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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Hang on, I can't get there 'till next Tuesday............I feel left out now.
  2. I've just plumped for an Overwater. Always wanted one, for various reasons. I like them aesthetically, the progress/perception shape I think is stunning to look at, and I like the layout of the electrics. I have to say, I'm not easily impressed either by some of the wierd and not so wonderful shapes some luthiers favour, but Overwater seem to be a bit more reserved in terms of styling. A Wal would be my dream purchase, but w[i]aaaa[/i]y out of my price range, and I always felt Overwaters were simillar to Wals in some ways. If money was no object, I'd find a nice Wal, or a custom made Fodera. I'd also go to Alan @ ACG to build me something from scratch. He makes outstanding quality instruments at an unbelievably low price for the work. I've never had a top quality bass like the Overwater before, I could never afford it, so it feels special to me to own something like that for the first time. Hopefully by Saturday, I'll have it, and I'll have a great big smile across my face. There's nothing better to me than a battered Fender Jazz though, and if you can get your hands on a nice one, it's all you need.
  3. Is this still here? Surprised no-one has snapped it up yet. Bump.
  4. Buy with confidence, Ray's a top chap.
  5. Yeah I go and see that, even though I know none of the stuff. I must admit, I've seen Billy live a handful of times with Vai/Satch & Co, and was underwhelmed with his sound...........I guess the sound man is told to crank up the lead guitar and screw the rest, but even so. I prefered Stu Hamm's tone on those tours, and I [i]think[/i] it was [i]Matt[/i] Bissonette on one occasion, might have been his brother who's name escapes me.
  6. If you love the BB, why not get the 414 passive version, you'll have two great basses there. You'll get many different opinions to your question. Mine is, there's only one way to find a bass, and that's to play some. Find a precision you like the look, feel and sound of, that you can afford, and buy it, regardless of where it was made. There are some superb Squiers about, there are also some crap ones. There are some superb U.S. made Precisions around, there are also some crap ones. Forget where the bass is made, it really isn't important at all.
  7. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=q92r3-khXOg"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=q92r3-khXOg[/url]
  8. You'll get a dozen different answers, but for me, if Rotosound offered me free strings I'd have 'em. Roto's in my opinion are decent strings. Bright out of the packet, nice and clean and punchy for a while, but they go off pretty quick, but then I sweat like a glass blowers arse live. If the Wawricks you've been using are Black Labels, to me Rotos aren't as good as them. The Black Labels are great strings.
  9. Smart little set up that, looks the biz.
  10. Everything is [i]your[/i] personal taste. You like it = it's great You hate it = it's sh*t Pretty straight forward to me. I love [i]some[/i] jazz, Metal, Dub, Country, Pop...etc....etc I also equally hate [i]some[/i] jazz. metal.....etc.....etc Music is great, embrace it [i]all[/i] my brothers (and sisters).
  11. That's just amazing, what a stunning looking bass, best of luck.
  12. Ha.......that's a stunning looking bass. You'd have to have some balls stepping out with it for a gig, but man, that's a looker.
  13. Wooaahh WAL alert...... Beautiful, [i]beautiful[/i], instruments............one day.
  14. Good choice Alan, I was close to snapping that up myself.
  15. I've gone from this: To this: and finally to this: 3 great amps. The Roland was superb in every respect, I just fancied some more power. The Trace sounded superb, I just fancied less weight, and the Fender is a happy medium between the two.
  16. [quote name='mr_russ' post='397546' date='Feb 2 2009, 09:15 AM']sh*t the bed, that looks good[/quote] Quite......... That really is a beautiful piece of work my friend.
  17. Very tempted by this, it looks like an awesome spec.
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1980s-FENDER-JAPAN-JB62-115-JV-serial-JAZZ-BASS-MIJ_W0QQitemZ170291676415QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item170291676415&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1980s-FENDER-JAPAN-J...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] A nice bass I'm sure, but [i]2 grand???[/i] Give over.
  19. Rayman

    Yamaha BB's

    [quote name='Jase' post='395677' date='Jan 30 2009, 07:42 PM']I'm still gassing for a BB3000![/quote] Like this?..............
  20. [quote name='tombboy' post='393602' date='Jan 28 2009, 12:55 PM']Sweet Jesus Russ... WHY did you have to go and post more pics of this baby? I'm sweating now!!!!! *must resist all temptation..... must resist all temptation* [/quote] [i]Sell Russ the Sandberg............sell Russ the Sandberg...........[/i]
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' post='393317' date='Jan 28 2009, 12:20 AM']darts is a sport[/quote] Ahh the sport of kings, I've just acquired a signed copy of Phil Taylor's autobiography, and I'm off to see the "Legends of the Oche" in a couple of weeks, Eric Bristow, John Lowe & Bobby George. That'll be a class night out.
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