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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1351279190' post='1849732'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8aVRHsmo7U[/media] [/quote] That sir.........is first class, very very good indeed. Agreed on the singer too, she's fabulous.
  2. Very very nice that, and my favourite colour too. Is It the one that was for sale from abroad recently? I was tempted myself.
  3. Nice Blade.....very good basses indeed, but having just bought a Jazz, not sure I need another.
  4. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1352220895' post='1860349'] [/quote] That's fabulous Dave, the perfect bass.
  5. Ahh the old Les Paul neck break sketch. Yes, very painful when it happens, but common, and is usually sorted pretty quickly when done by someone like Mr Shuker. I managed a similar trick with a 1975 Fender Strat many years ago, but in my case I threw it against a wall mid gig, because it went out of tune...... .....I know.
  6. Just bought a stonking Fender Jazz from Sam. Great bloke, great communication, great transaction all round. Couldn't recommend him highly enough.
  7. Just watched it.....couldn't hear the bass at all, so couldn't pass judgement on the tone......and I was surprised to see Jet Black from The Stranglers moonlighting in another band.
  8. VERY surprised this is still here, these are quality basses. I'm going to check funds myself.
  9. Another Stunner David. Hope you're getting on with the Kinal and the Roscoe
  10. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/2011-10-23083155_zpsa5b36018.jpg[/IMG] Well this is where I've ended up....after years of Overwaters, Musicmans, Spectors, Roscoes etc etc etc.....5 strings, 6 strings etc etc......I'm back where I started all those years ago, with a Fender Precision. Financial problems have forced me to sell all my gear, and I've ended up with just the Markbass, and this Classic 50s Precision, and I couldn't be happier. It's been a real cleansing exercise, a real eye opener, and it's made me realize how much time, effort, and cash I've wasted all these years. Once I'm back on my feet, I'm sure I'll be buying more crap once again, but really......do you [i]really[/i] need anything more than a Precision and an amp???
  11. One of the best kept secrets, in my opinion, are the MIJ Squiers from the '90s. Get yourself on ebay and pick up a 90s Squier Precision for under 200 quid, and it'll blow the socks off anything new. I had a K series Squier P bass from 1991, and it was head and shoulders above anything I could find new. Beautiful to play. Why did I sell it? Because I made the mistake of thinking that a '62 RI Jazz would be better. I was wrong.
  12. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1350751309' post='1843095'] Horrible, clinical, souless, over-produced. I must be missing something. Give me Steeleye Span (who still tour regularly) any day. [/quote] Blimey...couldn't agree less, but each their own of course! I think the songs are beautifully crafted, and full of soul, but what do I know?? I've got Husker Du on in the background.
  13. I've recently had to sell off all MY basses too, purely for financial reasons, and at first I was heartbroken to do it. I'm 47, just started a new job after 3 months off, and I'm totally skint. The upside, is that I wound up with a fabulous Fender Classic 50s Precision, MIM, and absolutely amazing. I gigged it on Saturday, and the band, who can be very critical indeed, reckoned it was the best sound I've ever had. I believe in fate or destiny, call it what you will, and I'm sure, 100%, it was the best move I've made in years. Long live the Fender Precision. Wherever it's made.
  14. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4LObO91WTA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4LObO91WTA&feature=related[/url]
  15. Rayman

    Yamaha BBs

    These were mine a few years back..... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/IMG_2033.jpg[/IMG] The BB3000S was magnificent.
  16. It's a shame if it's not happening, I really thought it was gathering pace, however I know that there's an awful amount of work involved in geting it on. Steve, Pris and Gary have to work very hard to make it happen, and I think we'd know by now if it was on.
  17. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/meatship_zpsf5d32873.jpg[/IMG] First gig with the Classic 50s Precision.....[i]unbelievable[/i] tone. I started on a P bass 30 years ago, and due to various circumstances I find myself with just a P bass once again. I'm now wondering why I ever bothered with any of the other countless basses I've had inbetween?!? The band were furious that (due to money issues) I'd moved the expensive basses on. Then they heard this Precision, and made me swear on oath to never sell it. Great gig, great crowd, top notch all round.
  18. Contact mikeh, he works in T shirts. Up in the North West mind, he's near Southport.
  19. Yeah, I only just read this too. Brilliant story.
  20. I bought Neils' fabulous Precision. Top bloke, top bass, what more could you want? Very highly recommended indeed.
  21. Fender Precision incoming. Thanks for all offers of bass loans, but I'm sorted now.
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