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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rickenbacker-4003-bass-Midnight-Blue-finish-Rickenbacker-case-/200663720029?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2eb87d605d
  2. It has arrived in the UK, but is being held to ransom by Parsel Force, who have paid themselves an admin fee to do so, and are refusing to invoice me for their admin. Story can be found in this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157785-you-import-vatparcelforce/page__view__findpost__p__1404938 It got here faster than expected, so I have a bit of time that I'll use to try and defend the rights of us all. When someone buys you a pint, you wouldn't stand for the barman levying an admin fee to you for the tax paid on the beer between pouring it and handing it to you.
  3. Could probably talk you through sorting it if you have a digital camera and instant messaging. Although I'm gonna be dead busy from the turn of midnight over the weekend.
  4. I could probably get it functioning for not much money, if you are anywhere near Bristol.
  5. One was fair bit before the loss of Simon, other one was heading into that time. I hear a lot of similar stuff, being a person in Bristol who spends a lot of time talking about amps. Is pretty much why I went to Steve Carmen, who kept me up to date with progress, once he got the idea I understood what he was saying and wasn't one of those muso guys who says words they read on the internet about 'tone' (yeah, mustard caps and mullard valves man).
  6. Pretty sure there is nothing they can get sued over in this country. But anyone can threaten stuff if they want to. Jolana is back again, at a fully tempting opening bid: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Jolana-D-bass-1986-neck-through-electric-bass-/280754123807?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item415e3ff41f
  7. [quote name='JetKing' timestamp='1318517619' post='1403218'] My girlfriend says 'why do you need another pedal? You only have two feet!'[/quote] Opens her right up for the classic reply 'why do you need any more shoes?'. Unfortunately the only girlfriend that has ever asked that question had not much interest in shoes, having no feet.
  8. "Tokai" http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tokai-bass-/140620132397?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20bd9cf02d Asked him where he gets the 'Tokai' idea from, apparently he has 'done research' and Tokai don't advertise the basses they apparently make so they don't get sued, aside from all the other copies they make.
  9. http://www.forestlegality.org/media-resources/blogs/bob-taylor/how-has-lacey-act-influenced-way-you-do-business-conversation-bob-t
  10. [quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1318509081' post='1403053']The remaining Bailey Brother in Hengrove is another great repair/tech guy.... [/quote] Have you used him? I've had a couple of amps with him/them, and had to take them back because it took so long for nothing to happen.
  11. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1318505582' post='1402933']We've been asked to 'turn down an octave or two' in the past, and have used it as an in-band joke ever since[/quote] Doom
  12. I use Steve Carmen, wouldn't describe him as dirt cheap, he is more do a proper thorough job and charge accordingly, as opposed to some other Bristol tech that charge very little and do just enough that they can listen to the Shadows through your amp.
  13. The 'bass expert' guy at PMT is totally 'that guy' (the only tone is the Ampeg tone, you could buy any of this stuff, but I'm going to tell you that the Ampeg tone is the one you really want, even though we don't stock any Ampeg, sealed cabs have more bottom), but left handed tip sounds like the guy from Rikkaxxe.
  14. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1318456033' post='1402566'] How do you do that then [/quote] Oh look a [size=5]kettle lead.[/size] [size=3]Surprised that one isn't in here yet.[/size]
  15. I'm not sure its been 'open' for a long time. The door was covered in amps for a long time before I first saw the place years ago.
  16. If you are coming via Radstock, there is a new shop there, The Loft. https://www.facebook.com/theloftradstock
  17. He has pretty strong and loud views on thing like phones, ebay and VAT. Best not bring them up. Aim for the other stores, give a knock, he lives there, so should be about.
  18. Biamping is when you use a crossover to split frequencies, probably not what you are going to do, its a kind of specific term. dual amping is great though, can use a full on guitar rig, just cut the low end from it, guitar speakers tend to sound better with a driven guitar head, as they contribute to the tone. don't assume just because the 18 is big that it has lots of lows. Once you ahve the guitar rig filling in your mids and highs, yo can go a bit silly with the ls and use PA subs and suchlike. The Barefaced Dubster is kind of ideal for this sort of shenanigans.
  19. I hear its just Ladyland now, since he's had his electric cut off. If you are nearby, turn up and knock some at the door round the side. Really important you don't ask for a mobile number.
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1318347666' post='1400952']what in gods name where they thinking..[/quote] 'More is more'.
  21. Oh yeah, still vaguely trying to track this one down whenever I'm feeling flush:
  22. If you put a full neck pocket shim in, you can keep it high over the [pickup, but lower it by the bridge end, assuming it is shimmed at one end currently.
  23. As soon as someone inflicts their personal problems on you, time to bitch about it. A very excellent drummer I jammed with once messaged saying his daughter is ill so can't make next practice, and doesn't want to be 'that guy' so is out of the band. That's fair, annoying, but much less annoying that doing that at random intervals for the next year. Also, see the entire history of the blues for where music sits in relation to having life difficulty.
  24. Isn't this a bolt neck? Thus height is not an issue.
  25. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/001-1.jpg[/IMG] lolz
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