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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [url="http://www.thewonderstuff.co.uk/multimedia.htm#_self"]http://www.thewonderstuff.co.uk/multimedia.htm#_self[/url] Look under Mark rehearsals June 08. Hagstrom??
  2. Very very nice indeed, black/maple Precision, hard to beat.
  3. Eh thenk yoo.......... Rehearsal with it tonight, and we rehearse at gig volume, so I'll get a good idea of how it will sound. Looking forward to tonight a lot.
  4. Superb, how did you get the 'jack colour scheme on blighty?
  5. Just goes to show, the bass in your hands is only a tool. The tone is in your fingers to a large degree, and a competent musician can produce many tones from his instrument. The Bongo, as mad as it looks can do almost anything you want it to, and in the hands of someone who can really [i]play[/i] it's a top quality bass. Yes, I'm sure it'd sound great on an upright, but that's kind of not the point.
  6. It's got some weight to it yeah, but not bad really, after the Overwater which was a bit of a beast this is quite nice in comparison.
  7. Did someone mention Tony Pulis' barmy army?? The [i]MIGHTY[/i] potters.
  8. I haven't forgoten mate. Like I said, with my track record for turning stuff over, I could never hand on heart say anything is for ever, but I do like this bass an awful lot, so I live in hope. How are you getting on with the Shuker/ACG basses you went to check out?
  9. Sandbergs are the mutts nutts, simple as that. I [i]nearly[/i] got me mitts on Tomboys blackburst one a few months back, but he sensibley hung on to it. I've played them straight off the wall in PMT and they were to die for, tone and playability by the bucket load, and having played Alans (shown above) round a Peters last night, that just reinforced my GAS for one. Outstanding basses.
  10. Very nice to get me mits on those last night Peter, the ACG and the Overwater are, of course, outstanding, but that G&L was the big surprise to me, superb bass that. Of course, I was [i]very[/i] taken with Alans' Sandberg too, but that [i]Sadowsky[/i] ? Strewth, that's special.
  11. Where is the bass stored between playing? I sweat like a glass blowers arse during gigs, and my strings last me months rather than weeks, and I don't clean them. I just wondered if the bass was stored in a high humidity area, or somewhere cold/damp?
  12. Here's a few pics of my latest acquisition, a 1978 Fender Precision care of Paul. All original we [i]think[/i], apart from the chrome pickup cover which was just added by me. Very happy with it indeed, but a couple of gigs should give me a better indication of sound. It seems punchy actually, admittedly it has a new set of Super Slinkys on it, but it certainly has some nice attack to it. Definitely keeping the pickup covers on it, and apart from the Dunlop straplocks (I've kept the original buttons of course) it'll absolutely stay exactly as is. Shame my lovely Overwater had to go to pay for it, but, needs must. Don't ask me if it's a keeper, many of you know me by now, and know that I can't answer that, but I'm very happy with it.
  13. I guess if it was me I'd be looking for vintage Fenders, a good example that plays and sounds nice, but will hold it's value too. However, I suppose I'd be looking at Fodera and Overwater too.
  14. Oh my lord..........that'd look very nice sat in the corner of my front room. Do you think the Mrs would see it as an investment? Superb bass.........
  15. Wish I could have it, but I just spent 200 quid pimping my OLP Tony Levin.
  16. That's wicked that is, I like that a lot.
  17. [quote name='Rowbee' post='460395' date='Apr 12 2009, 10:15 AM']Dammit, I wish I lived in Norwich, that sounds like one of my ideal gigs![/quote] +3
  18. Top chap. I took delivery of a rather splendid '78 Precision from Paul and was over the moon. Highly recommended.
  19. I'd love a '65 jazz, for a couple of reasons. I got a good look at Jolanda Charles' '65 at bass day a couple of years back and fell in love with it. It's also the year of my birth. Pure nostalgia reasons I guess, but that would probably be my ultimate goal, to have one. Don't s'pose it'll happen any time soon though. I think that generally the RI & CS basses made today are of the highest quality and playability, and I've certainly got my eye on a couple, but you can't inject them with the history and mojo of a genuinely old bass. Older basses have a "quality" that only years of love and abuse can create, even my mid 80's BB3000S had something about it, can't put my finger on what, but god I wish I still had it. Why do people have a Ford Mondeo on the drive, and an Escort Mexico in the garage for weekends? Why do people read the Telegraph but have some 1960's Marvel comics on the bookshelves? Nostalgia. A love for things that remind them of their youth. To me [i]personally[/i] basses are no different.
  20. [quote name='dlloyd' post='488609' date='May 15 2009, 10:30 AM']I still have difficulties with the idea of 70s Fenders being vintage instruments... They're old, right enough, but in the 1980s you couldn't shift them... the perception being that they were awful instruments, not just compared to pre-CBS instruments, but also in comparison with new ones. When did they suddenly get 'good'?[/quote] They didn't. It's purely nostalgia and rose tinted specs from the buyers point of view. I've wanted a 70's Fender for years, because it was my era, it was when I first got into music, and my bass is from 1978, the actual year I bought my first album. Pure nostalgia, that's all it is for me. I just think the bass will have a [i]vibe[/i] that resonates through it from all those years of music. All in my head? Probably, but it makes me happy.
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