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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Awesome. Just one thing to add from me. I've played drums, guitar, I've tried trumpet, clarinet, keyboards, and for me at least, not one of those instruments held a candle to the Bass Guitar. Bass has opened my eyes to Dub, Funk, Jazz, Soul, etc etc when all I knew before was rock and punk mainly. There is no other instrument better for opening musical doors and opportunities than the Bass Guitar, and there is [i]definitely[/i] no instrument cooler or more respected by other musicians.
  2. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1328102741' post='1521803'] I'll get me coat. [/quote] Erm....yeah, me too.
  3. Oh.....the bloke from Art Attack? The kids art show? Didn't know he was in a band to be honest? Don't know them, but best of luck, looks like a good gig.
  4. I just woke up after fainting an hour ago.......
  5. Did your mate not take it then Jay?
  6. Ok well I'll come in from a different angle to what most people will say on here......... I've been playing bass for 30 years on and off (big time off halfway through that 30 years), but I don't know any theory. At all. I don't know what notes I'm playing at any point at all, apart from E A D G, the standard open string tuning. I picked up a bass because I heard Tina Weymouth, JJ Burnel and Colin Moulding....and because I loved the sound so much, I wanted to have a go myself. I've never been one for learning someone else's basslines note for note (unless it was for a tribute band and it was expected of me), and I can do that no problem, but it's not "FUN". It's not [i]creative[/i]. A lot of people will advise learning basic theory, etc etc, and they're wise words, honestly, but ask yourself.....[i]WHY[/i] do you want to play music on a bass guitar? To be technically great in a few years time? Or because you love music and want to have [i]fun[/i]? For me it was the later. I learnt to play, by playing along to my favourite music, with my bass, making up basslines that sounded good to me, and I had fun doing it. So I'm still doing it all these years later because I still enjoy it, and I learn everything by ear, and by listening carefully to what the music needs, NOT what amazing techniques I can throw in there. Theory is probably a good idea to be honest, long term, but don't forget to have fun too, otherwise there's really no point. Just my opinion, many will shoot me down, but whatever.
  7. My hero [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq9psY6yXJY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq9psY6yXJY[/url] Colin Moulding
  8. I've played to Les Battersby, Jim Macdonald and Liz Macdonald. Beat that.
  9. This is better...... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxZukx-Drw0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxZukx-Drw0&feature=related[/url]
  10. I didn't think his playing was as bad as some make out? Once you get your head around the trippy 80s presentation, it was fun to watch. Not [i]that[/i] useful I don't think, but fun. I quite liked his tone too.
  11. Thanks a lot for all the interest. The bass is now gone.
  12. I met Mark to trade one of my stingrays for his Fender Hot Rod Precision. Top bloke, very punctual, a pleasure to deal with. I can't recommend him highly enough. Russ.
  13. We did a wedding some years ago. I'd been ill for a couple of days before, seriously unpleasant gastric flu. Any other bog standard gig I'd have pulled out, but someone's wedding.....you have to soldier on don't you? Apparently it was a great gig. We played well, and the music went down well, but I remember almost nothing. I've never felt so bad in my life, and spent the time before the gig, during the break, and after the gig, cowering in a corner behind the stage with a bucket next to me, out of the sight of the guests. I can remember staring at the drummer at one point, sweat running down my face, swaying backwards and forwards, and telling him I couldn't go on much longer, but we got through it to the end, that's about all I remember from that night. Apparently the groom came to the microphone after the set to thank the band, and especially "the bass player who was feeling unwell". I was round the back of the marquee meantime, throwing up. Top night.
  14. Thanks for the nice comments. I've had a few Stingrays, and this one is right up there with the best of them for sure. Stealth Bongo eh? A mate of mine had one a few years back, lovely basses. I've never owned a bongo, but a few mates have, and I've been impressed with them all.
  15. It's like......how much more black could it be? The answer is none......none more black.
  16. Don't know Shackleys, although the name rings a bell. I'm trying to think where there's a bike shop in Macc..........
  17. I'm looking to move my SR5 on. I'm totally in love with the 4 stringer, and this one, as much as I love it, just isn't being used. Black body, rosewood neck (looks like ebony, very dark) and a matching black headstock. I don't know the age, but I'd guess it's only a handful of years old, if that. Got to be honest, I just don't do black anymore, it's just too..........black. Superb condition, superb, tone and a superb player. Bigger and [i]darker[/i] sounding than my 4 stringer, it's a real cracker. A few light scratches on the pickguard, but I can't find any marks on the body. There's no case, so I'd rather meet if possible, I can get across a fair bit of the country within reason. Price, dunno........what are they going for now? £900? Trade bait.....I'm after a 4 string Fender Jazz to go with the 4 string Stingray. Or, I could be tempted by a Bongo, never had one. NOW TRADED !!!!
  18. Solid gold these amps, I loved mine, great tone and surprisingly powerful for the size too. Bargain.
  19. Yes, it'd be just the ticket I reckon, I'll wait and see what Jan's pay packet brings.
  20. 4 pce, rock/pop covers, muse, Chillis etc etc, small to medium sized gigs.
  21. I'm after a new rig, something small and light, what sort of [i]humf[/i] does this thing have in terms of gigging power?
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