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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='503946' date='Jun 2 2009, 04:24 PM']A few months back there was a discussion of JJ Burnel on here and several people had no idea who he was ..... Seriously they didn't... Not all kids either. For the current generation of bassists, JJB is as long gone as James Jamerson, John Entnwhistle, Norman Watt-Roy and Paul Chambers ... All seriously influential on the people they look up to but way past it....[/quote] Yep, I guess you're right, who am I, in my mid 40's, to comment on who influences younger folk? The Kaiser Chiefs obviously? OK, so now I feel old. I was only wondering the other day, how much longer I can get away with a low slung bass during gigs, with my fat belly now hanging over the top. I saw a couple of pics of myself live recently and wondered who that fat old tart was, and what had happened to the lean rock machine that used to occupy that old carcass?
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='503824' date='Jun 2 2009, 02:27 PM']Isn't Hadrien more famous for being a Ken Smith man?[/quote] He's the man that made me leave bass day early a couple of years back....[i]yawn[/i]. Surely JJ Burnel is infinitely more influential than the bloke from the ruddy Kaiser Chiefs no? I aint knocking anyone mind, each to his own I s'pose. I can't knock signature stuff, I've had my fair share, and I still have my Tony Levin, which although is heavily modded, is still a superb bass, however it seems to me that there's an awful lot of "signature" instruments around with some names on them that aren't exactly top of the influence list. I mean, the [i]Kaiser Chiefs??[/i] I can understand Marcus Miller, Jaco, James Jamerson (where IS the Jamerson sig bass?), but some of these lesser known people like m'laddo from the KCs, I mean, what'll be next, the "Bloke from Hannah Montana's backing band" signature bass? I'll be rushing out to buy that. All the "big name" rubbish to one side, that's a tasty looking bass.
  3. My wife bought me my Tony Levin 5 from Soundslive, nowt but praise for an excellent bass from an excellent place.
  4. [i]LOVE[/i] the new album, funktastic baby. Shame they're not coming OOP north.
  5. I like Warwicks, and it's one of the few "big name" manufacturers I've never owned (There's still time of course). I [i]really[/i] wanted to Like Stuarts' Sig bass, but alas, it just doesn't do it for me, I'd rather have a streamer. The rest are very tasty looking to me, apart from the Cort I'm afraid.
  6. What a beauty, I'd love this, gorgeous bass. Wonder if I could claim this on my expenses........
  7. Bands.....what a pain in the butt they are. I've had 30 years of that kind of cobblers, and I've been close to calling it a day altogether many times because of the politics involved, but, we just keep going don't we? You've done the right thing as far as the wedding is concerned, good call that, doesn't make it any less annoying though.
  8. My advice is don't try it. Solvents will penetrate the timber by up to maybe 2 or 3 mills, maybe more depending on the substrate (wood). You'll never be able to remove the oils enough to guarantee a good key for the new coat, and sanding back will definately not achieve it. Water based products have no chance with oils and waxes that have been applied, even if a degreaser is applied, as that will only remove survace contamination, and not the solvent within the grain, it will come out patchy as pointed out above. In my trade (joinery coatings), customers often ask whether they can re coat the inside of their hardwood windows with water based stain or paint after years of lovingly using furniture wax to clean them. The answer is a definate no. Even solvent based product will be repelled by wax, there's no getting around it I'm afraid. If you can find a coloured [i]wax[/i], in a darker colour than the one you currently have, that's your best bet. Me? I'd leave it alone.
  9. I've not had any new basses this week, it's my turn.
  10. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='497744' date='May 26 2009, 07:17 AM']How'd the P get on Russ?[/quote] Outstanding Peter, just unreal. Even the band accepted the departure of the Overwater to bring this one in, they loved it too.
  11. Two utterly breathtaking basses. I had a go on both last week, and was blown away.
  12. Smart bass, good choice, and yes, it [i]has[/i] to have a black plate on there. Black/maple Precision is always a winner.
  13. [i][size=1]Gulp[/size][/i]........
  14. That's a simply outstanding bass. In fact ALL the basses in the above pics are superb. I'd give my right arm for any of them.
  15. Best budget passive basses for me are the Yamaha BB414 & the Fender Vintage Modified Jazz. You really don't have to spend big bucks to get a great sound.
  16. [i]Gasp[/i]........my dream bass.
  17. Bah... I saw the ash just after he'd left, replaced by Trevor Boulder, many years ago on the Number the Brave tour. They were brilliant, but not as good as the original line up. Thanks for posting that.
  18. Erm........ what on earth went on 'ere then? Lovely bass, and a top bloke selling it, what happened??
  19. Oh yes, I think I'll have to have that one too .
  20. Thanks everyone for that. Well I realize the covers aren't for everybody, but I like the vintage vibe, so for now they're staying on. Yes Dave, I do like to charge about a bit, and at one time it'd be below waist level being swung in all directions, but I've melowed in my old age, and it's at stomach height and I'm a bit more subdued. After rehearsing with it a couple of nights ago, I can tell you it's without doubt the best Precision I've had my hands on, no question, and that surprised me. I'd expected a nice old bass, but not a tone monster too, and that's what it is. Steve Harris & JJ Burnel rolled into one, just what I was after. I daren't even hint at whether or not it's a keeper, I'm a totally hopeless case when GAS hits me, and I was really gutted to let the Overwater go to buy this, but I'm skint, so I had to. Am I glad? F*** yes. Thanks to Paul for selling it to me, and I'm afraid mate it won't be coming back to you anytime soon. This bass is exactly what I was after. It's a total stonker.
  21. Outstanding sir, very nice to see it brought back to life, good job.
  22. Hmmm don't know, close, but I'm not sure. The logo in the centre of the headstock isn't identical.
  23. Don't think it is Hagstrom actually, unless it's a new logo.
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