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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. Good that the voice coils in their speakers aren't made of long skinny copper, because then they wouldn't be able to take the current applied to them. Also, apparently they compete with speaker makers who use speakers that don't have a surround, the cone just floats in a hole.
  2. [quote name='henry norton' timestamp='1360272952' post='1968009'] Further to some requests I've posted a sound file on Soundcloud of my recently wound NuSonic. Try to ignore the noisy, slightly trebly quality of the recording (I'm still getting my head around Audacity, so any pointers would be most appreciated as most comments so far have been about the s##te recording), and my playing (no excuses there...) [url="https://soundcloud.com/lhnbornbassesandpickups/bss4"]https://soundcloud.c...andpickups/bss4[/url] [size=4]Played with fingers on a 30" scale solid body strung with Pyramid Golds.[/size] [/quote] Are you plugging straight into soundcard? Sounds like that, its because the impedance of the input is wrong for instrument pickups, try with a pedal with a buffer between, like a boss TU2, might help, otherwise something designed for plugging instruments to computers is the way to go.
  3. It isn't the class, it is the presence of an output transformer that means an amp needs a speaker load. So for the most part any solid state amp you encounter will probably be fine without a speaker. Only exception I can name is the Warwick Hellborg sig power amp, which has an OT, but others exist.
  4. Rating cabs by watts, and mixing drivers are the not right bits.
  5. [URL=http://s17.photobucket.com/user/Incarante/media/vikinginvader005_zps2db53553.jpg.html][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/vikinginvader005_zps2db53553.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  6. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1368813349' post='2081938'] Fair enough, you're in! I know what you mean. Our guitarist slavishly lugs around a ridiculously heavy Fender (or might be Marshall!) 2 x 12 combo, which I can barely lift. He believes its the only way to get an authentic 60's sound (its what I do nowadays!), but I'm sure there must be a lighter solution for him to save his back, like swapping the speakers for neo's for starters...? [/quote] Head and a 2x12 cab made a bit more sensibly. Neo guitar speakers are a bit unknown, exist, but never heard them, or reliable reviews thereof.
  7. Ones a guitar rig, just happen to play bass into it. Also, Barefaced 1 kinda spoiled my urge to lug about a 4x12.
  8. [URL=http://s17.photobucket.com/user/Incarante/media/DSCF1467.jpg.html][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b69/Incarante/DSCF1467.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/leadtowill/7610407178/
  10. Same deal, if your singer's voice sounds bad, you can fix it with the right choice of mic.
  11. That isn't true. Most speakers can't reproduce sub bass, so can't be used as a subwoofer. That is why subwoofers exist.
  12. A transducer is an electrical device, and electrical devices are never perfect. You choose your parameters, and specify a device accordingly. If you play a B on your bass, and a B comes out your speaker, there's a goodly degree of transparency. From there, you have a wide variety of finer divisions thereof. Edit: Should be noted a speaker is also a transducer. As is the microphone mentioned in the previous example.
  13. Yeah, and if the preamp has a really high impedance on its own, its not needed either.
  14. Buffer is the thing that provides a high impedance required by the piezo. The circuit affecting the pickup ends there, but the signal output carries on. Means if you preamp is low impedance, suitable for standard pickups, it won't cause issue with the piezo. Generally magnetic pickups sound good with a high impedance too, hence existence of super hard on, but they don't sound really bad without. Preamps tend to act as a buffer.
  15. Don't mistake watts for volume. They don't really relate.
  16. [quote name='Johnnyc' timestamp='1368629883' post='2079465'] I could get a set of the Brimars on eBay for £20 a pop but would I actually notice the difference? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12AU7-ECC82-BRIMAR-UK-NOS-/260695299591?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_Valves_Vacuum_Tubes&hash=item3cb2a69607"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3cb2a69607[/url] [/quote] Won't notice the difference between them and the same Brimar ECC82 you can get on ebay for about £5. Not much point in getting same thing more expensive. Edit: Actually, £5 ones are shorter plate, less microphonic.
  17. Does the pickup have its own preamp/buffer? Found the difference between using a standard input and a high impedance one pretty vast. The octobass recording linked in sig was paradriver with 4.7meg,
  18. Wal one is filter based. Its more the blend options that might be an issue. I imagine most bass preamps only consider two pickups. If its just tone controls oyu need from it, need to go Pickups>buffer/mixer/switch>preamp with tone control>output.
  19. I think school benches were Sapele. Edit: Quartersawn stuff is only a big deal in necks. If you are worried about neck stability, don't use mahogany.
  20. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1368624209' post='2079345'] I don't know if all piezo's are created equally, regardless of cost - but I do have a cheap-ish one at $40 or so, and whilst it sounds great for plucking, it produces hardly any signal at all for bowing. So in this instance I can't use that pickup when I know I'll be doing some bowing sadly. I've gotten great results from the K&K stuff found at www.gollihurmusic.com [/quote] What buffer/preamp are you using? Piezos into low impedance sound dreadful with bowing, nasty scratchyness. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1368624428' post='2079350'] I'm not well versed on preamps or any of that technical wizardry. Basically, What I need is 3 inputs to the preamp, and 3 switches (To control each pickup configuration), and then 3 volume controls on the preamp, with the standard tone/EQ controls. I'm going to use it on a solid-bodied bass [/quote] Are you using an ACG preamp? Those are fairly complicated devices, not an easy clone job, plus cloning would be rude. Super hard on is a clone of a analogue desk input, so not really its own thing, but the ACG is a design. Filter based preamps in similar style cab be done, but fiddly.
  21. How many inputs does the ACG have? You can insert the buffer between, but the mix with the other pickups might be fun. The SHO type buffer draws very little current, so won't mind running from same battery.
  22. I use a sansamp paradriver,, never got into making small stuff really. Tap up BCer Nick, or possibly Umph, who are my go to people if I need custom things made. Or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Doppelg%C3%A4nger-Effects/210523849037516?ref=ts&fref=ts Basically, if you don't need tone shaping a Super Hard on style buffer is all you need. Very simple.
  23. Traditional bass cabs had a fairly bright speakers theme, what with them being the same as guitar speakers. Numbers over sound is a more recent thing.
  24. I think malmsteen claimed he just practised that much.
  25. Only one octave away from a sensible bandwidth for electric bass though.
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