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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Yeah, pics mate. I'm sure P bass experts, such as WOT will give you an idea of what to look for
  2. Hangin' around, Peaches.... anything by the Stranglers. Also check out Stuart Morrows amazing pick playing with New Model Army. The Vengeance album is immense.
  3. One of the reasons I started playing bass, and definitely why I love simple, deep grooves. I've never been a fan of basslines that are complicated and fussy, and Robbie is one of the reasons why.
  4. Yeah we watched the final part last night, and I really enjoyed it, much more than the first part. Fascinating insight, and sad to know how many of those in it are no longer with us. Despite my struggle with the length of the documentary, I just can't concentrate that long.... I really got into the final part. The police were hilarious.
  5. I wonder how many people, like me, have spent wedge, on putting new electrics, tuners etc into an instrument, when it really wasn't necessary? I've done it..... Nordstrand into an OLP Tony Levin.... Villex pups into a jazz copy..... EMG pup and EQ into a Fleabass (water bass) etc etc, there are SO many .... all affordable basses with expensive upgrades, and all moved on shortly later, because I STILL didn't like them. Now.... IF the upgrade turned an ok bass into a great one, and you KEPT it...... then fair enough, good move ..... but, there MUST be a ton of money spent out there for no reason? I can't be the only one?
  6. I'm sure someone has already pointed out that: A: We'll all have a different answer B: There's no such thing as "Best". "Your 10 FAVOURITE bass players" would be a better option.
  7. Easily the best purchase has been this Hohner B Bass..... Tbh, I wasn't expecting a lot.... I fully expected to be upgrading the electrics with fingers crossed that the bass itself would be worth the effort. With a setup, new strings etc.... it's blown me away. Lovely clear tones, plenty of lows and highs when active, and even better, a nice clear honky punch when passive. Absolutely no need at all for ANY upgrades. The action is nice and low with no drastic dead spots, even up the dusty end. Superb thing.
  8. Jack bass was introduced in '88, the B Bass came in '90. Mine turns out to be one of the first ones from 1990. Absolutely loving it. The sound is awesome, even passive. Very weighty though? I've heard quite a few people say they were light.... maybe the later ones were? Dunno. Anyway, I've already decided to look for a 6er in the new year.
  9. I'm sure it's stunning and an amazing instrument, but I just can't get past spending that much on a bass.... I just don't know how anyone could afford or justify it. I've often wondered how many of us have Foderas and the like sitting in the corner of the bedroom..... how many of us would take a 6K bass to a gig? Maybe that's not the point.
  10. Fascinating, enthralling etc... until my ADD kicked in halfway through part 2.... I just can't concentrate for that long, not been back to it since. Don't hate me.. I tried reading a book last week.... got 6 pages in and fell asleep. Edit; Mrs Rayman has just put it on again.... so I'm on here
  11. There's a couple of Jack's for sale at nearly a grand on the bay?? Is that the going rate?
  12. Any earlier fernandes basses are brilliant. I've had a couple. The gravity basses are stunning.
  13. IMO Instruments, generally, are all different, even 10 of the same model, made by the same factory, will vary in some small way. Even premium products, certainly not just affordable ones, need tweeks sometimes, to the neck, the electrics or whatever to get them just how you want them. An other variable of course is the player themselves and their requirements. I see no problem with a shim, if it gets the instrument how you want it.... IF you know what you're doing.... AND it's actually required and not just bunged in for the sake of it. So I agree with the OP , when its not necessary its obviously been done by someone "clutching at straws" rather than knowing what they're doing, how ever I'd rather that, than filing or cutting stuff out.... at least a shim is reversible, anything more drastic isn't.
  14. Reminds me of the Peavey Rudy Sarzo bass? Anyone remember those?
  15. PS..... No need for ANY mods on this thing. It sings like a piano. Lovely.
  16. Total setup later, straightened the neck, lowered the action, new D'Addario strings, switch cleaner, oiled fretboard..... etc..... It's a beast. Plays beautifully, sounds massive. I've had to lower the pentometer output as it was almost as in your face as my Spector Euro 5 used to be. It's a fabulous thing, very modern sounding, punchy, and weirdly, turned to passive, sounds quite P bass like. Love it. Total bargain.
  17. Yeah, or maybe a U retro.... we'll see after new strings and a setup tomorrow. The EQ is Vol/Vol/tone - bass/treble yes?
  18. Like any bass, I've found that they very. Generally pretty nice if you find a good one..... I had a jazz many years ago that felt good, sounded a little darker than a US jazz I had around the sane time. It's worth noting that the worst jazz I ever owned was a MIJ from the 90s, the one with the copper earth strip to the bridge.... it was pretty bad no matter what I did to it to improve it, meanwhile easily the best P bass I ever had, was a 90s MIJ from the bay, £120, tatty, but played like a dream, beautiful bass. As always, try before you buy if you can.... MIJ doesn't always mean good.... As with ANY bass at ANY price from ANY country.
  19. Well, I just picked it up.... Initially it feels quality, heavy? I thought it'd be light, but I prefer some weight. Solid thing, and a quick sound test at the sellers house showed it has some power. Full setup with new strings when I get home, looking forward to it
  20. Yeah I don't subscribe to the fact that all "budget" pickups suck, so I'll try them first. I had an old Robert DeLeo Schecter with "Duncan Designed" pickups in it.... they sounded fabulous. So I'll see how it sounds as it is before any upgrades
  21. Cool, well a 6er is on the want list, it's been years since I had one, so we'll see what happens with this one.
  22. It's a B Bass 4, with the Steinberger drop D thing. Through neck, etc in red. I'll post some pictures later.... I've paid £175, so I'm happy with that. I was looking for a 5er, so if I like this 4 string version I might look for a 5 or even 6 if I can find one.
  23. I'm guessing that the pickups might be a bit weak, being the EMG selects? Might be an option to upgrade those.
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