped up in the last hour or so, and this has to go, against my better judgement. All original as far as I am aware, although the pickup ashtray is NOT as I put that on myself. The pickups are marked as 1979s and the neck is a '78 so that makes it an early '79 model I guess. THERE'S NO CASE, so I need to meet you somewhere within reason to make the exchange, I'm near Manchester. Cash only at this stage please. I think £900 is a fair price. SOLD PENDING THE USUAL.
  7. Sounds like a storming bit of kit, we'll be needing pictures though, bass & case.
  8. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='535849' date='Jul 8 2009, 05:06 PM']Nice - for some reason, to me the only bass that looks good in blue is one of these![/quote] Yeah you're right, I'm not a fan of blue either, but that looks very tasty.
  9. Of course, as a Hammers fan, you should be buying the Steve Harris Precision .
  10. Had 'em both, and they are both superb basses for any knid of music you want to play on them. Rock, jazz, pop, funk anything you like on either bass. Very simillar basses apart from the pre on the Marcus, in fact pretty much identical. The bass player from Opeth (metal) uses as Marcus and the bass player from Crowded House (pop) uses a Geddy to give two examples. Superb build, tone, playability on either model, but you need to go and try them. Seriously, go and try them out. You can play any music on any bass period.
  11. [quote name='bigthumb' post='533375' date='Jul 5 2009, 10:21 PM']That Precision had a bit of a rough time with some dodgy chancer from Telford. I really hope you dont pick any of them vibes up![/quote] I read in the papers he'd been locked up for crimes against music.
  12. [quote name='Shaggy' post='533630' date='Jul 6 2009, 11:22 AM']Lindy Fralins - just my pennysworth - I put one in my Precision P/J and get a nice growl with it, hi-fi but warm. [/quote] Lindys [i]are[/i] very very nice indeed. I had some in a Lakland JO4 and loved the thing to bits.
  13. [i]To me[/i], Janek is a great player, and would be a valuable member of this community if the same old clowns didn't just rip him to bits every time he writes here, and it's the usual suspects every time. On the subject of BGM, I think it's improving all the time, and I'd rather have it on the shelves, even with it's little mistakes, than not have it at all. On the subject of Fodera, if I could afford one, I'd love to have one. On the subject of Encore, my 8 year old daughter would love one, and she's just as relevant a bass player as anyone else on here. Horses for courses.
  14. Wizard 84s are bigger, darker sounding than the 64s which are supposed to be simillar in sound to a standard Jazz pickup. Good pickups whichever you chose. I went for Villex in my Highway One Jazz, they're massive sounding although passive, and provide a great range of tones. As far as the bridge is concerened, it has to be badass for me, although any high mass bridge is believed to improve sustain and tone. I have to confess, I'm far to thick to notice a massive difference between any of them in terms of sound, but the Badass sure does look nice.
  15. Gah... I'm seriously GASing for a Stingray 5 right now, and that's very purdy indeed.
  16. Well I like old Fenders of course, but really, as pointed out before, there are so many better basses around these days, better made and with a much better range of tones and playability. You can't buy the vibe though. I can't put my finger on what it is with an older instrument, after all, it's just some wood lumped together with screws, but there's some kind of history there that leeches out of them. Do you believe in ghosts? Well I can feel the vibes from all the music my Precision must have played over the years buzzing through it....it's very strange, but very inspiring. Maybe that's all bollocks, but I believe it. I've played plenty of really really beautiful basses, expensive and built with outstanding craftsmanship, but many of them felt sterile and bland. My lumpy old Precision just begs me to pick it up and play it. Why? Dunno.
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' post='525123' date='Jun 26 2009, 06:19 PM']Cunning way to get people to your site though[/quote] Hmmm yes.
  18. Cobblers, ah well, they sound like erm......a difficult outfit to work with to put it tactfully. You're best off out of it.
  19. Marty, you're a lucky man. That's one fine bass guitar.
  20. Outstanding. Totally love that, pricey though no?
  21. I've recently moved back to four strings from five, but only because I had a hankering to go back to basics. To be honest, I've missed the low B quite a bit since . As far as high end gear being aimed at 5 string players, can't say I've noticed. I think 5 strings are a necessity for session players because of the versatility they provide. There's an awful lot of what I would describe as high end four string basses about though, I see a lot of Lakland, Musicman, Warwick etc (high end? you decide), but I don't see a lot of boutique stuff on TV etc period. I guess because touring players like to have a reliable beater on the road with them rather than the expensive gear, might be wrong on that though.
  22. Me, I think that's a really beautiful pair of basses, I wouldn't change them at all, they look great together, sensational colours.
  23. www.musicdojo.com I believe the courses they do over there are really goo. I'm biased because Adam Nitti is one of my favourites. Worth checking out at least. Personally, I believe that you can't beat one to one contact with a tutor in the flesh, rather than online.
  24. Good man, you've done all you can do, fingers crossed once again. Of course a nice 1970's Precision fitted with flats would have given you the edge...........
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