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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. [quote name='ficelles' post='1323578' date='Aug 1 2011, 09:37 PM']I am intrigued as to why this topic has caused such dissent though! Am I right to assume that no-one in here has actually studied acoustics at college or whatever, or more specifically the acoustics of speaker cabinet design? Hands up all those with Acoustics Degrees Not me btw...[/quote] BFM is qualified as far as In know, even if he doesn't have the paper, he has the knowledge, even if he is a bit 'attitude' about it.
  2. Ask Jeff if he can incorporate a shoe rack.
  3. [quote name='ficelles' post='1323177' date='Aug 1 2011, 03:21 PM']Incidentally I initially got the port tuning wrong on my larger cab with the result that it was so resonant an amp wouldn't stay on the top...[/quote] I think would be more to do with poor cab construction than port tuning. Or possibly the hole compromised the structure.
  4. Just put this up on ebay with a ton of other stuff. Shoot me an offer and I'll cheerfully pull it and not have to pay fees.
  5. A buffer to sort out the Mastotron with active basses?
  6. [url="http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_5_2/cmilleressayporting.html"]This article[/url] has some pendulum anigifs that make visualising how ports work easier (if they are right).
  7. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x12-Bass-Cab-Epifani-Aguilar-600w-8-ohms-64lbs-/300583562588?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item45fc2d2d5c"]Epifani/Aguilar[/url] I thought it was keyword spam, but it is a Epifani with Agular drivers, not sure how well those match, but neither thing is a cheapy, even if you split them up. Edit: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Cab-2x12-Epifani-Aguilar-/300583652247?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item45fc2e8b97"]Relisted with out charity stuff.[/url] So now you can buy it without supporting animal testing.
  8. Can get transformers made easy enough. Likely it is supposed to be submerged in oil for cooling or something that is the implementation issue.
  9. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SOUND-CITY-AMP-120-MARK-4-CUSTOM-EARLY-1970S-/320736530664?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item4aad6310e8"]Right here[/url] Can't be having them go that cheap. Might be loaded with Mullards too, then you win.
  10. [url="http://www.chambonino.com/construct.html"]John Chambers[/url] makes amps with odd valves, and makes kilowatt amps. Check these badboys: Goddamn, you can still get those valves new production and they aren't crazy expensive, about 500w from a pair, for less than a £100, Try pricing up 500w in KT88.
  11. The Rick tone is driven valve amp. Pretty much every time. I'm not even sure the Rick figures into it.
  12. The temptation is to have an amp made around obscure power valves you can pick up for pence. Umph my usual techy nerd mate is recording today, so haven't been able to pester him. sadly with these it is a cash in job, so can't be using them for my own purposes.
  13. ECH81 don't look to go for much on ebay. I guess it is stuff that is still useful that goes. The massive ones are the fascinating ones.
  14. I've been given a box of valves to sell for a friend, left to her by her father. I can pick out the standard 12AX etc and the EL34/6L6, but loads of others are a mystery, I photoed bunches [url="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/"]here in my photobucket[/url]. Looking for any help as to which are valuable an worth getting tested. Also, I have a pile of mullard pre valves if anyone wants to make sensible offers before ebay (they'll be tested in the week).
  15. Also might not be a very useful item, UK mains is much cleaner and better regulated than US power. Maybe a bit useful for if you run off a generator, but if a generator is going wrong, you probably need more beef than a power conditioner to sort things.
  16. More mate's stuff I helping him shift. Fane loaded, chasing for pics of them. £400 about right?
  17. Guitarist mate is selling this: He is bringing it round to the DoomHaus tomorrow, I'll check it over, clean anything that needs it and such, is better here as can make noise with it. I can sort shipping and stuff. These are very good heads.
  18. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Antoria-EB3-copy-Japan-MIJ-vintage-lawsuit-70s-Ibanez-/120756143160?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c1da08438"]Antoria EB copy.[/url] This one is being sold by a familiar character.
  19. Severely compromises the internal volume, so less low sensitivity, but with low Xmax drivers, you get more max volume displacement. It didn't really catch on, because it isn't a great plan. Think it might be a 4x12 anyway. Sunn made one like it. Would use for guitar.
  20. Amp drive and compression and heavy strings will sort you for sustain for the purpose on any sensible bass. Clean sustain doesn't really matter so much in the genre, but chunky strings and bridge will probably sort that.
  21. Lime as in the trees that make your car sticky in cities.
  22. [quote name='andydye' post='1276680' date='Jun 21 2011, 09:23 AM']Hi there, A little help/advice from the experts would be appreciated... I'm hoping to build a mini speaker box to go under my PJB bassbuddy, this will be my first cab build! My intention is that it will have an internal void of 300x300x300mm with 4 25mm dia vents in the front, this matches the Eminence data sheet vent requirement for my chosen speaker (Eminence Basslite CH2010 10") but exceeds the data sheet for internal volume (would be 300x300x200mm) as I liked the idea of a bass-cube... What are the implications of me making the box deeper? Will it sound more 'middy' but have less low end if I make it shallower to match the data sheet? Will it sound too woofy if I make it a cube? Or will it be fine? Should I fill the void with something, just attach some insulation to the sides/top/bottom or leave it empty? Thanks guys.[/quote] Bigger box is more lows, if the port tuning is right (it depends on box size as well as the pipe size). Knobbly foam lining inside.
  23. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SAKAI-BASS-GUITAR-/140584861764?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20bb82c044"]Sakai.[/url] Cheap BIN, reckon might be worth flipping.
  24. Guess yours doesn't have the cross pattée either, fairly sure they are a later edition. Although Dub Crusader is a good name. Does need a pretty hot input, something to bear in mind. The Stategy was much more sensitive.
  25. Is the slave like mine? Does it have a beat up box too? Might be interested in the beat box and rigging my other Matamp chassis into it. I have a factory visit pending. Curious as to colour of the box, my is also 1979 and fairly sure it once was part of a dub rig, I was hoping it had brothers in yellow and red.
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