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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. GAS is the whole point isn’t? It’s the thrill of of the chase, the hoarding of equipment, the jealousy you have of others who have equipment you don’t, the buzz of looking through the ads on payday (before you’ve paid your actual bills), shiny, pretty , things 😈 Nobody actually plays any of this c**p do they??
  2. That’s an important point… If you read Frank Bellos’ book, he points out that while Anthrax were touring and recording those early albums, he was still going to work in his uncles deli in NY just to make some money! Just shows, fame doesn’t pay the bills.
  3. Lol…… we supported them a number times…. I still see Tristan (Mutley) riding his bike around Macclesfield. He’s even more grumpy now than he was then.
  4. I’m such a massively creative person, I can’t imagine not playing and writing, but I have to have a reason. Stupid as it sounds I have always struggled with playing for fun. There has to be a point, a direction….. writing, recording, gigging…. support slot… radio play or Spotify hits….. something to have as a goal. To this day, I don’t see the point without those ambitions. Sad really.
  5. The man with more Spectors than the rest of us put together 😆 I remember the Kiss thing….
  6. For me, honestly, I thought I still had a shot well into my 40s (😆), when creativity was still going strong, songs were good, the band was great live….. I never had a moment of realisation, it just kind of slowly dawned on me that at at 50…… I think, the boat has sailed without you. I’ve turned my hopes of creative endeavour to creating a book of illustrations instead.
  7. As a professional musician I mean? A generalised question I guess, as some of you are professionals, but I’ll wager most of us aren’t. Did you think you’d be famous? Did you thing you could be a session pro? Did you wait for the call that never came? When did you realise that it was never going to be any of those things? It’s…… just…… a……………. hobby 😳
  8. *update* HPW from Warwick replied to my email this morning with a full and detailed spec on the bass, what it originally was built as and all other relevant information. Superb after care from Warwick, and details on the EQ, from them that would return it to stock. It was built as an active bass with passive pickups, and frankly it’s a mystery to both of us why the modest Thomann Pre is currently in it. Next…. will be to replace said parts with something decent.
  9. Presumably I can go back to passive? Any suggestions?
  10. So a cheap pre…. That’s disappointing I feel something considerably better is required
  11. I guess that because it had stacked knobs…. it looked like an aftermarket job. I don’t know if this EQ was available as standard. It’s certainly a neat and tidy job.
  12. Awesome sir thank you for the info. The EQ….. I thought it looked right too…. but some bloke on the Warwick forum said… “definitely aftermarket” ….. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. It’s a ‘94 Fortress One. I think Maple body, Ovankol, Wenge neck. However it appears to have an aftermarket EQ, that I can’t identify. E-002676-94 I think, although it’s difficult to read.
  14. Damn sure it’s been covered before… I’m trying to find details of a mid 90s Warwick bass. The serial number finder on the website only covers post 2000 instruments. So does anyone know how to find the information on older instruments?
  15. Fabulous bass, I’d be happy playing any genre on that. I’ll make do with a thunderbird for now. Ever since seeing Chris Glenn with one in the 80s, I’ve often wondered if I should try one.
  16. Yes I’m sure you’re right and thanks, hopefully I’ll have chance to play later today
  17. Mate I’m slightly embarrassed to say that I haven’t spent any quality time with it yet…. I developed kidney stones earlier this week, and I’ve been in agony since! So hopefully I’ll get to it over the weekend. The details from the seller were, Volume, Blend and bass/treble controls, but as you can see they’re stacked knobs, so I need spend some time with it and figure it out. I haven’t touched a bass since last weekend…. so hopefully later.
  18. I guess, like the ‘redistribution’ of anyones life long collection, I find it quite sad. There are people in the world with obscene amounts of disposable income who can afford to massively over pay for someones cherished possessions. Meanwhile children drown on sinking inflatable dinghies while desperately trying to negotiate a freezing expanse of brown sea, to a land where nobody wants them. Cliche, yes, it has always been thus, and will always be. What a world we live (and die) in.
  19. Closest I came to the one, was a Kinal MK5 and an Overwater Progress 5 and a ‘78 Precision and a Shuker 6 and a …… You get the point, they all came, they all went. I realised a long time ago that I love buying, selling, trading, and the fun is in that process rather than a need to own any of them long term. That, and financial pressure that forced me to let some of the basses go that I wish I hadn’t. I’ve never been a wealthy man, so buying anything is a big deal, even a modest bass. Some of those modest basses have been some of the best I’ve had. Price and origin are not important when the instrument is just brilliant regardless. Anyway, the fun goes on….. it’s the journey not the destination.
  20. I’ve turned into a bit of a Frank Bello fanboy (we’re actually the same age). I totally dig his style, tone and vibes. I was never an Anthrax fan….. but I just like him, his playing style and his back story, I’ve read his book twice, but I can take or leave his band? Anyone else get this? Love Flea, can’t be doing with his band either? Other examples?
  21. Soz if it’s already come up previously… Has anyone seen Fripp and his Mrs Toyah doing a couple of covers at recent festivals in YT? Musically (of course) they’re great, however, (and I was a fan in the 80s)…. Mrs Fripp doesn’t seem best suited to singing Led Zep or Lenny Kravitz covers……
  22. For me, there’s no #1. They’re tools. I’ve had hundreds of them over the years, some a bit crap, some sublime, and everything in between. I gave up looking for the bass many years ago, because all of the basses I’ve had that were awesome ‘keepers’ have been sold. There’s a few I wish I still had, but mostly I’m not bothered. I think the thrill is in the chase rather than the ownership of the instrument.
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