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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1353936523' post='1879889'] And £70! Yikes. [/quote] http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/8357-thomastik_jf344_4_string_jazz_flatwound_bass_strings_43_100
  2. Thomastik Infeld flats....fabuolus tone, low tension, problem solved.
  3. I'm in Macc, what sort of stuff is required? Our covers band do, muse, chilis, foo fighters etc. Edit: sorry we're not available......apparently..... News to me.
  4. Thanks Lozz No I'd rather not split thanks. If no-one buys the rig I'll keep it, so I'll keep it together. Trades? Well...I guess I'd have to replace it with something, so something of lower value plus cash is a possibility, but I'd rather sell really, I'm a bit fussy about what I'd replace it with. By the way, the weird blue hue on the photo of the covers is a trick of the light. The covers are mint, like the amp.
  5. SOLD Links to details here: [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=41"]http://www.markbass....etail.php?id=41[/url] [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=97"]http://www.markbass....etail.php?id=97[/url] It's a fabulous rig for someone, loved and cherished, and complete with custom made Roqsolid covers. SOLD
  6. Just beautiful.......all the bass you could ever want. I want it.
  7. Work is ongoing on the site, for a number of days. Be patient, it'll all come good. It's the same on my S2, but it'll all be sorted soon.
  8. Very tempted, I'll get my daughter to have a look.
  9. Don't worry mate, it's not vital, it just gives you a little more control that's all.
  10. I just wondered if it had the little white screw driver adjustable output on the onboard pre inside the bass? The black square box inside the back of the bass may or may not have this little white screw head on it. It adjusts the output. Some Tone Pumps have them some don't. My old one didn't.
  11. Does it have the adjustable or non adjustable EQ?
  12. Rayman

    Pedal boards

    Hmmm cheers for all that, I think some swapping around in soundcheck before tomorrows gig is in order.
  13. Rayman


    I had an 80's NS2 with the hazlabs circuit, and it was fabulous, really grunty, throaty honk, great bass. I also had a couple of Euro 4LXs and they were fantastic too. Beautiful build and ergonomics, and tone to die for. The only one that I didn't quite get on with was a Euro 5. Same quality of build, but it was so "in your face" tonally with the tone pump on that one, that I just couldn't dial in the tone I wanted. It was the non adjustable EQ version, maybe that was the problem, don't know. I've always thought of Spectors as kind of like, riding a rodeo bull. You just don't know how long you can hang on before it throws you off.
  14. Rayman

    Pedal boards

    Yeah I'm new to it Kev, only gigged it once, so I'm still trying to suss it out, and I can't decide how to set it yet!! The only criticism I have of the Markbass rig is that it's super clean, so the bass attack is there to kind of dirty it up a bit I guess. With the bass attack I've ended up (as I look at it from the last gig) with everything set at 10 past 12 except shape which is up full, and harmonics which is off ?!?
  15. Rayman

    Pedal boards

    I've never been much of an effects kind of player, but I find myself using them more and more. Couple of questions.... What's the definitive order to put them in generally? I always understood drive first, others next, then tuner last? My current effects list are: Ibanez PD7 Hartke bass attack EBS Octabass TC Vortex Korg DT10 tuner I'm after a decent delay to put in the chain too, maybe a Headrush. So how would you link them up? Also, can anyone recommend a good pedal board? Any advantage to having built in power? I just use a daisy chain on the end of a power supply. No idea what difference a power brick makes....duh.....
  16. Don't know how far you want to go, but the best one around there is in Morecambe: http://www.promenademusic.co.uk/
  17. Hi mate, is the bass light weight? I'm thinking of my 11 yo daughter playing it?
  18. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1352787966' post='1867363'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25DXcFg1TFo[/media] [/quote] Quality. It's never the same hearing anyone else play it, no matter how good (they think) they are. Cracking bass, if only I had the cash, and the ability to play it!
  19. Wizard Thumper.... http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/moreinfo.asp?id=4 .......and a set of LaBella flats. Sorted.
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