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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. So I just bought a Hohner b bass, I know nothing about them, it looks like a cool bass, and the reviews were pretty good (I'll always research a bass before I buy it). I'm picking it up tomorrow and I'll report back with initial impressions, I just wondered if anyone knows anything about them?
  2. Rayman

    Eh up

    Hmm don't know them
  3. Rayman

    Eh up

    Yup! That was me!
  4. Rayman

    Eh up

    Bit skint mate, just changed jobs, but I WILL be looking for an amp very soon. Wonder who your mate is?
  5. Rayman

    Eh up

    AHH thanks Mike, yeah blimey... from WAY back!
  6. Rayman

    Eh up

    Ahh thanks mate, yeah those two BB300s were the last basses I had!
  7. Will do. Looking around for a punchy/modern pj set.... as always, payday needs to happen first
  8. Hmmmm I might be interested in that... I'd need to save up though
  9. Rayman

    Eh up

    I've always been a Yamaha guy.... since I had an '85 BB3000S.. had loads of them since. Great quality for not much money. I acquired an RBX160?? For the son of a friend some years back.... I preferred it to the Sadowsky Jazz I had at the time
  10. Rayman

    Eh up

    Hello pal.... thought you might 😆 Not seen you since bassday Manchester? The year Nathan East and Jeff Berlin were there? You were there right?
  11. Rayman

    Eh up

    Hi pal Well, I've always said, you can play anything on anything... (I played slap funk on a Thunderbird once! Not entirely successfully).. but yeah it grunts nicely, I just need a decent amp.... I'm really starting from ground zero again
  12. Eh up So..... It's been years since I was here last. Most of you won't remember me, but a few oldies might. I've been here since the start, since the "Bassworld" days which most of you won't remember. I've been totally out of it all now for at least a couple of years. I totally lost all enthusiasm for bass, and making music generally for no reason I can put my finger on other than concentrating on art. I've had every bass you can imagine.... I must be into 3 figures of them... fender, lakland, musician, sadowsky, ibanez, Yamaha etc.... from 3k to £100 (best P bass I ever had... a 100 quid knackered MIJ Squier from the bay).... Anyway.... 2yrs since letting my last 2 Yamaha BBs go..... I got the itch again... my Mrs has bought me (with my guidance) an old Yamaha RBX460. It's, really fun to play, made in Taiwan, around 1997 I think. I'm already looking for pickup upgrades lol.... but it decent as it is... anyways.. Just dropping in.... 👍🏻
  13. For me... the bottom line is this... If you're comfortable with your gear..... if you're comfortable with how it sounds, feels and looks, that's it, period. Chris (Ped) is right, you should feel inspired to pick it up and use it..... but..... to me.... cost and origin of manufacture are irrelevant. If you dig it, it works, regardless of the fact that it might be a Squier or a Fodera...... a Behringer or a Markbass.... it doesn't matter at all.... If it works for you, sorted #justplay
  14. There isn't a bass on earth worth buying over 1500 quid. I really believe that. Music, soul, love, groove, is created by the fingers and the heart of the player. It's ace to have a lovely quality bass (or any instrument), something well made, that feels great, looks great and sounds great. But to me, you can achieve nirvana on an Ibanez, a Mexican P bass, Yamaha.... or a used Stingray, Lakland.... whatever, etc etc.... I just can't believe that in the hands of 90 percent of us, anything more than that is required. The chosen few, I guess, can afford a Fodera or similar... but honestly... why? Especially when Vinny can't come up with a better headstock.... There's WAY too much emphasis on expensive gear. Amps included. Treat yourself to a Peavey TNT 1x15 off eBay and kick some donkey..... Anyway... I expect I'll get shot down for that. Back to headstocks....
  15. Yeah, some people are very optimistic with their expectations.
  16. Don't overlook used BBs from the 80s/90s such as the 1100S and the unreal but rare 3000S. Both PJ configuration, both awesome, however people are asking silly money for those basses now. Some guy was asking for a grand for a Taiwanese BB1100 recently. For me, any of the Yamaha BB series are worth checking out, new/old and regardless of the price/affordability.
  17. Doesn't get much worse than this I really wouldn't be worried about the Sire headstock.
  18. I've had this.... It's like having two bass guitars playing at once.... I'm sure it's been said already, put the kit through the PA. Job done (usually). Two bass amps pumping out similar frequencies (but different notes) will often (Not always) screw with sound.
  19. Why does everyone hate Creed? I thought they sounded ok...
  20. Yeah fair enough, maybe not Nickelback
  21. Have a look at SX basses too. Never played one, but the reviews are good.
  22. "Tenement Symphony" is a fabulous album, but it was a long time ago. The version of "Say hello wave goodbye" he did with Jools many years ago gave me goosebumps, it's beautiful. I saw him live a couple of years ago by chance at a festival, and I was told by my friends, who are fans, that he was amazing... I don't remember, for various reasons. I guess he's marmite, but he's a very flamboyant character and a very lovely chap, I'm sure Dave Swift would concur. There's room for everyone, even Nickelback.
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