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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I hear you. Listen, I'm a jazz fan, along with metal, dub, funk, Britpop (😉) etc etc... a vast array of different genres.... I'm a music fan, like most of us are. I love fusion.... Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report, Jamiroquai, (early) Level 42 etc... some amazing stuff there. I also love art and poetry. However, there are, for example some works of art and poetry that make me work too hard to understand. I want to understand, but no matter how hard I work, I don't get it. There's nothing for me, intellectually, to grab on to. It makes me feel like I'm too stupid to get it, and gets my back up. That's how I feel about this music. In my opinion, art should make you feel good and make you want to go back for more. For me, this art makes me feel like a Cy Twombly painting. Confused and irritated.
  2. Totally amazing player But so far the album sounds like the soundtrack to a 70s cop show….. you know…. when the police are chasing the bad guys down a back alley in San Francisco….. in a gold sedan with a magnetic red flashing light on the roof….. crashing through piles of empty cardboard boxes with a box of donuts on the dashboard.
  3. We’re bass players, we’re into all kinds of music, rhythms etc….. but I can’t listen to that at all, totally discombobulating. Meanwhile I’m hoping I can get a handle on Janeks’ new stuff before his gig and masterclass coming up next month.
  4. Technically clever, but it sends my head West listening to it. Mrs Rayman had to leave the room, her anxiety was peaking
  5. I’m sorry, if I’m being really thick, but from the tracks I’ve heard so far…. I….. Don’t….. Understand. Anyone into it? Or……
  6. Can you elaborate on the routing? Was it to lower the action? Did you do it yourself?
  7. Nice. I had a long conversation with Dave Swift about one of those….. I never pulled the trigger though. Let us know how you get on.
  8. I think dull insinuates a negative thing, whereas dark is more descriptive? Dark is good, I definitely lean in a darker direction now, tonally, compared to the bright tone I used to prefer years ago. To me, dull means meh
  9. Dark, to me, is a lack of top end clarity and sparkle. Not necessarily muddy, but more mid and bottom than top. I had a 60s fender jazz that wasn’t as bright as my 70s jazz, mostly because the bridge pickup placement is different. I used to describe that bass as sounding darker than the other.
  10. Beautiful bass…. I wish I could have it, whoever does will not be disappointed. Alans’ work is top end. The Scottish Fodera.
  11. Yeah I’ve seen this before. Not the most accurate or correct information from this guy, but yes that’s a very similar bass to mine.
  12. And compounded by the obscene soaring prices of new gear…. times are getting harder, people have less disposable income, but the prices keep rising….. I agree, there are some really beautiful basses on here (there always is), but I for one am getting less and less able to afford anything. I do love to browse and dream though, and there are tons of bargains to be had.
  13. I sold my blue PEB65 a couple of months ago, very nice thing, I just couldn’t quite get on with it for some reason. This Integra is absolutely wonderful. The pickups sound amazing, lovey harmonics, it’s so light and easy to play, but with a monster tone and output. What an absolute bargain. Ace thing.
  14. If anyone cares about such things, the history of Aria is really interesting, and every bit as embedded in Japanese instrument manufacturing history as any of the other revered builders. The Aria story is really fascinating. They really cared about making high quality guitars, but these days it’s more about affordable offerings mostly, which is a shame.
  15. Yes me too. I think now they’re seen as one of the entry level companies rather than being recognised for the great quality guitars they made in the 80s and 90s.
  16. Yeah right? This is the same…. I had to double check it wasn’t active! This thing could be the new backup for the Thunderbird for gigs. Definitely a rock machine.
  17. I’ve always been a fan of Aria, and in particular the original 90s Integra and IGB basses. My IGB 68 is currently my only 5 string, great bass, very underrated. However I picked this IGB SPT up recently for not a lot of money…. not entirely sure what it is…. 90/91 I believe, made in Korea… similar to the Billy Gould bass…. It was in a sorry state, but a full strip, clean, set-up and strings and it’s a fine thing indeed. Very light, really killer tone and lovely fretboard…. this things ace, but that’s all I know Any more info?
  18. I bloody love Level 42, however my one and only live experience, many years ago, wasn’t a good one. Probably down to the terrible Blackburn King Georges Hall more than anything, but also the band didn’t seem to be firing on all cylinders either. I’m embarrassed to say that I left halfway through and went home. I’d love to give them another go…. but missed out this time
  19. I’m a Warwick fan, but I agree. The price of them is just ridiculous, however, I think the price of literally everything is ridiculous. If we all just stopped buying these ridiculously priced instruments and stuck with what we already have, most of these companies would be f****** 1K + for budget instruments is absolutely taking the pi55
  20. Having done removals/van deliveries on and off for years, I’ve often wondered if it would be possible to have a van/courier business, purely for musical instruments. I’ve ummed and ahhhd about it for years. I think it would be extremely difficult to pull off though, for one guy and a van. Picking up and dropping off the length and breadth of the UK, assuming that you could get enough work to make it pay. The company I used to work for were piano specialists, but obviously I would have to avoid those. I’m thinking basically guitars, amps, keys and drums only. I don’t know if it’s do able or not.
  21. Massively overpriced budget instrument with some fancy tech shoved into it. Sterling by MM basses seem pretty decent for what they are, like Squier CV etc etc….. but prices like this are outrageous. I hope absolutely nobody buys one.
  22. Yes I would definitely add this to my Warwick collection if I could, I had the 4 stringer many years ago, fantastic thing. Nice instrument, good luck.
  23. I didn’t know they made these in wood? Interesting. Never owned one either.
  24. Yeah, he didn’t even need dancers, he didn’t need anything…. just karaoke machine.
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