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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Spector Euro 5 I've had quite a few 5ers, Overwater, Fender, Ibanez, Clover etc etc and with the exception of a Kinal MK5, my Spector knocks spots off them all, and mine isn't even the best one I've played. A couple of mates have had them too, and they were the best basses I've ever played, including an NS5 that was pure sex, absolutely the best bass ever constructed. IMO. The low B on these basses is monster.
  2. I had this conversation a couple of nights ago with our guitarist, while we watched a guy playing a PRS in a local band. I know of a couple of local players who own them, and I've seen plenty of bands using them, and with the exception of Alex Lifeson, I'm yet to hear one I like. Don't get me wrong, build quality is fantastic from what I've seen, but they're just so[i] sterile[/i] sounding. When the guy I was watching the other night put the PRS down and picked his bog standard Strat up, the band's sound was transformed instantly. PRS, Tyler, Suhr...etc....etc.....[i]pah[/i] [i]To me[/i], if I had a couple of grand, I'd be looking at a Gibson 335, but pay close attention to build, I've seen some rubbish Gibsons recently. OR, I'd be looking at a nice Strat or 52RI Tele, then put the rest of the cash away for a rainy day.
  3. Bargain, I wish I was near, but I aint.
  4. Jean Jaques Burnel, 1979. I heard Hanging Around, and that was it.
  5. Nope, no sign of mine yet
  6. Final bump, and I'll call it a day. The band want me to keep it anyway.
  7. Fabulous fabulous basses the original Yamaha BBs, my old 3000S was sublime. Tempted.
  8. Price drop bump. I wouldn't mind a US Precision.
  9. You're joking, with a 7 & 10 year old to keep occupied, I wish.
  10. Really nice examples these two. Played them both, and loved them both, and John's a top bloke too.
  11. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/megeddy.jpg[/IMG] It was a weird one, we couldn't get a decent balance at all, and my sound was all over the place. To cap it all, the singer has decided to call it a day. Why does someone always leave, just as you've got a really good set together?? Ah well, we have a girl singer lined up for an audition, so we'll see.
  12. By the way, I could do with a guitar, so that's an option, a strat or a Jaguar would be cool.
  13. Fender Geddy Lee Jazz, sale or trade. It has a few light dings here and there but nothing major, all stock except for an Fender "F" logo neck plate on the back, plays and sounds great. TRADED. Since my jaunt back into the world of Spector, I'd be looking for a Spector first and foremost in terms of trade bait. Euro 4LX would be perfect. Also a US Fender Precision would be good. I'm in Cheshire, and would rather meet than post if possible, and I'll travel within reason to meet you, but post isn't out of the question.
  14. I know......why the hell did I [i]ever[/i] sell my Euro 4??
  15. Well that's better than full treble boost, as I found to my cost when I tried to slap and pop through a RHCP track and blew the horn on my combo. I could see people at the front actually crying with the pain.
  16. Safe From Harm - Massive Attack. You start off thinking it's easy, but make sure you keep going all the way through without loosing time, even when the cramp sets in.
  17. Start flat and add a little EQ to find the tone, that's normally where I go. With the Spectors for instance, if you turn it all up full you'll destroy your amp, and everybody's ears in the process, same with the Stingrays. It really depends on the bass and it's EQ I guess, some are more subtle than others, but generally it's steady as she goes for me.
  18. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1338414105' post='1674376'] she's sickeningly talented though and I suspect we're all just being a little too anal [/quote] Yeah maybe. It wasn't [i]bad [/i]I just didn't particularly enjoy it. I can appreciate talent when I see it, no question, but I'll take a song or performance on face value, as a whole, and think yes, or no. With her I just thought....no, and it was during her tune that I turned over to see what else was on, always a bad sign I guess. I even enjoyed Paloma Faith, who I don't particularly care for normally, and the Hives were great too.
  19. I love it too. Saw him in Manchester and really enjoyed the new stuff live. The album doesn't disappoint.
  20. To throw in my opinion on her performance on JH, I really WANTED to like her, as this type of thing would normally be right up my strasse, but I just thought it was dull. I enjoyed the other acts much more tbh. Disappointed.
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