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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. [quote name='pbaleiras' timestamp='1320271613' post='1424767'] But The Bass Terror i already have!! And i have a Warwick WCA-411 Pro....but... it's too large to carry in my car (citroen C1 ) This is the reason i wanted to do a downsize.... [color=#333333][size=4]I accept your opinions and suggestions as to what to choose cabinet ... but in Portugal,cabinets like Aguilar, Barefaced, bergantino, schroeder, etc are really expensive ... and comparing these with the orange, the SP212 are very cheaper ....[/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=4]CheerS [/size][/color] [/quote] Sure the Barefaced is more expensive there?
  2. [quote name='pbaleiras' timestamp='1320252934' post='1424425'] Thanks for the answers... Alexclaber - so.... The freq range from sp212 its similar to "regular" 1x12, right?!? Cheers [/quote] A generic neo 1x12 at full tilt maybe, he said 'maximum' output. The smart power I would guess is tuned very low so the isobaric loading has a point, so it probably has a lower extension, but will also have a mess somewhere in the mids/highs because of the loading, although maybe it already rolls off before there due to the drivers, basically the distance between the two drivers puts them out of phase from the time it takes for sound to get from one to the other. The maximum is the same because the speaker can only travel so far back and forth. There is huge variety in the range of non-neo 1x12s just because there are many more non-neo drivers about, and many more years of cabs having been put on the market, some predating the design knowledge that neo era stuff benefits from. Basically there isn't a typical 12" sound, but you can sort of generalise about a typical neo 1x12 due to there being fairly limited scope for them.
  3. This thing is a rain stick, every time I step outside with it, down it comes.
  4. Ran out of copper tape: [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/copper.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Anyone with the equipment to measure it has already written it off due to fundamental limitations of the design.
  6. I don't think Orange publish one, and I would be highly dubious about it if they did. It isn't a broad range cabinet, if you are actually fussed about frequency response being broad, these aren't the way to go.
  7. Just want the bark hardened, don't want it filled in like one of those scorpions in a paperweight. Is supposed to be bark, just didn't want it flaking off on me.
  8. Is it a bolt on neck? I'm always trying to find chunky necks, usually they come on cheap basses, wondering if a higher end one will be nicer.
  9. I think it means the ski ramp you get at the end of the neck, sometimes blamed on the shim and tightening the neck too hard down on it (I'm not convinced).
  10. Most of the shaping is done aside from the neck now: [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/sanded001.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Way to get out dings is wet them, put wet tissue on and touch the tissue with the tip of a soldering iron, hot water expands and pops the fibers out. Scale it up to an iron for bigger dings.
  12. Indie: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Indie-IRK-Bass-Guitar-Marshall-60watt-Bass-Amplifier-/320785555607?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ab04f2097
  13. Hmm, apparently the bass has been broken again. No prob, I just started working for a very good repairman, and am fairly capable of fixing it anyway. On an unrelated note, anyone had experience of obliging sellers to honour ebay sales? Edit: [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1319985540' post='1420828'] In this video, you can see the original knobs on the bass Mr.Foxen [/quote] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/stainedglasshorizon.jpg[/IMG] Knobs changed somewhere between SilverFoxNick's ownership and the vid.
  14. Cool, did ya mention to him I sent ya? I need to build up some credit cause I'm constantly picking his brain.
  15. Find someone good at setups (recommended luthiers thread here) and see what a set of strings and a setup will cost, what is left is your budget for a bass you like the look of.
  16. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1320051376' post='1421508'] There's a BFM Omni 15 Tallboy for sale on here. Comes within your budget & would probably knock spots off anything else in that price bracket. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159029-bfm-omni-15-tallboy/"]Here it is.[/url] [/quote] Doesn't get on amazing with valve heads, sensitive for a 1x15, but far too much is in the lows that aren't going to happen with a 100w valve head. Probably has a weird impedance curve that might not agree too well also.
  17. Watts without a THD figure, frequency and impedance are super useless. The 'difference' between valve and SS 'watts' illustrates this, as the distortion form clipping a valve power section is much less abrasive to the ear than a SS one, but it is still distortion.
  18. Drill it out, and put threaded metal inserts in all the holes, bolt it on with machine threaded bolts, and it is awesome.
  19. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1319991465' post='1420940'] Yes it's strange. My TC electronic is plenty loud enough through a 2x12 8 ohm cab with the gain just below peaking and the master at halfway. Through my 8 ohm Ashdown ABM 15 it sounds even louder. I hate to think what kind of volume I could achieve using them together giving a 4 ohm load (I've never had to try). But supposedly TC electronic exaggerate the actually wattage of their amps because people believe watts equal loudness. [/quote] The 4 ohm load isn't the thing, it is the cabinet sensitivity, voltage sensitivity is the more useful thing than the db/w one, but lower impedance = greater voltage sensitivity.
  20. Someone with the full res video get me screencaps, totally gone off the point here. SilverfoxNick: Did you sell it to Smee?
  21. See unfashionable basses thread I guess.
  22. Has anyone actually tried putting beefier caps into a SS amp, or is there more to it than that?
  23. Youtube vid isn't decent enough res to see the knobs. Think at least the topmost is a chickenhead, and doubt that is the varitone.
  24. I haven't got it yet, auction only ended yesterday. Assuming the seller is Leo Smeem from the name and location, an the bass (don't think he is famous enough to ahve that sort of stalky weirdo internet doppleganger), he is currently on tour.
  25. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320779890376?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
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