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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Lol yep, and they are precisions, both 80s eastern knockoffs, and both better for me, than most Fenders I’ve had, and that’s many. but I agree with you totally, it’s horses for courses, and I might have fallen at the last fence, while the vet decides wether or not to put me to sleep.
  2. I TOUCHED ROBS BOOT TOO!! Manchester Apollo. The cheap metal studs put a big scratch across my palm. I didn’t wash it for a week. 😆
  3. I had this conversation last night, and thought it was valid, to a point. I was talking instrument prices with a mate, and we got to talking about whether or not one really needs to spend thousands of pounds on an instrument, when it’s perfectly possible to find a really great instrument, for a few hundred. live…. nobody cares what you’re playing, where it was made or what it cost. At all. It’s purely about your playing experience when it comes down to it. After 40yrs (😞) now of playing, my favourite two basses cost a few peanuts and they’re absolutely perfect for me. I just think the price of EVERYTHING has gone mad, and almost none of it is worth half the ticket. In my opinion of course
  4. Ohh I’d love to own this….. I’ve been a priest fan since school, and when Point of Entry came out (you do the math ….. s), before British Steel. Second band I ever saw, around ‘80/81, I saw Maiden first, on their first ever headlining tour, with the original lineup. Sigh…. I digress… I love Spectors, and I love Ians’ solid bass lines…. but this is way beyond my means right now. A fabulous thing.
  5. Shame. PMT (in Manchester) used to have a reasonable selection of basses, not amazing, but decent. Now, it looks like a closing down sale. Still plenty of 6 stringers, but the bass area has shrunk dramatically. Maybe basses are too niche?
  6. Yep, I had this plus the 115 extension cab. Immense rig and light as a feather.
  7. Bit of an update….. I now have twins…. both basses are identical, both all original except for @KiOgon loom in each. The original pickups sound absolutely immense paired with the looms. I’m over the moon these things honestly, yes I’ve spent a LOT of time setting up, sorting frets, doing setups etc, and yes they both had the new EQs, but they’re both absolute bangers. I’m in danger of starting a collection, they’re ace instruments.
  8. I don’t know if it’s been covered before, apologies if it has… I just called into PMT in Manchester for the first time in maybe a year, just to have a browse…. and the “bass dept” is literally half the size of what it was. A few of the usual suspects, Fender mainly, not much selection at all. Is PMT struggling? Closing? Dunno I’m out of the loop.
  9. I hear you 100% HOWEVER…. Like many young women for example, who believe that they have to have perceived “perfect” bodies, because of the way the media portrays “attractive” …. Which we all realise is nonsense…. I believe many new young bass players believe that in order to be “desirable” as a player, they have to be able to perform, frankly useless (IMO) fretboard gymnastics, when all they really need is a few root notes to get everyone up dancing. I DO get your point, I just think that expectation for young players is going in the wrong direction, just like MANY aspects of life. only my opinion of course, and yep, I’m old
  10. So as an update to this thread, I‘ve bought another one, identical to my first one. I absolutely love the first one so much, I decided to get its twin. It’ll get the KiOgon loom, just like the first, everything else will stay stock. The “cheap” pickup sounds absolutely amazing with the loom, absolutely no need to upgrade anything. It’ll probably need a fret job like the first, and will definitely need routing out for the new loom, again, just like the first. I dunno, none of my other gear is getting a look in at all. I love these things. Am I mad?
  11. Same basses as the Sunn Mustangs, great basses. I have one. So it’s a good buy for someone.
  12. I haven’t mate….. I ended up pulling the tweeter out and running without one all together. However, I‘be been suffering with horrendous pain in my shoulders the last few months, which is still under investigation, but it’s stopped me playing at all for now.
  13. Yamaha TRB1005, made in Korea (so an early ish one), absolutely stunning bass, beautiful neck, fabulous tones, it really can do anything…. and currently fitted with a ramp made by my own fair hands. Easily removed though, as it’s only stuck on with sticky pads. A few minor dinks here and there, nothing major. I think my active 5 string days are over, so I’m looking to let this go. I’m sticking with passive 4 strings in my old age. So I’m looking for a 4 string Fender P or J. Happy to trade/cash adjustment for the right P or J bass. Its fabulous with a low action (you might want to raise it), and it plays itself. Looks like Dannii, sounds like Kylie (one for the youngsters) These really should go for more What can I say? I’m all over the UK with work, so happy to meet you somewhere within reason, postage is a last resort and will cost extra obvs.
  14. I want to see a complete reset of YouTube musicians. I’m utterly sick of fretboard gymnastics and tricks. In MY opinion we need to go back to basics, and encourage young players to learn simple grooves, a la: Tina Weymouth, Robbie Shakespeare etc….. real bass grooves, that make people smile and want to dance. Surely the whole point? It was when I started in the early 80s. There are too many “look what I can do” musicians on social media. It never was about what you can do mate….. it’s about the song, the whole song and nothing but the song. Sorry for the rant.
  15. These are immense basses, I absolutely love mine. Worth their weight in gold.
  16. I’m after a small rig for small/ medium sized gigs, and there’s a couple of used options around 200 quid…. Eden Nemesis RS 320 1x15 or Hartke HA350 + 1x15 cab Any opinions? I’m looking for lightish and loudish
  17. Janek Gwizdala next, followed by Toro-Y-Moi. Anyone who hasn't heard of them, check out the album "Mahal", it's a groove fest.
  18. I haven’t seen him him live since he was with JEM, a long time ago. I’m dragging Mrs Rayman along, who is more a Korn kind of girl, so it’ll be interesting for her! Ticket sales are a bit slow for Manchester, so it’d be nice to get a few of us down there, it’s only 25 quid
  19. Anyone going to the Stoller Hall gig in Manchester on the 23rd Aug?
  20. Yeah I had a GWB35 many years ago. Now I hate it when there’s a big gap under the strings.
  21. Pretty pleased with my latest ramps, made for an Aria Integra and a Yamaha TRB1005. I’ve always fitted ramps to my fivers, I just find them more comfortable to play. Black plastic, 8mm for the Yamaha, it took some work sanding off a couple of mil. The Aria has a matched piece of Ash, took a while to match the colour of the stain, but we got there or thereabouts. What do you reckon?
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