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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='Gary' post='523839' date='Jun 25 2009, 04:38 PM']had a my first little one born lat last year so he is keeping us busy at the moment[/quote] Oh nice one, they keep you busy don't they? I'll bet you haven't got that nice music room in the cellar all to yourself anymore !! Looking forward to BD '09, I'll be there for Adam Nitti alone, can't wait.
  2. Brilliant, missed last years, but hopefully not this year. Hope you're well Gary, it's been a while, I don't think I've seen you since Bass Day '07, the first one at RNCM, or maybe the Jem gig at the academy, can't remember. Russ.
  3. What he said. It's a Fender Jazz bass at the end of the day, and similar in tone to many other similar models. They do however have a consistently high level of build quality though, I've never come across a bad one and I wish I'd kept the one I had, it played and sounded wonderful. Made in Japan, which mostly means superb quality, and with US pickups fitted it's a very very nice bass indeed, and highly recommended.
  4. Just remember, you're checking them out too. If it's going to be a chore for you, and not fun at all, there's no point really. I'm assuming you're not a pro needing the money of course? That'd be different, then maybe you'd bite your tongue to get the gig and give them what they want. However, if this is meant to be an enjoyable experience for you, and you have little or no input into your own sound, then I'd have a problem with that. If it was me.....I'd see how tonights jam goes, and if at the end you're still not getting the vibe, I'd say thanks fellas, but this aint for me, and leave. They aren't taking the bull by the horns so you might have to.
  5. Possibly my favourite bass player ever? I love Marcus, and at the top of his game he's the best for me. I recently went through a bit of a downer on "lead" bass playing. I started finding it irritating, prefering to hear bass players playing a simple [i]groove[/i] instead of lead lines, which for me, should be left to the guitarist or keyboards etc. That said, I still love the guys playing. When he's on it, he's on it, and he's fabulous.
  6. Well of course I like a bit of sunburst, but the Geddy just has to be black and white for me. I'd like to see the red one too actually, but the sunburst version just isn't quite right somehow.
  7. That's one beautiful looking bass, perfect colour combination, and for me, the pup has to stay black, I just don't like white covers, regardless of the rest of the colour scheme.
  8. My old Marcus......[i][size=1]sigh[/size][/i].......... I've tried a few of them, and owned another one since, but that first one I owned had something the others didn't. One bass I really regret moving on. Very nice setup there sir, very nice indeed.
  9. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='519548' date='Jun 20 2009, 08:11 PM'][attachment=27429:SUNP0044.JPG][/quote] Ahh, is that the one that you just sold to Barry? Nice.
  10. I like the ashtrays in their full splendor. For me they don't get in the way at all as I always play with my fingers just behind the pickup cover on both a Jazz and a Precision. Personally I don't think you can beat the look of a Fender bass with all it's ashtrays on.
  11. [quote name='steve-soar' post='518732' date='Jun 19 2009, 06:56 PM']Selling my 76 Thunderbird, I am a cock.[/quote] Selling my extremely fabulous 1985 Yamaha BB3000S. I too am a cock.
  12. That Flea's a cracker. It's not the one greeneking used to have with a clear plate on it is it?
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='518645' date='Jun 19 2009, 05:15 PM']What flats are best for a less tense/more flexible type of setup?[/quote] As pointed out previously, Thomastik Infields.
  14. I love TIs, I much prefer the flexibilty and tone of them to Deep Talkers, but you don't get that [i]authentic[/i] motown thump like you do with the LaBellas. Like Beedster I see the TIs more as an all rounder, and I have them on my Precsion for that reason, rock, funk, soul, jazz the TIs can do all that, the DTs on the other hand don't IMO.
  15. Rayman


    That's one sexy bitch, I need to get me one of those puppies.
  16. I only use Ritter bags. I hate hard cases and got rid of them all long ago. I like the pricey ones, but even the more modest ones I find are really good bags.
  17. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='517137' date='Jun 18 2009, 08:42 AM'][/quote] Hubba hubba.........that got my attention.
  18. a GAS free life......just imagine it...............
  19. Congratulations again, 100 club's a trek for me, but I'll be looking out for gigs further north for sure. [i]VERY[/i] chuffed for you, and a bit jealous too.
  20. Superb basses. I've had both a JO4 and a DJ4 and they were both faultess, outstanding instruments. That DJ needs a white pearl guard on it to finish it off IMO.
  21. It's a nightmare Al, I have to agree, and I'm in a similar boat at this time. I've been close to jacking it in altogether a few times, and like you, I was going to keep one bass and jam along to CDs at home through my Tascam and phones, just for my own pleasure. Sometimes I feel I get as much enjoyment from doing that than rehearsing week in week out, with a gig or two once a month. My problem is that we rehearse almost every week, but as we're all busy at work, we don't have time to go out looking for gigs (lame excuse, I know), or more to the point can't be arsed, and we don't gig enough, making rehearsing a chore. One of the band is a copper and works shifts, and regularly has to cancel gigs and jams at the last minute. However, I always come back to wanting to play live, and it just aint the same playing at home. I think my problem is I'm bored with playing rock music, something I've always done. I need a new challenge, and I'm hankering for either a soul/funk band or a reggae outfit to join. I'm bored to death with rock. Also, the stuff you played us round at Pete's place a couple of weeks ago, the blues band you're in, was pure class, really really cool music, and well worth hanging in there for in my opinion, even if it is sporadic. Who knows where it'll all end, all I know is, I've tried to jack music in, on numerous occasions, and failed. I love it too much. Hang in there.
  22. So this'll be put up for sale here Ped? What sort of price?
  23. Aahhh OK, no I didn't actually, he was worse than me for trading stuff in and out so I never got a go on it. We must have swapped at least half a dozen basses between us over a few months. I was very tempted when he put it up for sale, but as usual I was skint.
  24. Nice gear Dubster. Bongos are smart, I even had GAS for a 6er a short while back. I must admit, I do fancy a 5HH. I reckon that would be a one bass does all scenario.
  25. Awesome !! Sounds really positive, GOOD MAN !!
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