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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I’ve had it years….. a cheapo aluminium case by Black Cat.
  2. I’ve never really been an effects guy, but I’ve been assembling a modest board for some upcoming gigs….. just waiting for an OC-3 to arrive…..
  3. Yolanda Charles was a big advocate of these…. they didn’t seem to be around long though ?
  4. I can’t wait to get the Aguilar OBP1 into it….. I’m looking forward to hearing that very much.
  5. Yeah the Vampire was never my bag particularly, but…. I’ve been looking at them recently and thinking maybe……
  6. Yeah I like them…. Reverend vibes definitely, but at Chinese prices, could be a winner. China is getting better with the build quality…. so, could be worth a punt?
  7. Everything a good festival should be 😉
  8. What model of bass it that? I’m confused
  9. I must admit…. sometimes with jazz…. I feel like I’m a bit thick and don’t get it, like I’m not smart enough to understand? Similarly like reading poetry and feeling a bit stupid when you don’t understand it?
  10. Ashdown, I chatted for half an hour in the office, had a brew…. I could’ve spent the day there…. Warwick, I swapped a few emails with HPW, and was cordially invited to call in and say hello anytime. One day, I’ll turn up cash in hand to buy a SS1…. and have look round.
  11. I get increasingly frustrated, hearing stories and having my own personal experiences with suppliers and manufacturers, where customer service seems to be an afterthought. Having bought new equipment recently that was faulty, and also having a couple of failed attempts to buy equipment from a dealer who frankly couldn't be bothered to help me, I also hear stories on here about new basses that weren't set up, difficulties in returning wrong or faulty equipment and just general apathy from some sources of gear. The line of work I'm in, we just couldn't get away with such indifference. We spend a lot of money on our passion, and to me, in return, there should be an equal passion from the supplier, and if not, they don't deserve the business frankly, I won't name names. I have had however, totally stellar after sales support from two absolutely first class companies.... Ashdown and Warwick. Both of whom were absolutely delighted to help me in any way they could, including great conversations with the bosses of both companies. That's the way it should be no? Two examples of companies who are obviously passionate about their products? If I'm buying gear, whether it's a cable or a new bass, I expect that store to be totally on it when it comes to processing my purchase and being friendly and helpful without exception. Otherwise they can do one.
  12. One of the few makes of bass I’ve never owned…… I’ve had a go on a couple but never owned one. A friend of mine had the CS, rare as the proverbial now I believe. Anyway, looks absolutely lovely, especially in black, the best colour of course. Inexcusable that the store, whoever it was, didn’t set it up. Pure laziness.
  13. Something like the Ibanez SR505, very manageable shape and weight, and I’m guessing similar string spacing to the Cort? Nothing wrong with Bass Collection by the way, the Nanyo range are ace.
  14. It will be, once the Aguilar pre is fitted.
  15. I get his 'motivational' videos popping up on my social media quite a lot. Now I'm no expert on video presentation, but he literally looks like he's just got out of bed most of the time, and I'm guessing a member of his family is holding the phone while he records the film. I mean, there's such a thing as a relaxed approach, but at least sort your bed hair out first?
  16. I had a ticket for Mcr, but couldn’t go. I have my ticket for Nottingham, and for the masterclass beforehand
  17. We’re celebrating being together 40yrs this year. Rehearsals are going well, my voice (I’m also the frontman, we’re a 3pce) is warming up, and I thought I’d blow the dust of the old Squier Frank Bello jazz instead of the usual Thunderbird. Sounding good, via the Ashdown Mark King combo behind me. Not your normal combination?
  18. I've always liked Fernandes, I've had a couple in the past, really great basses.
  19. Agreed on Cort basses, pretty much fabulous at most price points. The GB5 looks awesome. Also agreed about Jeff. He's an enigma for sure. His playing..... well lets be honest he's a genius. However I was lucky enough to fall out with him on a FB thread a few years ago, where he argued that you absolutely have to have a solid grounding in theory to be a good bass player. I argued that I'd been playing 40 years and knew next to nothing and had managed as a semi pro in the past (although nothing like the dizzy heights of people like him, obviously), learning almost exclusively by ear. We had a lengthy argument about it on the thread, it got a bit heated and I left it alone. I actually met him at a bassday gathering in Manchester a few years previous, and he's an absolutely lovey and funny chap, but he has some odd opinions.
  20. So, After the nasty surprise of discovering that this bass had a cheap Thomann onboard pre in it, that you can pick up for 25 quid online, I've ordered an Aguilar OBP1 to drop in there. I'm also switching back to TI flats, as they sound so fantastic on my Streamer. What did we learn from this? When you go to pick up your new purchase, take off your rose tinted spectacles and give it a full and careful once over, to make sure it is what you think it is, and that there are no nasty surprises hidden away. Thankfully the bass is absolutely lovely, despite the poor choice of upgraded (!?!) pre, and once fitted with the Aguilar, I'm sure it'll be even better.
  21. I’ve thought about one (and the 4 stringer) for years, but I guess it boils down to the same thing with any signature bass, it’s designed around the requirements of the person who’s signature is on it, and that is very much the case with Jeff. I can’t get past that hideous body wood configuration on the 4 string (which was chosen by his wife when they were designing it), so I always preferred the look of the 5. I have heard though, that the tones lacked a bit of something on both, but, that’s a matter of opinion isn’t it? I just read through all that…. and I don’t think it answers your question at all 😆
  22. Anyone else going to the November gigs/workshops? Specifically the Nottingham one?
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