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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. I'd go for a cream pearl plate rather than white. I had a P Deluxe with a cream pearl plate, and it gave it a really nice worn in look. To me, black wouldn't look right with a honey coloured body.
  2. I'd love to have seen them again, but couldn't justify the cost. The last time I saw them was in '81, with the original lineup, DiAnno, Burr, Harris, Stratton and Murray. They were the first band I'd ever seen live, and I was blown away. Great days.
  3. As with any budget bass they can be hit and miss. I had a Tony Levin, and out of the box is was ok, until you looked close up. The nut was shocking and had to be replaced straight away. The electrics were also pretty poor, and were also replaced. Once I'd thrown about 200 quid at it, it was a good bass, but still not on par with a Musicman, [i]for me[/i] in fact, not even close, but as a bass in it's own right, after the mods, it was a really nice player. The lesson I learnt, was that you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear, but you [i]can[/i] make a decent wallet. The review I did is here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11669&hl=olp+tony+levin"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...=olp+tony+levin[/url]
  4. Clip 1 for me sounds more like my Stingray. It sounds tight and punchy, the tone I like. Clip 2 sounds mid scooped to me, with more top and bottom than the first clip. To be honest, I can get a similar tone to [i]both[/i] clips on my Stingray, but I prefer tone 1 whatever. But what do I know? I'm an SR5 player.
  5. New Day Rising - Husker Du, 1980 something, Hacienda, Manchester.
  6. Yamaha RBX all the way. I got one for an 11 year old lad a few months ago and he loves it. It plays great, it's light, and it sounds fantastic. Original thread here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85195&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85195&hl=[/url]
  7. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='1303498' date='Jul 14 2011, 01:14 PM']what a player what a bass my god [/quote] +1
  8. Easy [i]for me[/i] this one. If you want to be [i]technically[/i] great on bass (or any instrument) get a teacher, but that's not what I voted for. If you want to absorb, and enjoy, and learn, and have fun playing, then listening to as much music as you can, and playing along to it, [i]in my opinion[/i], is the [i]only[/i] way, and that's what I voted for.
  9. Of the few Precisions I've had, my top 3 goes like this: 1: 1990 MIJ Squier Precision - The best sounding and best playing P bass I've ever had. All original - £100 from ebay. 2: MIM Precision - Almost as good as the above. Lovely neck, comfortable and fast. Pimped with a SDQP - £350 used. 3: 1978 Fender Precision - Mojo a plenty, lots of thump, bit heavy. All original - £800 used. I've had a couple of US Standards, and I can't remember what they were like. That says quite a bit to me. Back on topic.....the Mexican one was a beauty. Good build quality and easy to play, OK, I put a QP in there, but only for the sake of it really, the original pup was fine as it was. To me, like with [i]ANY[/i] make of bass, if you look around and try a few, you can find a really good example, and with the price difference between MIM and MIA, I'd go for a [i]nice[/i] MIM every time. MIJ of course is in the mix too, but my experience with (older) MIJ Fenders hasn't been good. I had an MIJ Jazz, admitedly an oldish one, but it was rubbish in most respects, maybe I was unlucky.
  10. I've tried a few 6ers. The Yamaha TRB6 is really nice, but for me, my Shuker is head and shoulders above everything else I've tried. It's all down to personal taste of course, but if you have a custom made bass, made by someone like Jon Shuker, or Alan at ACG, you get to input all your own ideas and work with the builder to get a bass that fits you perfectly, rather than an off the shelf mass made one. That said, there's nothing at all wrong with Ibanez or Yamaha etc, far from it, I'm a big fan of both, and the Ibanez SRs are pretty light too, whereas my Shuker weighs about the same as a small car.
  11. One of the the comfiest basses I've ever owned/played this one. Seriously nice bass.
  12. I got them to sign my denim jacket at a record shop in Nottingham, before the Rock City gig in 1986. I also managed to grab a plectrum Johnny lobbed into the crowd after using it to play Warthog, and a signed photo from the Manchester gig the night before. I waited in vain for Dee Dee to hand over his Precision, but alas that never happened.
  13. There are horror stories for every courier you care to mention. My experience with Parcel Force is that I've sent maybe.....20 guitars with them, over the counter at the post office, everything from cheap guitars to relatively expensive ones, and never had a problem, not once. However if the mis-sale of insurance is true then that's really not very good at all, I'll have a look into that. My horror stories all relate to TNT, I've used them via work on and off for many years, and the they have been utterly useless on most occasions. Unfortunately I have to use them as work tell me to. Business post were generally ok, but were often late, especially with 24 hour deliveries. ALL of my damaged items were handled by TNT. I would NEVER send an instrument with them under any circumstances.
  14. [quote name='Linus27' post='1282578' date='Jun 25 2011, 11:24 PM']Fretted is good, just to get an idea on looks.[/quote] Here's mine..........
  15. Ha.....didn't read the fretless bit...... I can do a fretted version.
  16. AAARRGGGHHH I wanted this, but you took it off the market, and now I'm skint again.
  17. I've got a few grand lying about in a carrier bag here somewhere.............think I'll have that Kingbass.
  18. Been to see Jon today. There's an almost finished JJB there. Beautifully made bass, light (well, a small car would be lighter than my Shuker 6 string) and very classy looking. I've earmarked one for myself when I can afford it.
  19. Just the one mate......and it's [b]gone[/b].
  20. Oh shame, ah well, unless you fancy a trip over ? Yeah well, it's paid for, and we have a gig, so I'd rather it went to a Myung fan on BC than anywhere else.
  21. Friday 22nd July. I have a gig, so I can't go. [b]GONE[/b]
  22. I was gutted that she wasn't on the Prince dates at the O2 a couple of years back.
  23. Rayman

    Hey DOOD!

    What a racket.....I lasted about 20 seconds on that first clip.
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