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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Geddy's just the cat's pyjamas isn't he?
  2. Cool thanks for that, just got, kettle's on, sorted. Beats Dickinsons Real Deal everytime.
  3. Oh didn't I say? I want another Stingray.
  4. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1355332016' post='1897085'] Well there you are. You see the problem is that we all come to this from our different experiences. I played a MIM 50s RI Precision and thought that it played horrible and sounded not a patch on my other precisions. [/quote] Each to their own
  5. In answer to the OP. No. However many of the points raised above give very good reasons as to why the bass is priced up there. If it was MY bass, and I was selling it on here, I'd ask around a grand at the very most, while expecting to accept an offer of around £900. It's not worth any more than that in my opinion. "Old" (subjective) basses are overpriced, just because they're getting on a bit automatically makes them more valuable. I've had a couple of 70s Fenders that have been rubbish. My MIM 50s RI Precision batters them all on all counts, and at a fraction of the cost.
  6. I've bought, sold and traded [i]countless[/i] basses over the years, Overwaters, Musicmans, Laklands, Sadowskys, etc etc etc...........and I came to the conclusion that I wasn't necessarily addicted to basses, but rather I was addicted to the [i]process[/i] of finding and acquiring new basses. The buzz of having some money to buy a new bass is more exciting than actually owning the bass itself. GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) is evil, and I've been hooked on it for years. For now at least, I've quelled it by going back to where I started with just two basses, a Precision and a Jazz. They're basic workhorses, they do everything I want them to, they sound great, play great, look great, and anything else is just an imitation isn't it? At the end of the day. My advice, is [i]buy a bass you like[/i], and [i]keep it forever[/i], because selling it and buying another one is [i]utterly[/i] pointless. Believe me, I know.
  7. I've got the Flanger pedal, love it to bits, but only on manual settings. I've never gotten my head around the Tone Prints. I downloaded Mak Kings' Sweet m***er from my Galaxy S3 onto the pedal, and although it all appeared to happen as it should, I couldn't hear any difference. So I've stuck with the pedal with my own settings on it.
  8. [quote name='evilLordJuju' timestamp='1355321991' post='1896909'] Are you sure about that? [/quote] I'm not. Surely the EBO pickup is bigger than a standard Thunderbird routing? Nice bass anyway.
  9. 1981 - Tina Weymouth - Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime - 2 notes - Enough said.
  10. Top bass from a top bloke, doesn't get much better than that. Yum (the bass.....not Peter......unfortunately).
  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1355046453' post='1893209'] Does vinyl appear to sound better because of the physical attachment to it i.e. taking this disc out of a nice big sleeve, putting it on a turnrable and dropping the arm on it and being able to watch it go round, therefore enhansing the listening pleasure, or does it actually sound better even though initially CD's do sound clearer, I don't know, but I do know I seem to enjoy vinyl more [/quote] Maybe some of it is in the mind, I don't know, but the test, for me happened recently. I listened to "Blue In Green" from "Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis on CD recently, turned up loud, in a darkened room. Nice. Then......I put it on again only this time the vinyl version, and it sounded like the band were in the room, it really did. With the CD.....it felt like you were listening......to a CD.
  12. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1354920058' post='1892139'] Listen to Something, Penny Lane, Hey Bulldog, Drive my Car and so many more. Basically the whole of Sgt Pepper is amazing, especially Lovely Rita. [/quote] Just bought Sgt Pepper a few days ago, it's still in its wrapper unlistened to at this point. I'm 47, and I've never heard the album.
  13. I've still got a massive box of cassettes in the loft. Coincidentally to all this, I'm picking up an old HiFi (younger readers all say "EH??) today.....I've found a couple of shops selling vinyl, and I'm going to start getting a few LPs again. I still have my old collection of vinyl too, so I'm looking forward to hearing it all again.
  14. Nothing sounds better than Vinyl. No matter what you do with it. IMO. You did ask!
  15. Bought an Ashdown combo from Ian. Thoroughly decent chap, and a pleasure to do business with. HIGHLY recommended by me.
  16. That's very cheap? Assuming it's in good condition?
  17. The woman, dressed as a nurse probably during Suite Sister Mary. I saw them a few years back, thought they were average. Nice albums, dull live.
  18. I agree. Endorsements are all about fans seeing the artist playing the endorsed gear, in order to boost gear sales. Otherwise there's no point at all? Surely? Cobblers to logistics IMO. Can they not carry a couple of the heads with them? Then hire the cabs? No? Nowt wrong with the ABM of course, I'm going that way myself
  19. 24[i] years[/i]???? No waaay?? Bloody hell I'm old.
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