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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. Mr. Foxen


    Bought a bass body, all easy.
  2. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1331899174' post='1580579'] Also was there not something about the wood being legal if it was a certain size or worked on in it's native country but because they were finishing it in the States made it illegal. [/quote] If I understood and remember right, some of the problem Gibson had was India restricts export of raw materials ad only wants to export premade items, so they retain the industry, Gibson's supplier was ignoring this. That only applied to some wood of the various sorts they use, the Lacey Act basically makes America responsible for policing other countr's laws to an extent, in accordance with their self appointed role.
  3. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1331894135' post='1580466'] Wasn't just Gibson..... but because of who gibson are.... they have been chased after by the Authorities..... to be made an example of. There were a lot of Chinese manufacturers on that documentation too... but because they all have funny names that we do not recognise, it's not so much if an issue. [/quote] Gibson were done under American law, the Lacey Act, American law doesn't apply to Chinese manufacturers, as much as they like to think it does, big difference between acting legally, but indifferent to morals of other countries/cultures, and acting illegally and immorally.
  4. Guess you heard about Gibson getting bummed for that?
  5. Westone Spectrum: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Westone-Spectrum-ST-bass-Custom-hardcase-Matsumoku-factory-guitar-/320867054115?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ab52ab223
  6. Graphite in the nut and winding the string properly are important.
  7. £4000 if you work off the price that someone with one on ebay chose to start an auction on. Which really doesn't count.
  8. I initially thought it was rudeness, then I reread it and realised that statement makes no sense at all.
  9. Wonder if 'Auto bias' is just 'running in cathode bias' where it reaches its own equilibrium.
  10. [quote name='Icarus_147' timestamp='1331636191' post='1576147'] Well the particular bass I saw was just that, something I saw, I didn't try it out. The idea of working on it is fairly recent though. I don't remember what it was, but I plan on going into he store and having a word with the guy, seeing what he suggests for a project like this. I'll report back when I'm in possession of whatever it is I end up getting. I'm actually interested to find out quite how much of a difference changing all the bits will make, and how much of it is purely down to wood and build quality. Edit: I found [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200726022453?var=500050614928&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649"]this[/url] on Ebay, and I actually think it looks quite pretty. I realise it probably won't actually look like that, and the likelihood of it being any good is probably quite low, but still, I may consider it depending on how much I can afford to spend. [/quote] This line are in Argos, I have a strat by them, with a grim reaper on, the fretwork was bad with sharp edges, but may have been due to aggressive air conditioning drying out the board, filing them off an feeding it loads of oil sorted it. Other than that seems OK.
  11. 70s guitar cabs are pretty desirable. Kind of after one of those staggered column 4x12s for purpose.
  12. [quote name='2x18' timestamp='1331582470' post='1575379'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OLD-VINTAGE-LUXOR-BASE-GUITAR-/200726578321?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ebc3c8491"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2ebc3c8491[/url] [/quote] Note phone number and email at the bottom, it will go if pulled.
  13. [quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1331578030' post='1575232'] The only thing I do know, is that as of now I could not imagine seeing it go anywhere, I absolutely love the bass, and everything about it. The story that goes along with it and it just gets even better, It's far from just some old run of the mill bass. I've played guitar for the past few years and never really thought about playing bass before, this experience has definitely changed that and I am dying to learn to play bass. Problem is I have yet to get myself an amp and I really am not to big on the idea of learning on a 50 year old Bass who's paint is barely attached in certain areas. The last thing I want is for this thing to lose even the slightest flake of paint, just so I can learn to play bass. I'd much rather wait and just get a more modern J bass and learn on that. I'll play this one when I have a better idea of what I'm doing. Definitely not looking to sell it though. Not anytime soon. [/quote] Unless you are selling it, the only value it has is in being played. Play the shiz out of it, it has been waiting for that to happen for a long time.
  14. Your £100 worth of upgrade hardware is still worth £100 when you strip it off to sell. The parts of the bass generally are worth more than parts than a whole bass I find when you stick them on ebay, project sorts get overexcited easily.
  15. Aside from the headstock not having fallen off yet, what are the giveaways? Actual functional cavity shielding?
  16. Should email John Hall with pics and thank him for saving you the stress of bidding.
  17. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/Rig002.jpg[/IMG]
  18. Any joints can have pulled in fluids through capillary action. Take it apart an clean up, put back together. I've puked on one of my bases a bit during a coughing fit, one of those surprisingly common things I guess.
  19. With a really transparent cab like that, EQ becomes a bit relevant, the Orange has very limited EQ and the Matamp is a bit unknown, and the voicing will have been tweaked to suit fairly crude Matamp cabs.
  20. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1331411579' post='1572648'] Best setup was Hiwatt 100 with acoustic 370 cab... immense in all senses of word, loud and heavy and big. [/quote] That is very close to the rig I posted earlier.
  21. Mixing up speakers probably won't help too much. Use the 9c battery test to check they move the same way and by the same amount gives you a round idea that its wired right, and measuring the CD resistance with a multimeter will back that up. Is it the ported cab?
  22. Removed and relisted, still with a refusal to sell clause: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hofner-191-Double-Neck-Guitar-Very-Rare-/220973486991?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item33730bd38f
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