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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I had a K series. Best Precision I ever had, and I've had loads, inc my current American Standard, the Squier was better. Nice bass.
  2. Tony Levin is an amazing stick player too.... check out "Stick Men"
  3. Oh the stick is out of my league... NO idea how that works! But yeah, Rob Chapmans' stuff. It looks and sounds lovely, I just wondered how they played. Obviously it's a fairly young brand, and the basses in particular aren't tried and tested too much by the wider public, I'm just liking the vibe of the company, and it's something a bit different to the regular well known brands.
  4. I'm after a 5er. My first port of call is either Ibanez SR, or Warwick... but I'm wondering about Chapman basses. I'm on the verge of buying an ML3 guitar... and now I'm wondering about a bass too, even a trip down to Andertons to try one. Anybody got any experience with them? I know they're a new thing, but I thought I'd ask?
  5. I'm in Macc ..... and I might want this come payday .....
  6. I used pound the strings like a ruddy jack hammer, Steve Harris style. I was always a heavy player with heavy strings, and it was a bit of a workout doing gigs, especially being the singer too. Then I watched Gary Willis play. Effortless technique and beautiful tone. He looked like he might doze off mid song it was that easy. Now I'm with the Billy Gibbons school of thought. Make it easy for yourself. Lighter strings, lighter touch.... just turn your amp up!
  7. I've always loved the look and feel of a Precision, and I love my basses simple. I'm not into massive EQ options, or pedals or any of that shizzle. I like a bass into an amp via a lead, simple. So.... the simplicity of a P bass appeals to me, like my jazz, and Stingray. I've been playing a long time (you'd think I'd be better at it), so I know the score, but I've just always struggled with the Precision tone. Awesome with a pick.... but I play with my fingers mainly. Why am I "forcing" myself to like them? I'm not really, it's just curious to me that I'm so attracted to them but just can't get "that" tone. Maybe I AM over thinking it.... I guess it's become a bit of a bloody challenge now.... Anyway.... I thought I'd post the thread and get some opinions. I haven't taken part in the forum for some years even though I've been here since day one, a few of the old guard might remember me, and I'd forgotten how much fun these discussions are. Thanks for the input. It's a bloody beautiful bass... and I'm sticking at it. I might put the other basses into storage and just have the Precision here for a while to bond with it. Defo thinking flats is the way to go on this particular bass.
  8. Anyone "thinking" about this bass... don't hesitate... Mike Kinal's work in utterly beautiful, lovely man, top end gear. You will not regret it..... AND, David (seller) is an absolute gent to deal with. If I could afford it, I would already own this bass.
  9. If I had to have one bass.... it would be the Stingray. Done the flats thing.... I'll persevere and see how I get on. A bunch of whisky and the Precision tonight.... I'll keep you posted.
  10. Thanks for all the responses. I love the look, and feel of Precisions. Some of my favourite players use them, and I just really want to like them.... its nothing to do with anything other than the tone. I just can't get a tone I like. I've tried TI flats, Superbrights, DI High Beams etc..... Straight out of the case the Jazz and the Ray are just perfect.... I guess I'm going to just persevere for a bit or trade it out for something else. Its a beautiful instrument, I guess just maybe it's not my sound.
  11. Yeah.... I need to give it time. I love bright punchy tone I guess, or sugar in my tea, I'll try and cut dien my sugar a bit.
  12. Why can't I get on with Fender Precisions? Why? I have a beautiful American Standard, just bought it, determined to love it.... it plays amazing, looks beautiful (sunburst, tort, rosewood) brand new strings, set up.... but I... just.... cannot.... bond with it. I've tried dozens over the years, but I just love my Jazzes and Stingrays too much.... Sigh....
  13. ...... and Villex pickups are outstanding too... not sure you can still get them? Nice bass indeed.
  14. And a hole in the back with some lead shot glued into it..... to make the bass balance better?
  15. Sorry can I just clarify... Is that lighter part between the pickups, a chunk of wood carved out of the body?
  16. Is this the bass you were talking about Nick? As opposed to the Precision I bought from you? Nice. Russ
  17. I bought a totally stunning Stingray from Martin. Communications were great, the transaction was faultless and he's a great bloke to deal with. Well packed and quickly delivered. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him again. Perfect.
  18. Thanks for all that... I just cannot be doing with hard cases... don't know why. Anyway I found a Ritter RG7000 Chromo online for 50 quid and bobs your uncle. 30mm padding and built like a tank. The Stingray will sit snug in there. Thanks for the suggestions.
  19. I've used Ritter RG7000 bags for years. Love them, I've carried Sadowskys, Overwaters, Roscoes etc in them with confidence. I have two of them, but want another for a Stingray incoming, but they're not made any more I don't think. I'm looking for a good third bag... but looking at Mono for example.... 180 quid? Really? Come on they're not that good I've looked at them, and a pal of mine had a strap break on one of his.... the Ritters have never let me down once and they were half that price. Anyone got any input or recommendations... or preferably a high end Ritter bag they want to sell?
  20. So is this still available? Via her majestys postal service?
  21. I've been doing this a long time, so I kinda know what I'm doing.... I just moved into a flat, and wanted a good quality combo, to jam out loud to the Bose. I've been searching around, looking at the Markbass Micro Mark, EBS something or other, and all of them were expensive and I got to wonder if I was paying for the brand. I'll admit, most of the sound comparisons were via YouTube reviews, maybe not fair.... but... the Micromark sounded kak. Sterile and soulless. I had a CMD121P and NY extension once, and was underwhelmed by that too. I like honk, grunt, even from a small combo. Then... I found my Chinese made Peavey Microbass 30W combo in my storage space, buried under boxes of crap. It cost me 30 quid from the bay about 5 years ago. I just spent an hour on it via my Roadworn Jazz.... it sounded utterly fabulous. Slightly above flat EQ, Jazz all ahead full..... immense. Ok I'm not going to gig with it, I'll use the DB500 for that, but for home, for practice, it's bloody perfect. The point..... don't be put off, with gear, by brand names or origin of manufacturer. Use your ears, and look after your hard earned. The funk's in the fingers, not the kit. Laters
  22. Wish you were nearer... I'd be interested in that....
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