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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. Whats the flying V in the background? Know someone after a flying V shaped bass.
  2. Bumping this, I went to see it, I liked, but I really don't have space for the cabs. Plenty of variety of sounds and lots of interesting options and potential on the head. Good range out of the cabs due to the tweeter.
  3. Probably not what you are after but [url="http://www.wishbass.com/"]http://www.wishbass.com/[/url] I love my Wishbass, I'll probably bring it to the meet up in Bristol. Would seriously consider [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Fretless-Five-String-Curly-Funky-Maple-Wishbass_W0QQitemZ130183339789QQihZ003QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] if it wasn't a 5 string.
  4. These are good, I have one, I paid the same for it and consider it a bargain.
  5. [quote name='stevebasshead' post='102773' date='Dec 11 2007, 04:36 PM']Not unless a previous owner has rewired it The Ric-o-Sound socket is wired at the factory with the bridge pickup going to the tip and the neck pickup going to the ring on a stereo 6.3mm plug. Interesting, do you run mono cables in both sockets? I'm thinking that if you do then only the bridge pickup will be coming out of the Ric-o-Sound socket. I'm not an electronics expert but I suspect that, when you have the pickup selector switch either in the middle position or bridge-only selected then you'd be sharing the bridge pickup over two outputs - wouldn't that send a weaker signal down both cables? Not sure, anyone know? Either way, if you're happy with the results - enjoy [/quote] Mine isn't a Rik, its a P bass with an extra pickup at the neck (like Sheehans wife) and two outputs, I was looking about trying to find out how the Rik trick was done, now I found out it isn't done how I thought it was, can somone figure the electrickery to do that? Otherwise I'll just have to put a switch in to make it switchable to single mono output (stereo seems kinda wrong, dual mono seems more accurate).
  6. Got spare Jazz body? Just decided I'm after one, with a p neck on it ideally.
  7. [quote name='Buzz' post='101801' date='Dec 9 2007, 05:27 PM']What I want: A time machine, or at least something that stops time for a period. What I'll be getting: Money, chocolate, chocolate money, probably underwear and a few items of clothing.[/quote] I realised that if I had a time machine that could freeze time for an hour or something, I'd use it for a lie-in almost every morning. Possibly because I am posting pointess crad on internet forums at half twelve instead of sleeping then.
  8. OK, I'm pretty curious about what you didn't get one with. Only niggle I have is the lack of top horn means it hangs in such a way my left arm is way out to get to the low end, but everything else is totally happy. Especially the varitone switch, gonna make one for another bass at some point.
  9. [quote name='Davetbass' post='101398' date='Dec 8 2007, 03:56 PM']Could it not also be that you are extremely tight!! If they drove the price up to a whole 10 quid it`s probably still worth it for a decent bridge.[/quote] I am extremely tight.As soon as I see a dodge looking bid trying to push me up I stop bidding. Also, my policy is put down my max right away, if someone wants to pay more they can have it.
  10. If you look at the dates I put first bid in. The main point being, why bid .99, as even someone bidding a whole number will beat you, hence why people bid x.06 so you can be that 6 pence ahead of a round figure.
  11. I thouth they had cunning jiggery pokey with one lead give both pickups to that, and if you plug in two, it splits them, kinda like actives switch off when you unplug. I run two outputs on my bass, one through fx and one clean, and use the fx in and blend on my juggernaut pedal to combine them.
  12. Is this the place to point out people who get someone else to drive the bid price up? Its pretty obvious when somone bids x.99 that they aren't hoping to win. Heres an example: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=330195063652&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT&ih=014"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...W:IT&ih=014[/url] Incarante is me: catherineh5281( 82Feedback score is 50 to 99) £5.99 08-Dec-07 11:01:07 GMT catherineh5281( 82Feedback score is 50 to 99) £5.99 08-Dec-07 10:57:04 GMT incarante( 66Feedback score is 50 to 99) £5.55 07-Dec-07 20:52:13 GMT catherineh5281( 82Feedback score is 50 to 99) £4.99 08-Dec-07 10:56:48 GMT Starting Price £3.99 03-Dec-07 11:15:09 GMT
  13. Well, I've got the white Mockingbird that used to be yours, and you mentioned wanting it back in the basses owned thread, but I think you've got something else from Lorne thats the same but better though.
  14. [quote name='SJA' post='97189' date='Dec 1 2007, 12:28 PM']has this been discussed yet? -Fernandes Burny- [url="http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ikebe/0000084525.html"]http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ikebe/0000084525.html[/url] [/quote] Love the combo of pink and skull and crossbones.
  15. [quote name='Shockwave' post='100484' date='Dec 6 2007, 08:06 PM']Eugene is a fantastic bassist unfortunatly he is one of the worst salesman i have ever met. But i get on with him well and has allways time to talk even though i barely buy anything from rikkaxe! I can understand why sound control search. If you knew the amount of money that sound control lose every year in Bristol then you would understand why they do it. I never liked drum bank, Never liked the shop and the staff are pretencious dicks in my opinion. My fave though is electric ladyland, Steve and i are very good friends and allways lets me try his private stock out. Sure he has very big problems trying to keep the business afloat, But if we ever lose him then that would be the last in the line of proper "gigging" shops.[/quote] They have a pretty funny combo of people in Rikkaxxe. Eugene is sitting there waiting for an excuse to play basses, at one point every bass had a sign on it saying ask for a demo. I brought my wishbass in for him to try and he sat playing it till other guy (Rich?) wandered over and cleared his throat in no uncertain terms. Selena is also in a league of her own too, I can't not smile every time I see her. Getting on with Steve in Electric Lady Land seems to involve agreeing everything is sh!t, and occasionally prompting him with something else for him to tell you is sh!t until eventually he lets you into his magic room with the actually nice instruments in. Edit: rant spelling
  16. Had pretty poor service in sound Control. Came in with £300 and my bass to get my first propper amp. They searched my gig bag on the way in, in case I made a switch, and asked why I had my bass, I told them. No-one ooffered to show me any amps. So I missioned to another shop, Drum Bank (which has a guitar/bass oriented bit) and the guy enthused about ashdowns till I bought one. When my driving housemate came to pick it up, he described me and the shop dude said, 'Ah, the guy with that nice Peavey bass'. Thats what we need. Also, big up Eugene in Rikkaxxe, with his bounless enthusiasm for bass. He does look kind of dissapointed whenever I buy guitar strings (for seorting other peoples instruments).
  17. I very nearly bought a Cube100 but there was an offer on Ashdown 180-15 so I scored the more watts and used the change for a multi fx. Not convinced I went the right way whenever I need to lug the thing.
  18. Why not take it apart a bit and have a look, since you are going to replace anyway. Worst case is you lose tone control for shipping time.
  19. I don't get as excited by amp, but effects and basses, damn. Poorness and tightfistedness are pretty major influences though. I know I can do a lot to a cheap bass myself to bend it to my will. Electrickery is beyond me, so a good amp would cost me many pennies, but I'd be playing my hot rodded Johnson pbass through it. Cabs however are a problem, I getting the set, so far 2x12, 1x15 and 4x10.
  20. This is local to me and I suggested the guy put it up here. I think I might have to punch myself in the nuts for not going a little into my overdraft to own a P bass the same age as me.
  21. Apparently Solid Alder bodies too. Tempted to project, hope someone gives me the lowdown first.
  22. Back to youtube videos, when my mates realised I was getting pretty serious at learning to play bass, they kept sending me links to youtube w***fests. I did pick up lots of odds and end of technique from using them, my time spent without any sort of band I spent practicing technique ('broadening my tonal palette' is the pretentious term I think), but not many I could actually listen to as music. One I did like though was Fingersmoran stuff, bass and drums, did enjoy that, would pick up an album if I saw one browsing. All the same people that sent me those links get annoyed when play something widdly though, which I totally enjoy, but it is generally confined to the bedroom, on my own, and my wrist aches afterward.
  23. I totally think you should buy them this: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160183834373&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=006"]Bass[/url] its skinny neck is ideal for tiny hands. Also, I need to buy food and pay rent.
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