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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. That sir, is quality, of the highest order. Reminds me of a gig I played at Rafters in Manchester, many years ago. King Kurt had played there the night before, and the stage was an absolute mess. I spent most of the gig slipping around in what looked like blancmange. The Death Cult (later The Cult) were up after us a couple of nights later, so I'll bet they weren't happy either. I'm not suggesting you're like King Kurt.......the vid just reminded me of those phsycobilly/goth days I used to be a part of.
  2. Rayman


    Oh my lord, give it to me, I want it.
  3. No one got a head and a 1 x 12 cab or similar to trade?
  4. Why thank you sir. Yep, it's only a size/age thing that's my problem, soundwise I'm after something that's the same if possible, just smaller.
  5. Great basses these, and this being the MIJ version gives it the edge over the Taiwanese made ones I had. I still miss my old BB3000S.
  6. I've been down the Delanos road, and for me, it was a big fat dead end. To me, a 'ray sounds great straight out of the blocks, and if the tone isn't right for you, I'd look at a Jazz instead, rather than swapping out EQs and such, again, I've tried all that, and it didn't work for me at all, the mods made the bass sound clinical and souless.
  7. Bump. Actually I did bump into the Fender yesterday, and nearly lost a leg.
  8. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1277761887' post='880477'] Has one of the drivers been replaced,,, looks a slightly differerent colour in the photo ? [/quote] Never did reply to this question, sorry mate. No, just a trick of the light I think, no replacements there.
  9. I've had a couple of Epi's and played a few Gibsons, and as always my answer is pound for pound I'd have the Epiphone all day long. Gibson guitars are over priced and QC is awful at the moment (I played a couple of [i]shocking [/i]Les Pauls in PMT recently). Epi's are what they are, work horses, and it doesn't matter if you ding it half way through a gig. Mine was solid, sounded great, looked great and played great, and it cost a fraction of the Gibson version. There's a big thread on all this somewhere in the archives.
  10. I've never had a bass [i]guitar[/i] disaster thankfully, but plenty of amp related ones. The usual "pint on top of the amp" sketch (not my pint I hasten to add) springs to mind, just before we're about to go on, said pint gets knocked over, amp goes off. So I spent the next hour with the amp in bits, holding a hair dryer, drying off Guinness covered parts. Amazingly, after an hour, once all put back together, the amp worked perfectly. Top tip for your gig bag that, a hair dryer, or better still, don't have pints on top of your amp.
  11. Ok well....I was 45 when I posted this ad.......and now I'm 47 and my back is two years older. I'd really like to move this great combo on if I can. As per the OP, I'm after something smaller and lighter, but with similar grunt, so a 100W practise combo would not be any good to me, I need something that can comfortably gig. It's worth the asking price all day long, so that's what I'd like....or.....a swap for a smaller setup. Cheers.
  12. Horrendous start to the year, my wife left me. Never felt so low in my life, but........thinks are turning around, new house, on my own, without the nagging, and I see plenty of the kids, so not too bad in the end. Basswise, very poor. A few gigs, but band politics are getting in the way, and sometimes we can go a month without playing at all. I need some inspiration. I don't even come on here much anymore, I'm just all bassed out at the moment. On the plus side, I've stuck with the Two Stingrays virtually GAS free now for a few months, so gearwise I'm ok. I [i]WAS [/i]really looking forward to Bassday in Manc this year, but it's my weekend with the kids, and that means a lot more than looking at more gear I can't afford. Wish I could've seen Marcus though . Looking forward to Christmas, and a more prosperous 2012 hopefully.
  13. Saw him with the Blockheads last year, superb gig, proper music, proper bass playing. Legend. HMWYRS is one of the best basslines ever.
  14. The only player I know who's even cooler in the flesh than he is on his records. I've been a fan for many years, and he's responsible for getting me into dub/reggae too.
  15. Ahhh...remember it from the for sale thread now....lovely. Wanna sell it??
  16. I know....GAS is a terrible thing, and the cause of many ructions in my house.
  17. I'm a big fan, his dubby hypnotic style is just the ticket during a late night drinking session, as I discovered a couple of weeks back. "Mu" is a great album.
  18. I'm after a new practising unit to replace my old Tascam CDBT1. I've seen that Korg have brought out the Pandora 5 but I wondered what else was about and more to the point what's recommended?
  19. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/2011-09-18162541.jpg[/IMG] Here's my two 'rays, just lemon oiled, polished, and re-strung.
  20. Me and Mike B, our frontman: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/russjm/DSCF0173.jpg[/IMG] Apologies for the cheesy effects.
  21. I love my white TB. I was in a UFO covers band so it was the only option. Mine was an Epi, although I did try a couple of Gibsons, and honestly, I preferred the Epiphone at a fraction of the price. A bass is what you make it. I slapped a couple of songs on mine no problem at all. Ok it's a much more middy sound than say a Jazz, but, I've seen reggae players, pop players and obviously rock players use them so you can do quite a bit with them if they're up your strasse. After all, [i]the funk's in the fingers, not the bass they're holding[/i].
  22. TOP BLOKE.....easy to deal with, and drives a rather splendid old Range Rover, that I wanted. Buy with total confidence.
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