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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Ha H[i]aaaaaaa[/i] You [i]know[/i] you want it! I'll even drive it to you
  2. [url="http://www.tdpri.com/forum/telecaster-discussion-forum/158247-fender-deluxe-blackout-telecaster-vs-standard-telecaster.html"]http://www.tdpri.com/forum/telecaster-disc...telecaster.html[/url] Here's a link the the TDPRI, [i]the[/i] discussion forum for Tele owners, and there's plenty of chat about the guitar on there.
  3. Now I bet that lot sounds awesome. A proper bass set up. Have you got flats on the JC?
  4. [i]Please[/i] don't buy any of those basses you've listed, as pointed out above, they're poor quality, and you can do so much better by either taking your time and saving a bit more money, or searching for a better bass that could come up on here. I bought a cheap bass, similar to those for my 10 year old daughter, and even [i]she[/i] thinks it's drfitwood, in fact we're hoping to have a woodburning stove put in before the winter, and guess what's going on it first? Take your time, something much better will pop up on here.
  5. Love The RHCP musically, but can't [i]stand[/i] Anthony Keidis' vocals. What a great band they'd be with a decent singer.
  6. Great bass this one, great tone, a pleasure to play.
  7. Rayman

    Shuker 6

    I'll take some more pics in the morning. The controls are 3 band EQ, volume and pan, very straight forward.
  8. Rayman

    Shuker 6

    I know mate, it's beautiful instrument, I'll be sad to see it go.
  9. Yep, PMT Salford, if you want drums too. Sounds Great is in Heald Green, and is a great shop, but expensive and mainly guitar orientated, a few basses, and no drums. The drum centre is on the Eccles road, but no basses alas. PMT's your best bet.
  10. Rayman

    Shuker 6

    [quote name='charic' post='1344599' date='Aug 18 2011, 05:08 PM']Yikes that's beautiful. I'm guessing the trade wouldn't go for a pimped MIM P [/quote] I had a MIM P bass, and it was great, but I'm after something a bit more upmarket, thanks anyway mate. Dood will be disgusted that I'm letting this one go I'm sure.
  11. Rayman

    Shuker 6

    PMs replied to, and just to clarify, there's no case.
  12. One of Jons' early builds, when it went for a tart up recently even he wasn't sure when he's made it, but we're guessing early 2000s. Wenge body, maple top, rosewood fretboard, EMG pups & eq, a beautifully put together instrument. A few light marks but nothing major, it plays lovely with a pretty low action, and as I say, was back with Jon a few weeks back for a clean up and to have a couple of ebony ramps made, which I have taken off (they're only stuck on with double sided tape) as I decided they weren't for me. I use my Stingray pretty much all the time, so this beaut just isn't getting much use. I hope it's ok for me to use this picture as it's provided by a previous owner: and this one recently with the ramps fitted, taken with my, quite frankly, embarrassing phone camera: As I say, the ramps have been removed, but come with the bass if you want them. 35" scale, but very easy to play IMO, it's a lovely lovely thing, but having bought it for the band, it just doesn't fit in for what I need. I won't lie, it's pretty heavy, I don't know the weight because I don't have any scales, but it's not light. It sounds magic, and it plays like a dream, it really does, but I'm after either a Stingray, a Jazz or a Precision in a trade. I [i]can[/i] post, but I'd rather not, so I can drive within reason across most of the NW of England to meet you. So, there you are, unfortunate that it hasn't worked out for me, but I can't afford to keep it and not use it. [b]TRADED !!![/b]
  13. It never goes......[i]never[/i]. I'm thinking about unloading the Shuker because it's not getting played much, and I want either another Stingray or a Fender Jazz or Precision. Help me baby Jesus.
  14. Thought I'd stick my baby up here: Although I have a nasty habit of deciding to sell stuff I put up on here, let's hope not in this case .
  15. Jamie, having had one recently I can tell you, it needed no mods whatsoever. I read up on all the [i]blurb[/i] re upgrading the EQ [i]blah blah[/i], but it was nonsense IMO. All my GWB35 needed was some of the fretlines removing and re glueing as they had a tendency to pop out due to a lack of care when they were glued in in the first place. Once that was sorted the bass was perfect. Great tone from the stock electrics, MASSIVE low B too, it was a great bass, and IMO needed no upgrades at all.
  16. ahhh......photography..... I was a photo nut quite a few years ago now, I've still got all the books, and still got my old Nikon SLRs, but I've never made the jump to digital, although I was tempted again recently. Ped's well into his pictures too. I did a couple of masterclasses with a guy called Bob Carlos Clarke, who's sadly no longer with us, and I still have a large signed print of his, but it's a bit racey to have up on the wall. He was into his sex/art type stuff, but I preferred his still life and portraits. His printing was jaw dropping. Check out Jane Bown and Eve Arnold for the [i]best[/i] black and white portraits, and Charlie Waite and of course Ansel Adams for landscapes. I've got a signed Charlie Waite print on the wall behind me. Anyway..... Have a bump.
  17. I'd like to be playing dub reggae on a bog standard Fender Jazz.
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