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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Last night........ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/millstone1.jpg[/IMG] That's the effect I have on women when I play.............
  2. Pleasure and the Beast were some kind of porn show kind of thing from memory?? Crap music I seem to remember though.
  3. Was it '83?? blimey, I feel even older. I spilt chips and gravy all over the Poison Girls who weren't impressed. I was so very very drunk....I spent half the day asleep on the floor. I remember The Three Johns, they were maybe my favourite, along with Play Dead and The Death Cult as they were back then. Action Pact....god yes, with the girl singer, I liked them too, but I don't remember seeing New Model Army???
  4. Might be better to PM people mate, rather than dragging up old for sale threads. Good luck with your search.
  5. I was their biggest fan in the 80s, saw them plenty of times, the Hacienda in Manchester stands out as one of the best from memory. I haven't seen them since The Futurama Festival in Leeds in '86, totally lost touch with the new stuff. Any good?
  6. Old Millstone, Macclesfield last night, Ship Inn next Saturday. Last night was a cracker. It was one of those gigs that didn't hold out much hope at first, with only a handful of people in, it was looking bleak when we started, but an hour and a half later the place was rocking. We played well, nice balanced sound which crept up in volume as we went on of course, but hey ho, it's rock'n'roll in it?
  7. That's beautiful, trade only? or cash price?
  8. I have Stu yes, but I tried one in PMT a few days ago, and it was sublime, so I'm tempted. I'm really after either a decent Jazz to go with the Stingray and the Precision, or my old Kinal back, but I've had no answer to emails from it's current owner, who, was selling it a couple of weeks back.
  9. Too far for me to travel unfortunately, but it's a cracker that.
  10. Might be interested then, I'll have a think.
  11. What's it like weight wise? I believe they are quite light? I have a Fender 2x10 pro 400 combo that I love but weighs a ton. I'd be interested to know if this is lighter.
  12. I, like many I guess, was a massive fan all the way from Rattus up to when Hugh left, then I dropped them like a stone after I heard Written In Red which was crap. As an old fan, is life after Hugh really worth investigating?
  13. Yeah, I saw the Celinder, and was tempted, but it's a bit steep for me on price, so I backed off. Very nice bass though. I much prefer it to the Lull aesthetically, but they're both top notch I'm sure.
  14. Rayman


    Are they definitely Aeros? The Pups? Very interested if so. What kind of price are you looking for?
  15. My first bass, one of these, and to show how old I am, I bought it brand new
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1328632559' post='1530385'] [/quote] What's that supposed to mean??
  17. Ha. We thought we were being "cutting edge" by learning this one, but apparently not! Seems like you're all doing it. We've also just put in "Pounding" by Doves and "Sweet Disposition" by Temper Trap. They work quite well along side the usual Chilis and Foos stuff.
  18. I had a glass, Grolsch ashtray thrown at me during a gig many [i]many [/i]years ago, which hit me on the side of the head, luckily it was just a glancing blow, and no real damage was done. I was the singer at the time, and reached for the bass player's Aria ZZ bass and threatened to shove it sideways up the arse of the perpetrator, who sadly, failed to come forward.
  19. Fabulous fabulous bass. The best bass I've ever owned too. I miss it bitterly. It was me that collected the autographs on the inside of the control plate. I'd LOVE it back, but I don't have that kind of cash.
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