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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Ok, so the TI flats feel much more familiar to me, because I already have them on two other basses. Not dramatically different to the Monels, but definitely more clarity, less wooliness and more tone options, so I'm going in the right direction. However, I'm thinking that the inevitable outcome will be that I'll need to try rounds too, just to see what I get. Maybe, which has just occurred to me, I could be trying to default tonally to my normal fretted tone? Does that make sense? In other words I need to understand that the tone from a fretless is a different thing and I need to roll with that and enjoy the difference. Decisions decisions....
  2. TI flats are on…. let’s see how this goes
  3. Fascinating, I preferred the sound of the low tension flats….. horses for courses eh?
  4. I currently have 12 basses, and only two have the same strings on them (TI flats)…. For no particular reason, it’s just how they ended up….. rounds, flats, tapes… all sorts.
  5. Thank you all so much! What a massive wealth of knowledge and information you all are! Ace…. well TIs first, and I’ll go from there
  6. I’ve always preferred flats, except for rock, where they just don’t punch enough for me…. although, Steve Harris fans will disagree there…. I used to be into bright and zingy tones, Marcus style, but these days I wince at that amount of top end. So I’m trying to strike a happy medium with this fretless.
  7. Hmmm yep…. I’m going to try the TIs, they’re used already, so no harm in trying them for a bit. I feel like they’ll have more tonality about them than the Rotos. If I’m still not sure, there’s a new set of Newtone rounds knocking about here somewhere. It’s going to be a matter of trial and error I think.
  8. So I’m on my (unlined) fretless journey, and every day is a learning curve. A couple of questions for more experienced fretless players…. Musically I want to be able to play a relatively wide range of styles. I much prefer flats generally, but I’m finding the Rotosound Monels currently on the Dean a bit dull, and I’m struggling to get the sliding harmonics on them. I have a set of TIs on the way, which should be brighter, but do you think that rounds might be a better option for what I’m after? Are rounds better for harmonics? Are they a better option for a more versatile fretless sound? The bass itself seems to have a ton of tonal options, it’s active and has lots of high and low cut and boost. Any tips appreciated
  9. Reverend are absolutely fabulous. I have a sunburst Justice, which is an amazing bass. They’re a great company too, Ken Haas is a lovely guy…. Great basses. I’ll be looking for another before too long.
  10. I would…. Lovely thing, and deserves to be set up and played. Very cool bass. Stick some Flatwound strings on there…. perfect.
  11. They’ve tried to redesign to allow better upper fret access. Personally I never go above the 12th fret.
  12. Ok…. 17yrs then 😒
  13. I deleted my account of 20yrs about a year ago. Best thing I ever did.
  14. When I was a kid (70s), my brother, who’s 3yrs older, was a Massive Yes fan. Don’t Kill The Whale was one of the singles he had, and the only song I liked, so I used to play it all the time. Along with “I want to live in a wigwam” by Cat Stephens, which was the B side of Morning Has Broken I think… ANYWAAAYY…..
  15. Yeah that ^ I’m an amateur illustrator, and use a bunch of different inks… I’d be practicing with some “Noodlers” permanent green ink. Very similar colour to that green you have there.
  16. I hear you , but actually it’s not as hard as you think, just needs practice, I’m really enjoying it. Years ago, I played a couple of metal gigs with a newly acquired Ibanez GWB35 fretless…. that was a fun experience.
  17. Last few pictures…. A really nicely put together bass, very impressed. I’ve spent the afternoon working through Tony Franklins fretless course…. great fun.
  18. I left it on overnight and buffed it off this morning. In theory it goes darker the longer you leave it, a maximum of 48hrs, but overnight is plenty.
  19. Yep readily available from Matt at Monty’s…. he even has a video on how to apply it in YT
  20. I think the comment about applying a lot of conditioner earlier is probably as a result of the picture I posted after I’d applied it. With this particular conditioner the idea is to put it on heavily, then buff it all off some hours later. I love the appearance, nice and dark. You’re right about Lemon Oil, it’s overhyped, if you over apply it, it sinks in, then sweats back out again if the wood is saturated …. and, Linseed oil, if it’s over applied can (will) go hard and leave an unpleasant film. Normally, less is more, but in the case of the Monty’s wax, more seems to be more. Wood eh?
  21. It never fails to amaze me…. After 20yrs on here… fabulous bunch Awesome thank you
  22. Cheers mate. Yeah, it was lighter and browner before the wax..... but I like dark fingerboards, ideally ebony, but if not as dark as possible. I'm not keen on the Indian Laural board on my Epiphone Newport.... but I can live with it. Mate, if you have some TIs, I'll take those, they're my favourite. TI flats or D'Addario Tapes are my choice at the moment. I can live with the coloured silks.
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