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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I'm selling this for a friend..... Ashdown electric blue 150, Used but not abused, the handle is a bit tatty as pictured, but functional, all else looks good. Nice warm tone to it, 15" speaker of course, and perfectly happy during rehearsals and small gigs (I've heard it at both). I'm not really sure what to ask, I know very little about Ashdown gear.......[b]£125[/b]. Collection is from the North West if possible (Wilmslow/Macclesfield).
  2. Glass slides give you a warmer tone, whereas brass (or metal) slides give you a slightly brighter, thinner sound, at least to my ears that is. I ended up with a ceramic one, it's a Joe Perry signature one, trouble is, with my sausage fingers, it's not really large enough for me, and only fits on the top part of my finger. It's all in the ear of the beholder, but I prefer a warmer tone, so glass would be my first choice, and the neck of a beer bottle seems to have the edge, can't think why.
  3. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' timestamp='1344120762' post='1760212'] I'm the opposite, I thought DiAnno was the man ! [/quote] Yes !! Thank you, I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that. I saw them in er....1980ish with the original line up, and was blown away, haven't seen them since. "Iron Maiden" and "Killers" are the best 2 albums,[i] IMHO[/i] of course. I don't mind the Bruce years stuff though, and quite enjoyed the documentary, but the concert was a bit dull. Stevie Harris is still the man though, great bass player, and a big influence on me.
  4. Oh[i] blimey[/i]........don't know what else to say..........dribble............
  5. Creating a JJB growl can be difficult, but an NY baseball cap, some Reebok trainers and an Adidas shell suit should get you close. Seriously though, it's been covered above, valve guitar heads through knackered speakers, via a pick and a Fender Precision. That's all as far as I'm aware.
  6. 3mm for me at the 12th. Any lower than that is too low for me, as I tend to clatter the strings like heard of stampeding water buffalo, especially when playing with the rock band. To be honest, even when I'm playing at home, and much more softly to jazz or funk, I prefer a decent amount of daylight under the strings, I guess it's just what you're used to.
  7. Yeah, I fancy it too, but I have the Ashdown Envelope filter, and never use it, because it's too ruddy big to fit in my bits box. I might try the Bad Monkey.
  8. Is the Bad Monkey any good for bass? No loss of bottom end? I've got one (for guitar) never tried it with the basses. The Ibanez PD7 I[i] do[/i] use live isn't that great to be honest.
  9. Yep, my sound is in my head, and no matter what bass I'm playing, and through most amps, I get there or there abouts on any of them generally. There's artistic license there of course, a Precision through an Ampeg, and a Stingray through an EBS, will sound pretty different of course, but then I wouldn't play a Precision through an Ampeg anyway!! You get my point though.
  10. In fact I'll buy the Elixirs back Nick if you don't want them? My Thunderbird could use them.
  11. Yep, I think that's the option. I think we'll just avoid the venues that have them altogether though from now on.
  12. I see your point Chris, but in our case the venue knew very well what they were getting, and assured us there'd be no problem.
  13. I couldn't agree more with all the comments, and best of luck to one and all. I used to be very fit, I was into the gym big time about ten years ago, and rode mountain bikes regularly, but anyone who knows me knows that I'm now a tub of lard with knackered knees, 6'3" and 18st....and 47 years old. I REALLY need to loose some weight.[i] Really[/i].
  14. Beautiful basses both , did you not fancy the Elixirs on it? They're literally days old, so I'd flog them if you can. In fact the empty box is still on my kitchen table!!
  15. Thanks for that. One of my claims to fame...I quit a UFO tribute band a few years ago, and Pete played with them a short while later at the Limelight in Crewe. So the story to my mates down the pub is.....Pete Way was my replacement in the band. Cobblers of course, as he just happened to be able to step in on that night, and only for a handful of numbers, but it's a fun story. At least it is in my head.
  16. Well then they shouldn't book rock bands then? Simple?
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342969013' post='1743242'] In my view there is only one way to describe an item which is 'mint': unworn, undamaged, in perfect condition, as it would be if it were brand-new. 'Mint with a few dings and scratches' is NOT mint, IMHO. [/quote] That. It would be nice to think that we're all one big happy family of bass players, and that no-one on here would try and sell a bass that is not as described, but the truth is, we should all be very careful when buying any instrument from anywhere, including here, and, in my opinion, if anyone has blatantly lied and sold a bass that is not as described, they should refund the money and have the bass back. No idea how you could enforce that, but we HAVE had instances on here over the years, where members have got together to help another member get justice. I don't mean bassball bats and visits to peoples house, but rather naming and shaming, and putting pressure on the person who mis-sold the bass in the first place to do the right thing.
  18. I [i]strongly[/i] disagree about the question of playing too loud. Playing particular genres of music such as jazz or even pop for example can be played with some restraint I agree. [i]However[/i]....are you seriously suggesting that a, for example, AC-DC tribute band should play with restraint? Utter nonsense that I'm afraid. A rock audience are there to hear their music loud. Yes it shouldn't be deafening [i]necessarily [/i]but music like that should be played with some gusto, or there's no point, and believe it or not, I've heard of venues booking such bands, and still having noise limiters on the wall. I do agree however, that any good musician, drummer, guitarist of whatever should be capable of playing with restraint in the right situation, but not in the situation described above. If you have an issue with volume, don't book bands [i]at all[/i]. Just my opinion of course.
  19. We had our first experience with an in house noise limiter last night [i]gooaan[/i]........ What a pain in the rear end. We don't do weddings, because we're not the right kind of music, Muse, Chillis, foos covers, it's not really wedding music, and yes, we're pretty loud. However, we are friends with the bride and groom, who've seen us live many times, and they wanted us to play for them. So, cutting a long story short, we spent the whole gig playing half heartedly, at a lower volume than we rehearse at, staring at the limiter on the wall peaking in and out of the red constantly. Inevitably, we over did it, and the power went off, twice. Now to [i]me, [/i]either you have live bands at your venue, or you don't. If your venue is in a residential area, and noise could be an issue, don't have bands, period. To me it's a simple as that. there's no halfway house in my opinion, and if as a venue you agree to have a live band play, then it's your fault if it goes tits up, and the venue assured us all it would be fine, it wasn't, and we're all very pissed off. The bride and groom had a great time, and their friends all enjoyed the music, but the power thing took the edge off it, and I for one was very close to launching a Stingray 5 across the room at the poxy box of tricks stuck on the wall.
  20. Nick is the man. Top chap to deal with, very highly recommended indeed.
  21. I'd go with that too. I had my fingers burnt by UPS who charged me double the above to send to Spain. The package was heavy mind, and insured up to a grand too.
  22. I haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know if anyone has already said the same thing, but..... I [i]really don't [/i]understand at all, why anyone would have a bass that they won't play in a pub, just because it was expensive. It's ridiculous. Get it insured if you're worried, surely? If you have a bass that's so valuable that you can't take it out, why have it at all? The thought of having an old banger for gigs, while a couple of grands worth of Alembic or something sits at home, is madness to me.
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