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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I’m curious, being into my retro and weird looking gear….. does anyone have much experience with Trev Wilkinsons Fret King basses? What’s the difference between Black, blue and silver label models? And are they any good? I love the aesthetics, just wondering what they’re like?
  2. You'll probably get a bunch of different answers, but in my experience start with the Pre. I've transformed the tone on basses by replacing cheaper pots and wiring with good quality parts, while leaving the existing pickup where it is. Many "cheap" pickups are absolutely fine with a decent EQ to get the best out of them. For example, I have two Sunn Mustangs, that are totally original apart from replacing the cheap mini pots and wiring with a @KiOgon loom. The pickups could be described as pretty basic and cheap, but all I can tell you is that they sound absolutely fantastic, just by changing the EQ for better parts. Nowt wrong with the original pickups at all. SO, I always start with the EQ first and take it from there. A lot of money is wasted on expensive pickups when it's neither necessary or financially sensible. EQ and tuners is where I always start with tarting up a bass IF I'm going to keep it. Always bear that in mind when throwing money at guitars, because I was the worlds worst at upgrading then selling gear, and loosing a ton of cash in the process, I've literally lost thousands of pounds in pointless "upgrades" over the years. Anyway.... that's my input. If you're on a budget, don't waste your money on fancy expensive parts, they're often unnecessary. Do the bare minimum to get it playing and sounding nice and stop there.
  3. You’re welcome They’re really superb, and really sensibly priced, at least for now, and yes, made Korea by Mirr. I think Chapman were made there, Italia are definitely made there.
  4. Yep, I was looking at another Warwick, but there was just no way on earth I could afford one, so I went down the Reverend road instead. Reverend seem to be keeping their prices sensible for now.
  5. Cory Wong, Jamiroquai and Sleaford Mods… booked so far….
  6. Pretty sure I’ve answered this before….. I’ve had loads of basses I’ll never sell…. I’ve sold them all
  7. So under all that bubble wrap, there is Reverend Justice bass. There’s no case, no cardboard, just a bass, wrapped in insane amounts of bubble wrap. I don’t think, having had countless basses mailed to me over the years, that I’ve ever seen that before? To be fair, it was all good underneath, once I actually found the bass.
  8. Like Holidays companies, airlines, holiday home owners hiking their prices during peak holiday periods….. when in the off season it’s half the price for the same option….. should be illegal that.
  9. Yep, and it drives up the prices of ok/decent gear in the direction of “high end” prices. There’s no shame in your favourite bass costing a couple of hundred ££s, one of my favourite basses (a Sunn Mustang) was under a hundred quid inc adding a KiOgon loom! I saw a guy online asking for £400 for one…. just because it’s old? I mean I love mine to bits, so much so I have two, identical, but I’m not paying money like that for one.
  10. 100% agree….. food, utilities, fuel…. It’s all gone crazy, PLUS the fall of the pound. Guitars are luxury items, that many of us can’t really afford if we’re honest… but it’s just the prices of the used market that confuse me. I don’t get why a bass that was £300 a handful of years ago, is now £700…. is that just the devaluation of the pound…. or are people getting optimistic with their valuations? Or both?
  11. The price of brand new gear….. I suppose I can kind of get it….. I mean Gibson have been overcharging average instruments for years. But it’s the second hand market that puzzles me….. people are asking hundreds of pounds for makes and models we considered to be be budget imitations back in the day, you know the stuff, made in Japan in the 70’s and 80’s…. the guitars we thought were crap back then, all of a sudden are desirable. I saw a Yamaha BB400 with an asking price of £500? I mean I had two…. I paid a hundred quid each for them not that long ago. I just don’t get why these kind of basses are increasing in value at such a rate. They just aren’t worth that much.
  12. I’m wondering if the current crazy upwardly directional prices of bass guitars is disproportionate to the increase of the cost of living and manufacturing? I mean, not that long ago you could pick up a Stingray for 6/700 quid? And an MIT Yamaha BB1100 for example, might have been 3/400 tops…. Now you can double those prices. I’ve had a bunch of BBs, inc a couple of 1100s…. they’re alright? Decent like? But a grand for a Made in Taiwan model? Nah mate. So why are basses commanding such high premiums now? The used market, especially on here, used to be full of bargains! Now, you need a couple of grand in your back pocket while searching the ads?
  13. That’s one sexy instrument you have there
  14. Rayman

    Tone King

    I don’t know exactly….. I had them out, because they had an irritating lean to them, which required foam underneath to level them out. Made in ‘07, they not exactly high end quality, but they sound fantastic.
  15. Rayman

    Tone King

    I removed it 😆
  16. Rayman

    Tone King

    Cheers mate….. I’m sure I can mention it again a few times over the weekend 😆 I’m just not giving away my age
  17. Rayman

    Tone King

    Aye…. Always around my birthday
  18. Rayman

    Tone King

    A birthday present from the future Mrs Rayman….. An Ibanez Jet King. I’ve spent two days on it. It was feeling pretty sorry for itself, however after a new set of Gotoh tuners, oiled board, new top hat knobs, new strings and a setup, it’s a stonker. Surprisingly high output, lovely low action, I absolutely love it. Such a nice fretboard. Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to touch it now until Tuesday morning (birthday).
  19. Is this the 60s or 70s pickup spacing do you know? I know the V7 classic(?) was 70s spacing, which I prefer
  20. OMG is this still here?? Come on somebody, but this… or I’m going to have to sort out finances myself
  21. Oh that’s no problem, I work all over the country, so that’s not an issue…… money…. is the issue 😆
  22. Seriously looking at my bank situation. I need a big brother to my Streamer.
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