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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Is [i]this[/i] the end of the queue? Pics? At all?
  2. We'll be wanting more info mate, pictures etc.......
  3. That's awesome, the cake [i]and[/i] the bass. Happy birthday sir.
  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SEI-Flamboyant-5-string-Bass-/160536016090?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2560b134da#ht_500wt_949"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SEI-Flamboyant-5-str...da#ht_500wt_949[/url] Not mine, but it is a good mate of mine who's selling it, top bloke, and it's an outstanding bass. Buy with confidence.
  5. Where abouts are you mate? Is it a gig bag or hard case with it?
  6. Colin Moulding......and JJ Burnel of course.
  7. Fiesta Red can look slightly pink in some light, but it's definately red. Dakota Red is more your pillar box red kind of shade. Nice bass this, and actually I'm tempted, I fancy something retro.
  8. [quote name='bigthumb' post='1100218' date='Jan 23 2011, 10:17 PM']Ha ha! I remember him![/quote] Me too.
  9. The Regent's plastic I think, I used to have one, but great Clarinets for the money.
  10. I've never commissioned a custom build myself, but I have owned a couple of second hand ones, an Overwater Progress Deluxe 5 and a Kinal MK-5, both of them were utterly stunning in every way. So why did I sell them? Because I'm an idiot. I guess in my case it's just GAS that get's me every time, and the trouble is, I'm skint, so if I spot a bass I [i]must have[/i], I have to trade one out in order to get it. Frankly the ESP Horizon 5 I'm currently using as my main bass is [i]almost[/i] as good as either of the aforementioned, so I'm pretty happy, but for how long??
  11. Ibanez GWB35 and an ESP Horizon.
  12. [quote name='jonthebass' post='1088274' date='Jan 13 2011, 04:42 PM']What a great video. Love the Guys jamming and looking cool at the end [/quote] I wonder if they could've imagined what those two guitars they're mucking about on would be worth now?
  13. Rayman

    Moffat Bass Bash 4

    Who's that big dumb git with a can of Irn Bru in his hands?
  14. Yum.......[i]really[/i] wish I could have this. edit: I have to disagree with you about the tuners. I have an Ibanez Gary Willis, and reckon the tuners are great.
  15. Very very sad news indeed. Another great musician lost.
  16. [quote name='Machines' post='1064336' date='Dec 20 2010, 10:18 AM']Oh you mean this one ? To be fair I regret selling it - I could do so much more with it now than back then (2006 by the way). [/quote] Bloody hell that's a blast from the past, yeah that's the one. Me with my lovely BB3000S, wish I still had that, and Alan with that stunning Spector, the bass that forced me to get the one I have now. Two nice Marcus Millers there too, I ended up owning the 4 string that Mike is holding for a while, and the 5er that Gary's got was a [i]really beautiful[/i] bass, I still want one of those before I die.
  17. I really like the Soundgear basses. One of the best basses I've had was a K5, lovely bass to play for any genre, very comfortable. For me, ergonomically, I think Ibanez basses are superb, and even the budget models I have tried have been very playable. I can only repeat what I've said in the past, you can play any style of music on any model of bass, period.
  18. A while back, I was determined to go "old school" and stick to an old Precision with flats on it, [i]but[/i], it just didn't work, I missed the low B too much. At home, for fun, I use a 5 string fretless, but within both bands I'm very happy with the Spector Euro 4, there's really no need for a B string from a band point of view.
  19. I remember that holoflash Spector Matt, at that mini bash we had in Manchester some years back, I thought it was a great bass that.
  20. Hubba Hubba, that'd look nice next to my Euro 4.
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