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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. Because they aren't stupid, and didn't come to my gig to have their intelligence insulted. Maybe its a theme of my somewhat specialist genre, not having contempt for your audience.
  2. People at my gigs would know. Not all gigs are the same.
  3. The way this is arranged, any potential import issues are between the sender, who doesn't care, as Her Majesty isn't to do with them, and the receiver, who is a theoretical person at this point. Where the instruments currently reside, the symbol on the headstock is just a shape, as meaningless as hanzi character are to most people here. Hence the significance of the misrepresentation of item location.
  4. Call it 'via Ebay', but not directly through.
  5. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/burmanGX3001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/burmanGX3002.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/burmanGX3004.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/burmanGX3006.jpg[/IMG] Still figuring how it works with other amps, there are lots of switches and no manual. Works pretty well with the bridging channels trick, but through this, to give lots of gain into the bright channel with bass going straight through the clean, using the Sound City 200, but its not up there with the sound of the two heads together. Seems a bit thin straight into the power amp section alone, might be a setting though.
  6. Gear is a pretty big deal at my gigs. Not all gigs are the same. There is more to gear choice than the relationship between input waveform and output waveform. Some of that is entirely relevant to their use for gigging equipment.
  7. If there is nothing to a gig except sound, then it is an utter failure as a live performance.
  8. Hmm, when there is a nice bass like that, and they obviously know its value, I usually suggest they come post it on BC before it gets pulled. Might not have been as good an idea as I thought.
  9. That's the thing about low voltages.
  10. Dodge, but probably regarding it like saying 'precision bass'.
  11. In theory, with a solidly made cab like that, shouldn't make loads of odds because it won't be contact with the floor making the floor vibrate. But raising it and pointing it at you means you can practice quieter as more complete output is reaching your ears. Also bear in mind those cabs can kick out some lows and you might be in a null in a small room so not be able to hear them as well as people elsewhere.
  12. sound a bit like you are defending listening to a CD rather than seeing a band live. More to it than waveforms. Also I don't know where this 'all sound engineers hate volume' thing comes from. I've only been asked to turn up, and I'm far from Mr. Subtle with volume. I think you only get that if your sound basically sucks and has too much bottom to the point where it interferes with things, part of the source of sealed 8x10s being nice for sound engineers.
  13. I made one for amp testing work: [url="http://ampstack.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/assembling-the-dummy-load/"]http://ampstack.word...the-dummy-load/[/url] there is some mojo about inductive loads and stuff, which make a difference to 'tone'. How much that matters is a whole other thing. Being 30w, it isn't a huge deal to get a guitar one. loads about, no idea what is good, as with all guitar stuff, the internet is full of too much BS to learn much useful.
  14. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1334334454' post='1614828'] I'm sure that what sounds good at home won't sound good live. But that is also true of real analogue and "proper" valve amps. So what's the big deal with getting a good live sound out of a modelling amplifier? [/quote] You have massively greater range of adjustment with the modelling amp. Valve amp eq is hugely unresponsive, and whole compression thing they get as you turn up means there is an extent to which they adjust themselves to greater volumes, whereas the digital amp will tend toward the same but louder, depending on how smart the program is, but the mere fact there has to be a conscious decision to do that is the killer. With modelling, it should be as a preamp, feed it to the hosue an let the volume be done there, if you are using one of those modelling combos, that's where the trouble is. Bit like people deciding SS is crap because their first practice amp was SS and sounded much worse than the proper valve amp they got later.
  15. Crap ton? The extra 'e' makes it say something pretty different. The LB has a DI out from the output transformer, so you get the power section colour too, kind of important.
  16. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1334332034' post='1614770'] As far as I can work out the standby switch on the AC30 is there so you can mute your guitar and cook eggs on the amp at the same time. [/quote] I warmed pasties on my head. Tastes better than microwaving them.
  17. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334330738' post='1614743'] But also how many bassists (or guitarists) have no idea what a standby does for a valve amp. and how to use it, or understand the resistance of cabinets to heads, or that resistance is needed to stop a valve amp self destructing ? Give almost all musicians a 4 way parametric with Q to play with and they will look at you like you've just asked them to sh*t in their grandma's eye. [/quote] Or the difference between resistance and impedance and which is relevant to matching. And no-one knows what the standby is for, fairly good position for it being pretty pointless except for a mute. Although they make working on amps easier.
  18. Anything for guitarists needs to be idiot proofed. A million adjustable parameters is not an example of this. Yesterday a band came round to collect an amp for their bassist. The guitarist stood next to two head high stacks of amps, and asks 'do you have any guitar amps?'
  19. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334327230' post='1614653'] And a guitar with a transducer and circuitry, going via a cable into a bunch of effect pedals, more cable to a pre-amplifier full of circuitry and valves connected to a power-amplifier full of circuitry and valves connected to a wooden cabinet with some loudspeakers, with a microphone in front of them relaying the sound from those speakers (and your feet tapping, trousers flapping, and all the other racket on a stage) via another long cable into a channel strip full of circuitry and out through another amp via a bunch of outboard, into more even bigger loudspeakers, IS NATURAL? [/quote] Yes it is, because it isn't going via being data. Tangible substance and force throughout, no analogue to theoretical data and back step.
  20. Just skimmed over the new posts. What just occurred to me is that the most expensive latest digital modelling is being compared to cheaply made old kit. Going 'yeah, my Fender twin..' cs. 'my digital sim thereof' is a bit like bigging up your awesome simulator of driving around a Ford transit, because you don't have to put fuel in and stink up the place with fumes and find a parking space. I'll take a space flight sim cheers.
  21. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1334325610' post='1614598'] Thanks for all the replies folks. Well, I love the tone from my LB30, so perhaps the Drophead 200 would be a better match for me than the BTA anyway.... [/quote] Cheap out option for more volume same tone is a dummy load and running the DI out into a power amp. But yeah, the BTA is the one for ABM options on a valve power section. There is one in the line with the simple preamp an valve power though.
  22. [quote name='stefBclef' timestamp='1334323118' post='1614524'] Ok so unless I find myself with a room in my house that is small and carpet covered, I shouldn't bother. And if that was the case, it would probably mean that I have a studio, which would mean I would probably have better gear by then. So what to do with it? Cash converters will give me a tenner for both and I doubt ebay will do much better, and I don't want to part with something that I know can produce a lot of bass! Hmmm, maybe I should find a small room to carpet. [/quote] Thing is it can't produce a lot of bass. It can fill a very small idealised space with quite a lot of midbass.
  23. Had a failed pickup through my courier, dunno who was handling that end, because they never showed.
  24. [quote name='stefBclef' timestamp='1334320161' post='1614432'] Is this because of the way the cabinet would have been designed or to do with the actual driver itself? [/quote] The driver is massively low sensitivity and relies on the car acting as a controlled listening environment. All funny shape an covered in padding inside sounds like one of those special rooms the use for sound, also its very small. Once you are outside, you don't have those advantages, and other gear is more relevant.
  25. [quote name='MafianBass' timestamp='1334309837' post='1614118'] Spent last night checking out the barefaced stuff and it sounds like I need a dubster and one other cab for highs... I am also playing with the idea of running a 1000w+ power amp, splitting signal via internal crossover.... Anyone else here done this before?? [/quote] Work around the cab. If you can do 1000w and want highs, then the Big Twin is the one to go for, Dubster is about making a lot of less power and not needing highs. The Big Twin is to convert massive power into massive lows and has its own crossover to be full range. I think xgsjx is thinking of the Big Twin, the Super 12 is the middly aggressive rock cab (which is great for that, but isn't epic lows). Just to show this isn't one of those 'thou shalt have my rig' posts, here's my rig, which is basically what you described, Barefaced 2x15 for lows, and another cab for highs: [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/Rig002.jpg[/IMG] Kind of different tonal goals, since the tone will effectively delete all of the rest of your band.
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