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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1326224524' post='1494132'] I would also expect to see an 'aftermarket' business or two appear; making solid state devices with a standard valve bases for direct replacement of commonly used music valves... [/quote] That has already been done. Saw linked on Talkbass. People pay £100+ each for valves now, being £50 each in future won't stop people buying them. Might stop them being idiots with them.
  2. One day it is going to happen.
  3. Valves involve rare earth metals, not in as big lumps as speakers, and not neo, but there is all sorts of funny things in there.
  4. If anyone uses the SRV excuse to downtune, point out SRV used 13s.
  5. Don't like this 'no feeling' thing either. What if the feeling being expressed is 'Yeah, check me out and my skillz, I'm awesome.'
  6. That mean there is a green sleeve going? Could do with something to run my Slave off.
  7. beign able to do widdly w***y stuff is the reward for learning good clean technique. hopefully some people see the fiddly stuff and are inspired to put the time in to learn to play their instrument. Instead they probably go 'Pshh, I could play that if I had a Fodera'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATub40Npxik
  8. Try Fairy Power Spray. It strip acrylic paint, and humbrol enamel. I'd do a test patch in case the covering oesn't like it. If good spray it on and clingfil over it so it doesn't dry up.
  9. The crappy sound in the first video making it seem crappy is why you should be nice to the sound engineer when you gig. In a band, the hitting stuff guy hits stuf more to build intensity. Solo, if you are the hitting stuff guy, hitting more stuff is a valid way to build intensity.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1326050206' post='1491627'] I've never understood the point of a doubleneck. Who plays bass when you're playing guitar? Of course - you have your Taurus pedalboard to hand. Or foot. OK, then. Prog rock. Hmph. [/quote] Check Boris also, gallery of their guitars here: http://maxetone.com/JGallery/index.php?option=com_joomgallery&view=gallery&Itemid=2
  11. If you cut a slot too deep, you can file some bone dust into it and drop on some thin superglue, and start again. Pretty rare I see a bass with a correctly cut nut. Fretting first fret should be no different to fretting second fret with a capo on the first.
  12. Pretty sure suitable speakers are lsited by BFM, might be best asking on his site. The weird alignment in BFM cabs means you can't use WinISD to predict stuff. Also, what is your impedance concern?
  13. Also much better cab options have been invented since the 1960s.
  14. I expect this sort of thing from Flea. I like the way the guitarist is sort of rocking out for the solo but is kind of bad at it, like its a bit new to him. Rock seizure.
  15. Answered a fairly nondescript ad on gumtree during my post Caricatures ronin bit when I was just playing anything and also bit unemployed, sent links to stuff I'd done etc. Bit later housemate, who was a professional in the music scene so knows whats going on comes in holding his phone saying 'did you reply to an ad on Gumtree? Do you know who that is? Its the drummer from the Groundhog [Ken Pustlenik] and he wants to talk to you. Was all up for a plan an it sounded pretty serious, but then I got a more serious job days later and said I couldn't dedicate enough time. Don't actually think the project went anywhere, but would have been cool. Edit: Oh yeah, I assembled a guitar out of parts he supplied for a fairly famous guy, funny wiring and stuff. When I twigge he was a bit famous and there's video of him playing the guitar and stuff I googled it and found he credited the guy who carved the body with putting it together and not me, boo.
  16. [quote name='mojobass' timestamp='1325788274' post='1487792'] recently got hold of a nice johson Pbass neck, and seeing as their headstocks are quite ugly, ive found a template for a tele style P bass headstock which 'just' fits within the current headstock length and shape, but... [/quote] If its like this one [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/bassneckebay25112011005.jpg[/IMG] don't see that it will fit into a telebass headstock, I've got a couple of tele bass headstocks and overlayed them. Is there a different headstock, with the same chunky profile?
  17. PM if you want my email, I know various people into amps, photos and details etc. will be needed. Can also advertise in my blog.
  18. Opened up my hifi amp because an input was being a bit dicky. It has a Multiplex Demodulator: These things are works of art:
  19. Putting ECC81 into the three tone slots (three middle ones) will drop the gain. But remember the tone control are more linear than most valve preamps, so you can just dial back the bass mid and treble by the same ampount, and turn up the volume. Also, check there is an ECC81 in the phase splitter (on the right with the amp facing you). An ECC83 in there gives you the Electric Wizard breakup sound, which lots of people do.
  20. Which one do you need, clean or distorted?
  21. Doesn't look like a shape I recognise to me, but headstock is that style. Hot Pbass, not super new strings into driven amp is that sound.
  22. Stubby fingers are no excuse, look at Vic Wooten's.
  23. Pretty sure that quite a lot of BCers put a bass in a gig bag and move it round the country in a van without breaking it, sure have low expectations of handling by parcel carriers when you are packing, but I am not so sure you should think its fine they handle stuff any less carefully that people do their own stuff.
  24. "Wattage" also relies on the cabinet since it varies with impedance, hence voltage swing, since that is the what the amp provides.
  25. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1325416456' post='1482848'] I thought that the Barefaced Compact was a cabinet that requires loads of power to get the best out of it - is a 25W Wem amp really going to have enough power to drive it? [/quote] The woofer/mid Barefaced cabs want the power, the Compact is pretty comparable or better to any other 15 in terms of output to power, it can just take much more power and thus go louder.
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