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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='Hutton' post='945869' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:03 AM']Am I missing something here? I don't see a bass. Don't piss about. If you want to sell something get a pic up when you post and put a price on it. Can't be bothered with this.[/quote] You're an idiot.
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='946269' date='Sep 5 2010, 03:44 PM']If you don't like then don't buy it there is no need to be rude.[/quote] Well said that man.
  3. I've got goosebumps, it's fabulous. The bass tone is just perfect. [i]Love[/i] it.
  4. The bog standard Ibanez K5 is a fantastic bass, another one I should've kept. I really think out of all of the basses I've had, including the Overwater and Sadowsky etc, although it didn't have the tone of those basses it certainly was the most comfortable to play of them all. It's one of the things that turned me on to the GWB35.
  5. I like 'Body And Soul., and the live album just after.
  6. Yes I do, and I've not heard it for years.
  7. [quote name='Chris2112' post='945605' date='Sep 4 2010, 06:58 PM']I remember when I first heard that they were going to be making the Gary Willis basses in Japan for a huge price. I was quite put off - I'd have considered the old 4 string one.[/quote] I know. I really don't have a problem with it being made in Japan, they know how to make top quality stuff there, but over [i]three thousand pounds[/i]? Strewth that's steep, for a bass that claims to be a "No Frills" instrument. It is really rather sexy though, and like the fact that it's simple. I'll make do with the GWB35 for now though. Edit: who the heck is that young lady in your avatar? I'm sure I used to go out with her.
  8. It won't ever stop I'm afraid. Good score though.
  9. I was going to say, I thought he was a Rik player.
  10. Since picking up the cheaper version yesterday, which I've fallen head over heals in love with, I'd have one of these: But 3K!?!? Serious wonga
  11. [quote name='leo1' post='945361' date='Sep 4 2010, 01:02 PM']I'm looking to buy a Tokai T/BIRD BASS, ANYONE![/quote] Sallythatsleeps is selling one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=99987&hl=tokai"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=99987&hl=tokai[/url]
  12. The drummer and myself sit at the bar moaning while the singer and the guitarist get all the glory.
  13. Times are hard, and trades seem to be the order of the day. Pain in the arse for those who need to raise some dosh.
  14. [url="http://www.soundpad.co.uk/webshop/new/guitars/bass/hofner/ignition-violin-bass/"]http://www.soundpad.co.uk/webshop/new/guit...on-violin-bass/[/url] Google will generally find anything you want. I can't vouch for the stores though, don't know them.
  15. I like Squarepusher, it was Urb who first recommended him to me, so I checked him out. Some of the stuff can be a bit hard going though I feel, and a bit too out there for me. I can't be doing with distorted bass, which does crop up quite a bit.
  16. I had one of these, and it was a superb bass, should've kept it. [i]In fact[/i] it's the one bass out of the dozens I've had come and go that the guitarist in the band consistantly wishes I still had, he mentioned it again the other night.
  17. [url="http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/productdetail.asp?ProductID=HC-500-1-SB"]http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/productdet...tID=HC-500-1-SB[/url]
  18. If money was no object I'd be after either a Wal or a Fodera or a '65 Fender Jazz or I guess if money was no object I'd have all three. Are they the best basses money can buy? No, I think almost every player on here would pick a different bass. Best bass money can buy? Doesn't exist.
  19. Well things didn't pan out the way I intended, but they never do with me. Both G&Ls are away, and my main bass now is a Spector Euro 4LX. Stunning bass, and with a fresh set of Hi Beams on it, it's really very nice indeed. Also incoming is an Ibanez GWB35, a fretless 5er, which should cover the jazzy stuff I like to play at home. I'll only have the Spector for gigs though, so I guess I kind of ended up where I intended to.
  20. [quote name='molan' post='939907' date='Aug 30 2010, 12:35 PM']Oh how I envy you youngsters when it comes to buying a bass from your birth year - being born in '59 really pushes the price up of anything I might like [/quote] Yes me too, a '65 Fender Jazz would look great along side the Spector. I actually had a brief go on Yolanda Charles' '65 Jazz, and fell in love instantly.
  21. You can get one new for under £400. I wouldn't want to pay more than £300 for an absolute minter, in fact I want it for a bit less than that, after all, it is second hand, £275?
  22. Rayman


    I was close to buying Si's Red Precision a few months back, the one as used by Mucical Youth allegedly, we'd joked about the song Pass the Duchie which must have been played on it a few times, and I'd wondered how the bass would feel having Muse songs played on it instead . Wish I bought the bass. I'll have a wee dram for you tonight Si mate.
  23. [quote name='Davo-London' post='942153' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:34 PM']They're not all overpriced![/quote] No? £1500 for a late 70's Precision? From a period of time when Fenders were notoriously poor. That's overpriced to me. There are some really nice 70s Fenders, [i]really[/i] nice, but 2 grand for a Jazz? Nope, that's silly money in my book, for a bass that was put together from boxes of random stock parts from a handful of different years. My 78/79 Precision was a case in point, parts from at least 2 different years, and not exactly put together with love and care from what I could see. Nice bass, but it only cost me £800, that's [i]much[/i] more sensible price in my book. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a nice 70s Jazz, but I just couldn't ever afford to buy one, and more to the point, I refuse to part with the money people are asking for them. A grand for a JV Squier?? No chance. Of course, I'm sure there [i]are[/i] some fabulous 70s Fenders, in fact I know there are, and if you're happy to fork out the asking prices I've seen, well, you've got more money than I have. The 1990 MIJ Squier Precision I bought for 200 quid was head and shoulders above many of the 70's Fender I've tried.
  24. Epiphone Thunderbird Gothic or a Black Ibanez SR300 or similar. Yamaha BB414 is a great bass too, and also available in black I think.
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