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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='mr_russ' post='397543' date='Feb 2 2009, 09:06 AM']I find a little bit of tweeter goes a long way - I don't go for a trebly sound but having it up about 50% really clears things up - many cabs sound pretty mushy to my ears without them.[/quote] Ditto. I blew the fuse on mine at Saturdays gig and lost all my clarity instantly. Around about 50% tweet is about right for me too.
  2. So I gigged with the Overwater on Saturday night through my Fender Pro 400 combo. Superb, over the moon etc etc, however.........why when playing the last song in the set, "Can't Stop" by the Chillis did the slapping blow the fuse in the horn? The amp vol/gain was sensible (loud, but not maxed out), and the output on the bass was sensible too. Same settings on the amp as I've used for months, but a new bass. Is the output from the Overwater enough to cook the horn? Bizarre.
  3. Gutted I couldn't come , but we had a gig Saturday. Looks like it all went pretty well Al. Good band, shame it's come to an end.
  4. Outstanding bass this one, played it, and loved it.
  5. [quote name='sk8' post='426278' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:29 PM']isn't the blue the colour of the live after death tour bass?[/quote] Yeah I think maybe the new version is, but the older one was definately the West Ham colours. I've never seen either in the flesh, but I'd love to try one. I haven't seen Maiden live since 1981, when Paul DiAnno was the singer, it was my first gig, and I was still in my school uniform can you believe, amongst all the denim and leather. What a night that was. Buggered if I can remember what colour his bass was though .
  6. [quote name='rogerio_paulo67' post='426023' date='Mar 5 2009, 12:14 PM']why Fender put it Blue ?? if this last years Steve Harris use the White color in is bass signature is suposed to be identical or not !! oh well , im not the Fender boss...so[/quote] The bass is modelled on Steve's most famous bass, his West Ham United coloured precision.
  7. Gah...bands....this is what being in a band is like I'm afraid, at least that's my experience during 30 years of being in and out of them. You get a great band, you get a great set, and everything ticks over lovely for a few months, then someone gets the hump and leaves, and the auditions start. If I had the techno gumption, I'd set myself up at home and record solo stuff, demos etc. I'd much rather that than play live, I love the studio. However I'm far too thick and lazy to sort all that out for myself, so I carry on in the band, waiting for someone to leave. I'd stick with it and see where it goes. It's a pain I know, but if you like the band and the set, then I'd hang in there and see if a drummer comes along. Generally drummers are [i]fairly[/i] straight forward to find, singers are the worst, if you have a good singer, hang on to them with a vice like grip. Finding a great singer is a nightmare. Life on the road eh?
  8. GGAAHHH...... never thought I'd see one of these for sale, where are you? US?
  9. It doesn't matter.........all of this................... Some music you like, some you don't, doesn't mean it's crap if you don't, it just means you don't like it. Why all the antagonism?? U2 are a good band, who 1000s of people around the world like, and 1000s of others don't. Who gives a sh*t either way??? I like cheese, but I don't like rice pudding. Does that mean all rice pudding is sh*t? Music is music, and it's diverse and fantastic, whatever the genre, and whoever made it. You might not like it, but someone else does. All music is great, that's why we're all musicians no??
  10. OH MY WORD...... This bass is utterly outstanding. I played it a couple of weeks ago, and was knocked out. BIG bottom end, crisp clean top, power in buckets, but capable of almost any tone you need thanks to the awesome ACG pre. If I hadn't just bought the Overwater I'd be having this, no question. Fancy a Spector? Well this is the one, I promise you.
  11. BAAHHH......I'd have had your arm off Ray a month ago, exactly what I wanted, now of course, I'm skint again.
  12. I've also played most of them, and although the ACG is sex on a stick, my favourite was the red RKS, [i]superb[/i] bass. The fretless jazz is nice too, and the Spector, and , well all of them really. Top quality collection Pete.
  13. Nice idea in theory. In fact Flea himself states that he won't let a single bass go out unless it's set up to a very high standard. Hmmm again, nice idea, but......in this big old commercial world, I'd be amazed if his "people" could manage that on [i]every[/i] model, depends how many they make I guess. We'll see.
  14. The green and pink is smart, but I'd go for the blue myself. I really hope they play as great as they look. I wouldn't personally be worried about the setup, I'll do that myself, but it would be different for a beginner I guess, it needs to play well off the wall in an ideal world.
  15. Nice Valenti P for sale on here, the one that used to belong to Steve (Tayste2000), might be worth a look.
  16. FANTASTIC mate, that's brilliant news. Yep, sounds like you need a new bass mate . No reason why the Spectors couldn't do the job though, maybe a tad over the top tone wise, but worth a try. You can't beat that P bass tone for blues though, although one of my favourite blues bassists Tommy Shannon used a Jazz for years.
  17. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='416515' date='Feb 22 2009, 10:30 AM']Interesting that quite a few folk are dissing this bass before seeing/hearing or playing one. I'm reserving judgement until I know a bit more.[/quote] Absolutely. I think they look great, and my daughter and myself plan to get matching ones. I think they look different, and if they're affordable, and look and play well, bring 'em on, can't wait.
  18. Stunning bass Shaun. Doesn't get much better than that.
  19. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='416813' date='Feb 22 2009, 06:53 PM']No photo no bass tho [/quote] Yes I'm afraid it's the law on here, we need pics of your gear. You can take or leave the advice you get, that's your call, all I'd say is, enjoy yourself. Start off with some of your favourite CDs, and play along as best you can. Make up your own riffs, no matter how simple, just enjoy playing. Have fun, it really is ALL that matters at this stage.
  20. Good choice pal, good bass that, and the Ashdown is a nice amp too. Is it the perfect 10? I had one, it was excellent. I wish I could have had an Ibanez as my first bass, 30 years ago, let us now how you get on with it.
  21. Wal..........one day I'll have one. Careful you don't regret letting the CS go Pete, it's a rare and wonderful thing. I was listening to "Fragile" today for the first time in about 20 years! Chris sure gets a nice tone on there. I'd give my right arm for a Wal, but to be honest the Progress has suppressed any desire I have in any other basses at all, and not even a Wal would drag it out of my cold dead hands.
  22. I've got an OLP Tony Levin. Genuinely nice, comfortable bass to play. Looks good, too, the strings are closer together than on a Musicman Stingray 5, yes, but that didn't bother me in the least. Nice bass, sounded good, played well.........[i]however[/i], at the price, don't expect a Musicman, cause it aint one. Shocking quality nut, looked like it'd been cut by a five year old. Awful hiss from the treble pot when turned up full, so that had to go too. Once that was sorted, it's a very useable/giggable bass. Not the brightest top end sparkle from mine, but loads of bottom end thump. I ended up with a Villex pup in mine, making it passive, but with a few tweaks to the stock guts, it's a good bass, and would easily back up my Overwater for gigs if I needed it to. Tony recorded the song "What Would Jimi Do?" from the Resonator album on one of his Sig OLPs. Wether or not he uses one live, I have no idea.
  23. Yeeaaah, liking that a lot too. Got any gigs coming up in the next couple of weeks?
  24. Sorry it didn't work out for you, I was very close to buying this one myself. Best of luck with the sale, it's a nice bass that.
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