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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Righty tighty, Lefty loosely, always. TI flats are fabulous. The king of strings for me. Absolutely awesome on a P bass.
  2. My Hohner B Bass is awesome. Very surprised as it was just a passing purchase, but honestly I don't know why they aren't more highly regarded.
  3. Yep. Kinal MK5. It was perfect. I actually owned it twice, but both times because I needed the money I had to sell it. I regret it bitterly every day. I'm still on Mikes' endorsees page, and unfortunately it didn't go with me to my grave.... unless I'm a ghost. This picture was about 10 years ago, before I sold it to David Eubassix. If anyone knows where it is I'd love to know..... the inside of the control plate was signed by Nathan East.
  4. Every bass, regardless of age, origin and price is different. This sounds like a big deal to you mate so it's really a case of trying before you buy, and stay open minded about brands. I've had/played some very ordinary "vintage" Fenders. I had '78 P that was nice, but not as good as Japanese Squier I picked up for £150 quid. Same with new models.... they're not guaranteed to be right for you. When I turn 60 in a few years I want a vintage Fender too.... but I'll be doing a LOT of trying them out first.
  5. Been there.... I had to sell my favourite bass, a Kinal MK5, twice! Sold it, bought it back, sold it again, because I was skint. I miss it every day. No idea where it is now, but I'd give anything to get it back. Good luck with your search
  6. I’ve been playing a long time, always had big heavy 2x12 cabs… but I can’t lift them anymore. I recently bought a second hand TC BG250 1x15 combo. Lightweight, inexpensive, plenty of clout unless you’re in a death metal band, and very light. New found love for 15 inch speakers I’d recommend it
  7. Yep, the Dean version was the same pickup spacing. Jeff likes a kind of nasal tone, so I'm guessing it's for that reason.
  8. Is it better? No. Is it a great bass, as well as the jazz? I'm sure. Jeff described it as the only bass you'll ever need, for all genres, but.... of course he wants to sell them, so he would say that. I fancied the 5er, but I've never been able to get the opportunity to try one.
  9. I've used 12" speakers for 40yrs... this my first 15.... and I love the grunt. Ok it's no Markbass (had one, didn't like it), but 40 quid... I love it.
  10. Favourite purchase of the year, is by far this Hohner B Bass.... absolute steal, and a joy to play. Bargain of the year is the TC BG250 behind it..... £40.... and it sounds fabulous.
  11. I love BBs so much…… I plan to get another one this year. I had a BB3000S, 1100S, 350F, 400…… I cannot recommend them highly enough. Someone needs to buy this….. it’s up there with the best.
  12. Aria IGB68 joins the family. It's a beast ! Beautiful clear tone, massive amounts of power, I'm surprised actually, it's up there with a Spector Euro 5 I had in terms of the output from the mid/bass/treble cut and boost. Active/passive, Single/double coil, lovely dark and smooth fretboard. It's quite heavy.... it was a struggle to get the Dunlop strap buttons in, solid peice of timber. No "upgrades" required here, despite what I've read about the electrics, it sounds fabulous to me. Beautiful thing, very happy.
  13. Nobody is more guilty than me, for unnecessary upgrades.... Nordstrand pickup and new EQ into an OLP Tony Levin..... EMG pickup and new EQ into a Fleabass.... Etc.... many many more pointless expense on other basses... and ALL sold on anyway. I learnt the hard way that in most cases, for me, I still didn't like the basses and lost money big time on the resale. Now.... I spend time with the bass, get to know it, get to know it's pros and cons, and take it from there. I REALLY have to love the bass and KNOW I'm going to KEEP it, before any more money is spent on it. There's very few basses, these days, in my opinion, that need any work doing at all. Just my thoughts, after 40yrs of wasting massive amounts of cash.
  14. Sorry….. didn’t mean to sound like your dad 🙂
  15. If you don’t already KNOW what you would change on the bass, my advice is don’t change it at all. Save your money for when you think of something you really want. They’re good basses as they are. A lot of money is wasted on unnecessary “upgrades”. A lot.
  16. Aye, that's the one.... I watched it for a few weeks on the bay.... unwatched, watched again....... I kept going back to it, so I went for it.
  17. I love Spector. I had an NS2 which I adored. I've never played a bad one, at any price, and ergonomically so nice to play. Sadowsky, I must be one of the minority who wasn't keen. I had a UV4 (??) Jazz that I was underwhelmed by and moved it on. Tonally it wasn't my bag. As previously mentioned, Yamaha BB, and definitely Sire V9 is worth a look.
  18. I've got a comfort strapp I never use Matt, it's too short, if you want it?
  19. Deffo..... pics once I get it later in the week
  20. Yeah, unfortunately he wasn't open to offers, but I bought it anyway. My days of buying and selling on, I HOPE, are over (unless it REALLY isn't for me), so I'm hoping that they're all keepers. ... but we always say that don't we. If it it isn't right soundwise, I can bang in a Nordstrand.... I'm confident that it'll be a nice player. My last two purchases, we're both with a view to upgrading pups, but I got lucky with both, they're great stock. Maybe I'll get lucky with this one too.
  21. Well thanks for your input guys but I've gone for the Aria 👍🏻
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