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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. The Prosebass is gone, and the SR505 is pending a sale. Any offers on the GWB-35? I've seen them go for a lot more than my asking price.
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1257787' date='Jun 5 2011, 09:01 PM']T'was a Jo Osborne neck, not a 55-01. If that bass weighed two pounds less, I'd still own it. Best B-string I've ever heard, and I've had some VERY good 5-string basses.[/quote] AHH OK, cheers for that. Yeah, it's really cracking bass, the Low B is as good as it gets.
  3. The Prose is sold pending the usual. Thanks for the interest so far.
  4. I know mate, but that's what I paid, so I'll pass the good will onwards.
  5. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=112414&hl=PROSEBASS"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=PROSEBASS[/url] [b][size=3]SOLD[/size][/b] Korean (better than the newer ones) Ibanez SR505. Fab bass, bought it recently on a whim but just don't need it. Very light, big tone, lovely player, a few marks and dings but nothing major. [b][size=3]SOLD[/size][/b] and finally: An Ibanez GWB-35 fretless, again, a really lovely bass, nice condition, one small mark under one of the pickups otherwise faultless, fantastic tone and playability, no case, and I'd like [b]£325[/b] for it please. I'm after cash to raise funds for something else, so I'm not after trades on these thanks. I'm in Macclesfield, but can travel around to meet you somewhere within reason as I'd rather not post, but will do if needs be. Thanks for looking.
  6. I don't know about "clearly unwell", I think clearly pissed sums that clip up pretty well. He's acting like I did last Friday night after half a bottle of Famous Grouse.
  7. The best chops are made of lamb and eaten with mint sauce.
  8. It never ends. I've gone through maybe 40+ basses over the last ten years in an endless search for nirvana, and never find it. If you have a bass in your possession, in your case the Jag, that you really connect with, hang on to it with all your might. I've let "keepers" slip through my fingers when I'm overcome with GAS, and regretted it ever since. I've actually gone full circle from when I first joined the forum years ago and ended up back on a Stingray as my main bass, so maybe I should just stop there, but I doubt it. As far as your Ric goes, there's no point in having a quality bass gathering dust, if it aint your bag, as much as you want it to be, maybe you should move it on. I [i]really[/i] wanted to love my Sadowsky, Overwater, ESP, etc etc but it just didn't work out with them, so away they went, and I'm back on a Stingray once again. If you can afford to have a nice investment bass sitting in its case unused, keep the Ric. If you can't, ship it out.
  9. I think quite a few people are unloading their top end gear to raise cash, because they're skint. I know I am. Skint that is. My experience of Sadowskys are that I've found them a little clinical sounding, and lacking a bit of soul. I had a Metro Jazz, and prefered the Highway One Jazz it was meant to replace. Having said that, Joe (Toasted) had an absolute stunner at one of the Moffat bashes a year or two back, it really was jaw dropping, but not a metro from memory Joe? it was the real deal I think.
  10. Do it. I couldn't be without a 5er now. As above, I tried a cheap 5er first, in the shape of an OLP Tony Levin, and never looked back.
  11. Thunder Jet is hollow, BUT has a solid block in the centre of it for sustain, so I guess you'd describe it as a chambered body rather than hollow. Bob and myself are agreed on the sound though. It really wasn't good for me at all, although in the right band I guess it would be great, but just not mine. Very dull and not even that thumpy either, just kind of lifeless, even with new strings and all. On the plus side, it really did look utterly beautiful it really did, I was so disappointed when I gigged it though. The band were all turning around to me and pulling faces, always a bad sign, so I used a Precision for the rest of the gig. If I could've afforded to just keep it and have it as an investment I would've, purely for it's looks.
  12. Apologies for the fact that at the time of writing I'm under the influence of a bottle of Arbelour, but my Gretch Thunderjet was rubbish. It looked like a work of art, it really did, but played and sounded like a piece of driftwood. Does that help? Probably not, sorry.
  13. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1238527' date='May 20 2011, 06:25 PM']I think the MEN Arena has the worst sound in the world Russ but it sounded pretty good where I was. That said, Geddy's sound was terrible. Overall a great night.[/quote] Yeah, I'm yet to see anyone there with a decent sound, although Sting wasn't bad.
  14. Very boomy and bottom endy last night in Manchester, but it was all coming from Neil Pearts' kick drum and the Taurus pedals, not from Geddys bass which sounded very fizzy and lacking the usual mid punch I'd expect to hear. Not a great overall sound to be honest, good show though and a great night out.
  15. I [i]wasn't[/i] going because of price, but a free ticket has come up for the MEN on thursday, so I'm really looking forward to it. The last couple of tours I've been right at the front so the sound hasn't been good down there, daft as it sounds, I hope we're further back this time to get a better overall mix.
  16. If I was in the market for a Fender now, I wouldn't waste my time and hard earned on some long shot from 30 years ago, I'd just buy a new one, and by new I mean 2010 to present, because Fender are producing some really great basses right now that out play a lot of the driftwood from the 70s. Don't get me wrong, some of these old basses really do have some kind of voodoo mojo thing going on, but a lot of them really don't. Only my opinion of course.
  17. More people are skint, and are unloading basses that are worth decent money because they need to is my guess. The problem with "Vintage" Fenders is that some of them might well be old and all that, but often they're really not very good, and IMO overpriced. I sold my old '78 Precision, admittedly a year or so ago for around £850/900 from memory, and that was a good 'un. They seem to be going for well into the thousands at the moment, which I don't get and won't pay, because I don't think they're worth it. I've played [i]some[/i] absolute dogs from the 70s. "Vintage" does not always mean "Good".
  18. Oh blimey I want one of these. That's smart that is.
  19. We open with either Vertigo, Learning To Fly or Monster usually.
  20. Easy..... JJ Burnel - The Stranglers.
  21. [quote name='Sibob' post='1228545' date='May 12 2011, 10:55 AM']He's a great player and a fountain of knowledge, new bass sounds ok dunnit, just like all other Foderas I think, which is certainly no bad thing. Would love to see some videos of him playing the hell out of his Precision, I've only seen it on one American chat show, and the mix wasn't great. Also, marginally off-topic, I'm sure I saw Janek playing on one of those horrible 'Sweet 16' tv programs?!, playing for a male American singer-songwriter playing acoustic?!. Anyone confirm this?! Si[/quote] Probably, he does all sorts of session work. I saw him touring with JEM a few years back.
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