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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. I'd guess the dowels being round is enough to mean they aren't a source of interfering reflections. Dampening should be acoustically transparent to the low frequencies for the port, but keep it a bit clear of the port because the airflow will be a bit disturbed and tend towards sucking the stuff out the port and move about distractingly if you can see it.
  2. And only then provided the amplifiers power supply was ideal, and that the driver has twice as much excursion as it was previously using.
  3. Smaller amp, bigger cab is the way to go for cheap tube power, big cabs are cheap cause unpopular, peavey 2x15 or two, an a sub 200w valve amp. Still be hard in that budget. Big cabs an the Bugera 1960 Marshall clone if you want the Lemmy sound might do you, but fairly specifically for that sound. Ashton BV300 is big power low budget, but isn't middly as it has a Fender type tone stack. Best way to achieve goo sound on a budget is Sansamp VT bass an power amp, and no valves at all.
  4. You hear the difference with valve power sections once you get really loud, if not pushed, a properly designed one shouldn't sound much different to a SS power section, but once its pushed, there it is. Although feels different might be a better term, its more about how it responds to playing.
  5. [quote name='christopherbassmay' timestamp='1332151130' post='1583824'] The watts ain't valve but the tone is! I do agree there are much lighter amps on the market. But saying that my heads in a 4u rack mount and really isn't hard work to move around. And its not a good thing having all the watts when it comes to valve, for example my head sounds truly better when it's at 8ohms rather than 4 because it's only pushing out 600watts and in turn u can push it into the red and drive the valves more and make them work harder and get better tone, that's why guitarist like Paul Gilbert use that hot plate thing to Cain the valves and get the best tone. That's the good thing about my cab I can go between 600watts and 1200watts because it's 4ohm or eight ohm [/quote] Using a hot plate is so you can drive the power valves, which you amp doesn't have. Unless the amp is chronically badly designed, nothing should stop you driving the pre section as hard as you like without having the power section pump out loads of volume. Also a cab that does both 4 and 8 ohm isn't actually possible, unless you cease to use some speakers. And pushing 600w into any one cab is generally more than they can take without exceeding xmax. edit: inserted quote due to someone getting between.
  6. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1332121422' post='1583671'] 1200 valve watts?! I think I remember hearing that someone tried to build an amp that powerful in Chernobyl in the mid-80's. Truckstop [/quote] Nottingham:
  7. If you are using wire wool, and have a spare speaker magnet or similar about, (spare as in will never be used again) leave it underneath the neck you are working on and it will gather the filings that are the inevitable result of using wire wool.
  8. Does you amp have a removable grillcloth? Make up another grill cloth, or a cover, with a cute cat on it.
  9. The V12 is a solid state hybrid, the watts aren't valve.. There are loads lighter hybrids about. Also need to figure how diameter and multiples relate to moving air: you don't add them together, it works from area.
  10. Probably not listening loud enough.
  11. Which way are they all going for everyone? That and a description of the neck please.
  12. I shoul offer a service where people can ebay instruments shipped straight to me for a basic setup and stuff.
  13. Don't forget he pays ebay fees and paypal fees on that and the shipping.
  14. The old buy something, apply effort, sell for more than bought for thing,
  15. I had one in for repair, it did sound great, was one of those 'Ah, now I sort of get it, might actually pay £40 for a clone then' moments.
  16. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1331559471' post='1574731'] [indent=1]I just want it. Shame it closes when I'm out of the country.[/indent] [/quote] Can message seller and see if they'll hold off posting till back, can bid now and pay remotely from anywhere.
  17. Retrovibe: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BASS-GUITAR-/110844314817?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19ced604c1
  18. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1332068840' post='1582668'] I know it's been done before, but there still seems to be widespread potential for debate around the subject, as you rightly say, so many people disagree on the pros and cons. Especiall around the PLEK machine [/quote] Room for debate is most of the problem, most of it is down to fairly simple physics which isn't negotiable, but lots of people think applying science means 'ignore as many variables as you can'. PLEK machine doesn't watch the player playing, or ask them any questions.
  19. Hmm, price of amps and valves hasn't gone up very much when you look at comparable bottom level amps and tubes, Behringer/Bugera and cheapy Chinese valves. The golden age is now.
  20. Someone not yet acquainted with subtlety: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RICKENBACKER-COPY-BASS-GUITAR-FIREGLO-/280846884920?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4163c76038
  21. That describes pretty much all internet retailers.
  22. Use google shopping search. Don't forget to try a few different keyword searches. Then phone the higher ones to see if they'll beat the price on the lowest one.
  23. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1332022945' post='1582351'] Thing is, in theory they should work well, but then again... [/quote] Depends strongly on the grasp of theory the person programming it has. They might believe the torrents of faux-technical BS about guitar setups you see reposted on the internet.
  24. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1332014887' post='1582197'] Now that look like a cheap workable solution to the problem ! Does anyone know how the manufacturers do it ? Somehow, I can't see a row of flat - capped old geezers smoking woodbines standing at guitar benches flattening off frets in the Gibson factory all day. Well, not these days anyway. [/quote] From the recent Gibsons I've looked at, they just don't bother. The stick a Gibson decal on the headstock an call it good. I do the same as above. I've shine up nickel frets with T-cut on a cloth, just because I had a cloth with T-cut on from other jobs, worked pretty well, imagine stainless steel frets are too hard to benefit much from that.
  25. Kit form bolt on from Bolton. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/bass-guitar-project-70s-classic-hondo-/320868981240?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ab54819f8
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