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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Bloody hell, I can't stand the tension...............I've been wondering all day !!
  2. I love the maple both in terms of looks and sound/feel. Maybe a fraction brighter in tone than rosewood, but really, most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference in tone. TI flats fitted too, old school vibe in spades, no effects, just the bass, a cord and an amp, marvellous.
  3. Rayman


    Welcome along sir. 4 or 5 string 'ray? 4 I assume, can't beat a nice Stingray, I've had a couple, and I fully expect to have more before I'm done. Welcome anyway, it's a great resource with many friendly people of all ages and abilities knocking around. We like pics too, so if you have the time and inclination, and a digital camera, let's see your gear in the porn section!
  4. Hopefully Steve, I'm hoping to be there, but then you're always welcome round here. The plan would be to bring them both. The Precision is now strung with TI flats.
  5. Fantastic, sounds like you did great, I'm genuinely excited for you. Let us know the minute you find out !! You never know, I might be buying music with you on it some time soon !!
  6. Fieldys sound has been described by some as "the sound of someone pouring a box of Tic Tacs down a flight of wooden steps". It is very clicky at the top end and thumpy at the bottom with absolutely no mids at all. It works well on some of the songs but I find it irritating after a while. Korn aside, I think this sig bass can do much much more, and I really enjoyed playing some jazz and funk on it. Again, I reckon it was as comfortable to play as my Overwater was.
  7. Barry44 is selling my old K5 on here, with an ACG pre fitted, total bargain, awesome bass if you're interested.
  8. Nice plank !! Definately worth the wait, love the grain, best of luck with it.
  9. [quote name='51m0n' post='513906' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:16 AM']Check them out:- www.myspace.com/theimpellers[/quote] I thought I'd heard the name before, yeah, top band, they had a song on Saturdays Craig Charles show yes? Top gig, I'm jealous. Just the kind of thing I'd [i]love[/i] to do, instead of the rock treadmill I find myself on yet again. Good luck pal, I'm excited for you.
  10. Brilliant, good luck with it mate. Cobblers to work, get your mind on more important matters. The main thing is to try and enjoy it, and more to the point, [i]LOOK[/i] like you're enjoying it, because if the band [i]like[/i] you and your vibe, they're more likely to take you on over some miserable git who is technically brillant. HAVE FUN !!
  11. Brilliant, brilliant bass. I loved it before the ACG was dropped in, it must be utterly awesome now. This bass played as nicely as my Overwatwer, seriously, it plays itself. Bargain.
  12. Gob smacking bass, beautiful Rick, and I aint into Ricks. Super stunning instrument this, I've had the pleasure of having a go on it myself a couple of times and I was knocked out.
  13. [quote name='Machines' post='513146' date='Jun 14 2009, 09:22 AM'][/quote] That was a great bass , I remember it well, at that little get together we had in Manchester a few years back, in the days when I still had my lovely BB3000S .
  14. Nah, you should've seen the shady character that sold it to me.
  15. [quote name='Clarky' post='512801' date='Jun 13 2009, 02:35 PM']Its amazing how the Highway One nitro finish relics so fast. A three year-old bass looks as old as your 70s P-bass![/quote] Yes, it has had a little help in that department. It's subjective whether or not it works, but I was pretty happy with the end result. I bought it with a view to doing something along the relic lines with it, and maybe one or two of the dings I put on it I wish I hadn't, but there you go. The [i]real[/i] relic does look a lot better though I must say.
  16. I had these puppies out for a re-string this morning, so I'd thought I'd take a pic of them together. L-R; '06 Fender Highway One Jazz with Villex pickups, '78 Fender Precision. A small mention too for the Ritter bags, love 'em.
  17. Cetera is your man, give him a shout. I've tried loads of Spectors, and a couple of mates have owned them. I can tell you, they've all been brilliant basses, every one of them, from the cheaper to the more expensive models. Quite a big, in your face tone generally, bright highs and gut thumping lows. They can be a little clinical sounding sometimes and some people find them too much to handle in terms of finding a subtle tone, depending on what music you play. I think of Spectors as being a bit like the big dog next door that always barks and makes you jump when you walk past it. Great basses indeed.
  18. [quote name='slobluesine' post='508088' date='Jun 8 2009, 11:32 AM'][attachment=26687:DSCF0006.JPG][/quote] That's maybe the most beautiful bass guitar I've ever seen. I wish.......I [i]wish[/i]............ One day.........one day.
  19. Tasty couple of basses there mate, love the colour of the P, and I've been gassing for a Les Paul for a long time. Nice.
  20. That's stunning, I love that.
  21. [quote name='Paul_C' post='511306' date='Jun 11 2009, 03:26 PM'][/quote] That's the spitting image of the one Tigran brought to one of the bassworld bashes in Northants with the Villex pickups in it. It was a really nice player. I seem to remember that was the one where you had that [i]rasberry[/i] coloured Fender Urge?
  22. Ahh welcome along sir, there's plenty of us slightly older chaps about, although at a positively youthful 44, I'm still hoping there's time to get rich and famous sometime soon. You're right to lust after an Overwater, I just sold my Progress 5 (WHY? Don't ask) and it was sublime, much to the joy of its new owner, so I'm now back to a couple of battered Fenders, and I'm happy with that....for now. Jazz, metal, funk, pop, reggae, country etc etc....all welcome here.
  23. A Steve Lawson style loop session is what I'd have a go at.
  24. [quote name='riff raff' post='511246' date='Jun 11 2009, 02:40 PM']yeah..i was expecting that to be a popular suggestion. just looking for some opinions on whether 1/4 pounds,wizard etc are what i'm looking for because they're gonna help with the sound i'm looking for or simply because they're better than the standard fenders.d'ya know what i mean?[/quote] 1/4lbers are great pickups, some people find them a bit OTT though, me I don't, I think they're great, but [i]very[/i] hot. The Thumpers are great though, I think they'll give you exactly what you want.
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