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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Without pissing on the fun chips…. I’m sick to death of SBL, and the Scott and Ian bromance. How many times can you use the word “dude” in one conversation.
  2. I think a complaint followed by an apology and a complimentary set of strings from the store would suffice. As long as the bass is now as the buyer wants it to be, I don’t think any further action was necessary.
  3. *but it’s absolutely nothing like a jazz in any way
  4. Blimey, that’s a broad comparison I played an Arctic white Korean TB for some years, in a UFO/Michael Schenker tribute band. It was fantastic, loved it, but I’m a finger player mostly. Currently I have a Tokai TB, which, admittedly I’ve done a lot of work in (the thread is in the build threads), and it’s absolutely fantastic. For everything. Epiphone Thunderbird with a pick? Absolutely yes. In my opinion.
  5. After a long (drink fuelled) conversation about what my perfect bass could be…. I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t make one! I couldn’t come up with the definitive option…. Active/passive? 4/5 string? Long/Short scale? Rosewood/maple neck? …… and don’t start me on body shapes and colour options….. I just couldn’t settle on the final prototype at all. Can you??
  6. After further investigation, that looks like one of these:
  7. Just trying to weigh up if they’ll fit my 32.5 scale Aria bass David. I like to get at least a couple of winds around the tuning post, 100 might not quite manage that, not sure.
  8. The body doesn’t look right for one of the 80s Made In India models, but it’s hard to tell. Encore and Sunn, made in the 80s in India are one and the same. Same factory same parts. I have 2 Sunns which I absolutely love to bits. My favourite one, was 50 quid, but I splashed out 100 on the second one. Good basses, if you don’t mind tidying up the sloppy fretwork and putting a decent EQ into it. But without more pics, it’s hard to know what that bass is. I’d be offering 75 for it, if it was in good Nick AND it was an Indian one.
  9. Yeah, can’t really help with pictures of the headstock at least
  10. Big fan of Hohner, I’ve had a couple and they superb imo. Arguably the best active jazz sound I’ve ever had was a Hohner B Bass. Also David is a top guy to deal with. This is a great instrument with some great potential.
  11. It’s worth remembering, that a pickup is basically a magnet, and isn’t usually a particularly complicated component. The build quality and parts can vary massively of course. I retained the “cheap” pickups in my Sunn basses, because by removing the pots and dropping a great quality wiring loom in, those simple and basic pickups were transformed. The basses sound absolutely fantastic. For the price of a couple of looms (£40 each), the basses are perfect tonally, while avoiding the cost of two more expensive pickups. In my opinion, the EQ plays a bigger part in that transformation of tone than replacing the pickups would have.
  12. “If I can’t change your mind” I played it to my ex the day we broke up….. years ago now…. I still struggle to listen to it. Love Bob. I saw Hüsker Dü a few times back in the day.
  13. Crime of the Century is a must have record
  14. Quite a few folks will say start with the pickups…. in my personal experience I always start with the onboard tone controls. A great quality Pre can really breath new life into perceived modest pickups. I’ve wasted a ton of money on expensive pickup “upgrades” over the years, and I’ve learnt, that to start with the Pre is a better way to go. Many will disagree with me. If you love the bass, and intend to keep it, then that’s the way I’d go personally. However if you’re thinking of selling it, obviously don’t waste your time. Been there, done it.
  15. Back in the day, as the front man mostly, then later bass and vocals, I was pretty silly. Let's just leave that there. Now, like Bassassin, I've worked out that playing well live does not equate to anything more than water during the gig, and if I'm not driving, a couple of whisky after.
  16. Nice…. What’s the Ventures connection? I always think of Mosrite with them?
  17. OOOOF ! That’s proper
  18. Not only do they make, in my opinion, the best bass amplifiers, but if you’re lucky enough call in and see them, they are the most amiable, passionate and generally awesome people you could ever wish to meet. I purchased a pretty tired EVO II 500 combo from here recently, at a bargain price. I took it apart, cleaned the cab and vacuumed it out, and took the amp stage into Ashdown for a service and replacement parts. Unbelievably lovely people, unbelievable value repairs and this old ABM now sounds absolutely stellar. I had one years ago, and totally loved it, but mistakenly, I went down the smaller, lighter, more expensive rig route, and could never recreate my sound. The band never forgave me for it. Now, this 20yr old EVO II has a new lease of life, and according to Dave Green, another 20yrs in it at least. I’ll never go for another brand, they are my sound. A small British company, with a big heart, made up of awesome people, building awesome amps. Proper amps.
  19. 2 x ‘80s Sunn Mustangs. One with flats, one with tapes… both identical, inc the KiOgon looms in both. Everything else is stock.
  20. Yep, I couldn’t find any information at all. A red one popped up on the bay a few days ago, but disappeared really quickly before I could consider it.
  21. Out of interest, why do you want to change the pups on the M2?
  22. Did you order via PayPal? If so, start a claim straight away.
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