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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Great news. I fear my repairs will cost a heck of a lot more than that, if and when I go ahead. I'll try doing some of it myself first I think. I've seen some double basses held together with tape and all sorts
  2. Rayman


    Lol nope neither of those
  3. Rayman


    @ The Winds, Romiley, Nr Stockport, Saturday 23rd June. I'll even buy you a pint, can't say fairer than that.
  4. Hi Mikey, I'm hoping to get to one of them. I used to be in a band with Ben's dad many years ago, which makes me feel very old indeed.
  5. AAAGGGHHHHH Why didn't I spot this?? I need some new strings.
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1339752461' post='1693651'] Um, whiskey will dehydrate your throat and make it worse. [/quote] Indeed, but during the gig itself, not on the days running up to it, it's not a problem. Plus you won't care if it's a problem or not once you've drunk it .
  7. Cheers boys. Yeah, the Markbass rig is really great, incredibly clean and tight sound, which took some getting used to at first, I've always had a fairly growly almost dirty sound with the band, but the rig changed all that, for the better I feel. The colour coordination is a happy coincidence, in fact I hadn't noticed 'till you pointed it out!
  8. Gargle warm salt water, then lots of hot drinks and lozenges. AVOID cold drinks completely. Have a flask of hot drink nearby at the gig, and if you don't have to drive, a couple or three of whiskys work wonders too. You'll probably find that on the night your throat will loosen up a bit during the gig, but you'll pay for it the next day.
  9. Don't start me off......my head's spinning from all the comings and goings. I'm going to ban myself from the for sale section.
  10. I forgot Stuart Zender[i] AND[/i] Doug Wimbish.
  11. Tina Weymouth Colin Moulding Lee Rocker Jean Jaques Burnel Marcus Miller Flea Steve Harris Geddy Lee Janek Gwizdala Michelle Ndegeocello
  12. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/2012-06-14083632.jpg[/IMG]
  13. I spent a very pleasant half hour at chez Ash while picking up a rather splendid double bass. I could've spent the rest of the evening there talking Prog and Rockabilly. Top chap, and highly recommended. Russ.
  14. I'd like to add my name to the list for these, as and when they are available. Cheers, Russ.
  15. Thanks Daf. I'm going to do an about turn and try the Rockabillys I think, so I'll put my name down.
  16. I would also like to try the honeys. I just picked up my first DB, which currently has flatwound steel strings on it, similar to the Thomastic flats I have on an electric bass, and I really like the feel of them, but the E string seems pretty dead to me, they've been on a looong time I think, so I'm thinking of changing them. The pickup is not magnetic, so Silver Slaps are an option, but I fancy the Honeys.
  17. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1339446051' post='1688719'] Seen this? Might be a bit far away for you, but it looks worth checking out. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178693-old-european-double-bass-for-sale-in-need-of-tlc/"]http://basschat.co.u...in-need-of-tlc/[/url] [/quote] Hands off, I'm having that I'm taking the plunge too. 30 years of electric bass, and I've decided to have a go at DB. I'm clueless when it comes to what's good and what isn't with DBs, but I figured something with a few years on the clock, and a bit of mojo, is a good place to start. Good luck with your search
  18. Oh Mark......[i]what have you done[/i]........
  19. I did a wedding with a previous band a few years ago. Halfway through the first set there's a big flash from my Trace stack and pop....it's gone. The power amp had blown. I spent the rest of the gig playing through the PA. Couldn't hear myself at all. Crap. That's the short version. The long version includes a car crash, a fat ugly bird, a cricket pitch and a pint of Guinness.
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1339355516' post='1687363'] Does that mean you turned it back into the original version of the song by Cameo [/quote] Yeah basically, it was the Cameo version[i] I[/i] worked from, but the[i] guitar[/i] parts were the Gun version needless to say.
  21. We do Dani California and Can't Stop by the Chillis, they go down well usually. We also funked up Word Up by Gun, with a slappy poppy bassline, again that worked pretty good.
  22. It's an issue, we have the same one too. Our drummer is a very good drummer technically, but hit's 'em hard, and struggles to hold back when asked. You can start with the best intentions, but once the adrenalin kicks in, it's hard to calm it down again. Also, the guitarist is more than happy to keep turning up as the gigs goes on, of course, which results in me clattering the strings hard to punch through. Actually, it's so loud, that normally it's the singer who ends up being lost in the mix, and he gets really fed up, to the point where he has now given notice to leave us. It's all down to self control I'm afraid. You all have to sit down and discuss it, and once you're happy with the balance in a sound check, you must stick with that religiously, and resist the urge to get carried away. The drummer is very much the linchpin in that, and must play according to the circumstances. Any good musician should be able to do that.
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